Black and Blue

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Mother said 'straight ahead. Not to delay or be mislead'. Blaine should've heeded her advice.

"Look at what we got here, boys!" He heard a brash, course voice holler. "We got some rich bastard crossing through our turf." Blaine cringed, staring at his outfit choice and subsequently cursing at himself for wearing such beautiful clothes at night, in the shady alleyways of Lima.

Sometimes Blaine questioned whether leaving the house, or even living, was worth all the hassle. Multiple times he'd considered ending his life. At least then, he reasoned, he would go with dignity, rather than a residual blood stain on the sidewalks of Lima, from one of his many assaults.

You see, Blaine looked big and tough, but he would struggle to harm a butterfly. His problem was that people knew that. Lima was a small town, and it was usually the same people assaulting him. They were on a last name basis.

I know what you're thinking; why didn't Blaine ever tell the police? His school? Well that has one simple answer. They don't care. He had tried to report the hate crimes against him multiple times, but their answer was just that if you're gay, you're going to be beaten up. Nothing they can do about it. Blaine argued with a particularly harsh policeman that what if they ended up killing him? He replied, "then we'll deal with your dead body." That sent a shiver down his spine.

"Karofsky, Azimio... minions," he greeted, giving a nervous 'sup' head nod to each.

"What are you doing crossing through a dark alleyway all by yourself, faggot?" Karofsky taunted, spitting the last word.

Blaine hated that word. He couldn't escape it. He heard it enough at school, he didn't need it from the town bullies.

"Please don't call me that," he whispered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Karofsky roared.

"I said don't call me that!" Blaine fought back.

"Listen, faggot," Blaine gritted his teeth, seething, "I'll call you whatever I damn well want." Azimio punctuated this with a swift punch to Blaine's jaw. It had such force behind it that it spun Blaine around and then downed him instantly.

Blaine groaned.

Karofsky picked him up by his hair, eliciting a scream from Blaine's swelling lips, and delivered a punch, then a knee to the stomach, so fast that Blaine didn't have time to react between them.

He fell to his knees, coughing and spluttering.

Someone, he didn't see who, kicked his docile body over, so that his head smacked, face first, into the gravel ground.

"Aw sorry, Anderson, did that hurt?" Blaine didn't respond. He had discovered that the best thing to do this situation was to let it happen. He was never going to overpower them, and he didn't want to anger them by fighting back.

He was kicked again, this time in the ribs. "ANSWER ME!"

Blaine flopped. He no longer had control of anything. Azimio hauled him up by the collar of his jacket, and boxed him around the ears. Blaine screamed at the pain. He couldn't hear. Everything sounded like it was underwater. There was this ringing sound that he just couldn't shake. He was thrown back on the ground, again, face first.

Karofsky grabbed the back of his head and started grinding Blaine's face into the small stones on the ground.

"HEY! LET HIM GO!" Everyone stopped to turn and look, except for Blaine who was panicking that his own blood was dripping  down into his eyes.

The new arrival used this opportunity to assess the situation. Asshole leader, his beta and a bunch of other lowlifes who were only really there because they were afraid of their alpha.

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