Veteran ~ Klaine AU

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I miss him.

I ache with how much I miss him; his face, his warm body, his comfort; him.

He left me. He left me alone with Audrey.

What the hell was he thinking? I can't raise our child alone!

But I know what he was thinking. Work on Broadway pays very little unless you're already famous, and Kurt hadn't had time to do shows and take care of his daughter. The biz is tough. As soon as they found out that Kurt had a child, he was laid off.

Then there's Blaine. Blaine had worked at a top notch law firm, but only managed to be an actual lawyer for two weeks before his homophobic boss demoted him to coffee maker, paying him less than minimum wage, when he found the two men in a heated embrace, in Blaine's office. Blaine had never received a full lawyer's salary.

Then there's Audrey, named after the incredible Audrey Hepburn. Kurt loved her with all his soul. She was absolutely gorgeous. She was playful and had a surprisingly strong singing voice for a four year old.

"Papy! Catch me if you can!" Kurt's reverie was shattered when Audrey's little voice rang through the small house. "Papy, papy, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!"

Kurt giggled and succumbed to the temptation to run after his daughter, as she scampered around the house.

Kurt was thankful, however, when the doorbell interrupted their game, because he was already exhausted.

"Audrey! Stop for a second! I have to get the door."

Kurt padded over to the front door, sadness overwhelming his small body when a soldier was revealed.

"Mr Kurt Anderson-Hummel?"

"Please tell me he's okay."

"Is your daughter around?"

"Audrey, go upstairs into mine and daddy's room and play some music. Loudly."

"Why, papy?"

"Please, honey, just do it." She complied, regretfully making her way up the stairs.

When the military man made a move to speak, Kurt hushed him, waiting for the music to be heard before he let him continue.

"Captain Anderson-Hummel has been declared missing in action."

Kurt let out a pained cry.

"How long?"

"He has been gone for nearing a month now."

"Oh my god, no!" Kurt's body racked with his sobs.

"Kurt, I'm trying to be professional here... Screw it. Come here." Noah Puckerman held his arms out, and and Kurt easily fell into them.

"Kurt, this doesn't mean he's dead. We just don't know where he is."

"You remember how to get to my dad's right?"

"Of course I do."

"Take Audrey. Please. Tell them the situation, but Audrey can't know."

"Kurt, you shouldn't be alone."

"Let me mourn, Noah!"

Puck sighed. He gave up.


Kurt collected Audrey and handed her over to his friend, smiling a horribly fake smile as he did so.

As soon as the door slammed shut, he broke down, back sliding helplessly down the door, vision blurred from tears, hands clutched over his heart and gripping his clothes in fists. He didn't know what to do with himself.

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