Heroes ~ Klaine, Spiderman AU

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So this is loosely based on Andrew Garfield Spiderman, but Karen and Happy Hogan from Tom Holland's Spiderman exists and is ready to sass. There are kind of spoilers I guess but only about what one of the creatures looks like. That's it. 

It's very long (4 pages on word), but is not ridiculously detailed, more action based. This is very much an experiment. I've not done anything like this before. Please let me know what you think and how effective it is. Ty x


"So, you go to Dalton Academy for Science and Technology," Kurt stated as he kicked at the yellowing leaves around his feet. "That means you're super smart." Kurt took a bite from the hotdog he would never usually let himself eat. He didn't want to seem ungrateful to Blaine. It was only their third proper date, and he knew Blaine didn't have a job to pay him money.

Blaine chuckled, dropping his head, picking at the ketchup and mustard soaked bread of his own hotdog bun. "That's very sweet of you, but I don't think of myself like that. More as someone who is terrible at picking up on social cues but can talk about quantum physics until someone shuts me up."

Kurt raised his perfectly manicured eyebrow in questioning response. "Wow, I feel really inadequate."

"Nononono Kurt stop." Blaine gently grabbed Kurt by the waist. Kurt willingly stopped but displayed the sassy scowl he was so famous for, crossing his arms. "Kurt, I think you are beautiful, and clever, and talented, and... I really like you," Blaine confessed, brushing his boyfriend's already perfect hair upwards with two fingers.

Kurt allowed himself to grin widely. He loved hearing Blaine say that. "I really like you too." But then Kurt's smile started to falter. Blaine noticed.

"Kurt, what's wrong?"

"Why do you always disappear on me, Blaine?" Blaine's face fell. "You left the school dance early, you blew me off on our last date on Sunday." The hair on Blaine's arms stood on end; the hair on the back of his neck went too. 'God, no' Blaine thought. 'Please not now. Any time but now.'

As if on cue his earbud pulsed, and a voice rung out in his ear. "Blaine? It's action time. Disturbance in Central Park. It's go-time, kid."

Blaine sucked in a sharp breath. "So here's the thing-"

"Oh, no don't you dare," said Kurt, tearing up already. Blaine had done this on every date they had been on, and was starting to think he had done something wrong. "You cannot get out of this conversation, Blaine Anderson!" Blaine tossed what was left of his soggy hotdog in the trash, and pulled Kurt close to him, holding him tightly and planting a deep, desperate kiss to his lips. Blaine didn't know it was possible to feel both so happy and so utterly pissed off with himself at the same time. With closed eyes, Blaine pulled Kurt's forehead to his own and whispered:

"I love you... I'm so sorry."

Before Kurt could open his eyes, Blaine was gone, and no matter how hard he looked or how frantically he searched, Blaine was gone. Kurt cried to himself, wrapping his arms around his own torso. From his hiding spot on top of a building, Blaine watched as Kurt's body shook, and he frantically wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Happy, I swear to god, it better be an evil lizard monster terrorising the city. If it's just another dine and dash, I'm going to tase you with my webs."


"So, Karen," Blaine began, addressing his suit, "sit rep. What's happening?"

"An evil lizard monster is terrorising the city."

"Geez, Karen, way to rub it in."

"Sorry, Blaine. I was practicing humour. When you stopped that school bus from crashing into that police car, you said it would make things easier."

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