Trapped ~ Klaine AU

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"Blaine Anderson, if you look at that clock one more time, you will be in the detention for the next three weeks! Do you understand me?" Blaine jolted and shook himself out slightly.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am," he whispered, but, truth be told, he wasn't sorry. He was terrified. Ever since fifth period, he had weird feeling in his stomach. Something felt wrong: something didn't sit right. He had long ago decided that something was wrong.

Blaine fidgeted in his seat again, itching to look at the clock. He couldn't get the looming feeling of foreboding out of his system.

Whilst Mrs Atkinson had her back to the students and Blaine hurriedly checked the time.

Only twenty four minutes into the lesson. Are you kidding me?

Blaine tapped his pen on his desk in quiet rage until he got a nasty glare from Artie. "Blaine. Stop. Man, you have any idea how annoying that is?"

"Something's wrong," Blaine replied, blank faced.

"What are you talking about?"

"I just know it. I can feel it."

"You need to calm down."

"I need Kurt," Blaine blurted. "I can't be in here. I need him." So, Blaine stood up to do just that.

"Blaine Anderson, you are holding my last nerve. If you don't be quiet and sit still-"

Then there was silence.

And then so much noise.

Alarms blared, kids screamed and pushed each other, and Blaine could only hear his heartbeat, everything else fuzzy as if he was underwater.

Only three things registered: Alarms. Screaming. Fire.

And so returns the damming sense of doom.

The Hobbit haired boy stumbled along to the outside canteen (which doubled as the fire assembly point). Without processing what was going on, he was embraced by an abnormally pale Tina Cohen-Chang. He ignored her words completely, only uttering one, himself: "Kurt."


"Where's Kurt?"

"He's not here." Blaine's head immediately snapped towards the school, which had long since been vacated. He stared at the fire bursting out from the open windows.

"Blaine, don't you dare! Don't you dare try and play hero!" Tina pushed, trying to knock some sense into her crush - ahem... friend.

But, of course, who was he to listen?

Blaine ripped his arms free and galloped towards the nearest door.

"KURT?!" he wheezed, spluttering at the black smoke flying ominously around the hallway, thick, like a blanket.

"HELP ME, SOMEONE PLEASE!" was screamed, followed by harsh and desperate knocks on the locker doors. "I CAN'T BREATHE IN HERE! PLEASE!"


"Kurt! I'm coming, I swear!"

"Blaine! I can't-" he cut himself off with his own barking cough.

"Get as low as you can in the locker! I'm gonna try to open the lock!" As soon as he gave the order, Kurt obliged, but with only minimal relief, as he could barely move.

It took another thirty seconds, but the lock finally clicked and the door swung open, leaving Kurt to slump onto Blaine in a thankful and barely concious mess.

Blaine cried tears of relief, and slung his boyfriend's right arm over his left shoulder. "It's not far, I promise. You're going to be fine."

The two boys persevered, seeing the metal bars of the outwards opening doors.


Panting, the door finally swung open and the pair collapsed on the outside gravel.

Kurt's eyes rolled backwards, ridding Blaine of his previous relief. He muttered to himself whilst checking his pulse. "No. We got so far. I'm not gonna lose you. I love you. I'm not gonna lose you."

Pulse. Kurt had a pulse. His trouble was breathing. For once, Blaine didn't care about the huge crowd surrounding them. He didn't even think about people's reactions. He just did it. He filled his own lungs with air, and pushed it into Kurt's. The kiss of life. That's all he could think of. No amount of prayer or tears could make him okay. Blaine had the power to do so, and, dammit, he would make him okay if it was the last thing he'd ever do.

His heart soared when Kurt's eyes reopened. Ignoring the spluttering following it- and against his better judgement- Blaine easily scooped his boyfriend up in his arms and held him close, sobbing into his neck.

"Ohmygod, Kurt. I was so scared. You weren't breathing. You were dead. Never do that again. Please. I love you so much. Oh, Jeez."

"Shh, it's okay. I love you. Shh. I'm okay." His voice was hoarse, but he was breathing. That's all the mattered.

Blaine inspected Kurt's blackened skin and carded his fingers through Kurt's chestnut hair. Unusually, Kurt didn't care.

"I thought I was going to have to say goodbye."

"I thought I made it very clear, Blaine Anderson, that I am never saying goodbye to you."


*Peers around from behind a door* Can I come into the out now?

Is it safe?

Hope you enjoyed that very angsty oneshot. There was a fire drill at my school today and everyone was so nonchalant, saying 'wouldn't it be great if there was an actual fire! Maybe we could go home!' and it kinda got me thinking.

In case you haven't guessed, this is kinda AU in which Kurt still gets bullied whilst Blaine is at the school and McKinley has caught alight.

Thank you so much to the people who have read and voted for my little stories. I love hearing feedback, so comments are more than welcome. If you don't want to, that's perfectly understandable. Maybe you could recommend my story to someone else? Your choice.

As always, thanks so much to those of you who read my oneshots! It means so much to me.

Sorry I haven't been updating very frequently. In February alone I have had 3 auditions for colleges, 2 shows and tons of exams in school, so forgive me for taking a while. I promise, I am trying to get better at frequent updates.

Right-o. I'm gonna go!

Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/day. I hope to see y'all very soon!

Stay groovy!

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