Bad news ~ Klaine AU

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I'm back! Get ready to sob

Warnings: domestic violence and bad news

"Honey, I'm home!"

When there was no response, Kurt started to worry. Blaine was always there to greet him.

"Blaine? Baby are you there?" Kurt wondered around his house, his heart beating faster and faster. "Blaine, baby, you're scaring me."

Eventually, Kurt found Blaine in the study, although he didn't immediately see the tears running down his husband's face. "Oh, Blaine, you scared me!" Kurt made to kiss him, but with all the strength he could muster, Blaine shoved him away. "Blaine, what is wrong with you?"

"I trusted you, Kurt," he uttered, shoulders shaking with sobs.

"Baby, I-"

"Don't you fucking 'baby' me, you piece of shit!"

"Woah, Blaine! Can you please-"

"I know what you did, Kurt!" He screamed, standing up from his chair suddenly, making it tumble to the ground. Kurt could feel his heart beat faster again. This wasn't like Blaine. His Blaine was kind and gentle. He observed Blaine once more. He noted his heaving chest, his clenched fist, his grinding jaws, his stone cold, glassy eyes, bloodshot and lined with red. Kurt started to panic. Surely there was no way he could've found out. And even if he did, this was surely not how he would react.

"So firstly because of your toxic masculinity, I had to be your loving househusband. I wasn't allowed any male friends. I wasn't allowed a job of any kind. I had to be home whenever you got back from work because the first thing you have to do is screw me. Then I find out you've been screwing someone else."

Kurt's heart stopped rapidly beating, and stood still for a few seconds. Fuck. Shit. Oh, Blaine.


"Don't you try to talk your way out of this one," Blaine seethed, shoving Kurt against the adjacent wall. For the first time in their ten year marriage and fifteen year relationship, Kurt felt terrified of Blaine.

"Blaine, what has gotten into you?"

Blaine punched the wall right next to Kurt's head.

"I hacked your computer, Kurt. I had my suspicions, and I was right. I saw all your texts! Who is Sam?"

"Blaine, I don't know what you're talking about!"

Having finally had enough, Blaine grabbed Kurt by the throat. Kurt's eyes widened. Fuck.

"Don't you fucking lie to me, Hummel! Who is it?"

Barely able to wheeze out a response, he replied, panicked. "It's Sam Sam from McKinley!"

Blaine released, in a red hot rage. "My best friend."

Before either men could blink, Blaine had kneed Kurt in the stomach and delivered a swift punch to the back. Kurt coughed and spluttered, weakly trying to stand again. Blaine flipped his body over with his foot and set it down possessively on Kurt's ribcage. He looked down on his husband and watched his nose trickle with blood, set at a peculiar angle. He watched Kurt cry, his eyes wide and scared. For a brief second, Blaine saw himself on the floor with his father standing on top of him in the exact same way.

Blaine suddenly felt as though he was underwater. He couldn't breathe, and the room swayed. His vision started disappearing in black dots, and he passed out.

Kurt sat for a second, processing. Blaine wasn't breathing.


"Mister Anderson, I'm afraid you have a tumour in your brain."

Blaine's mind drew a blank. He couldn't think. He couldn't breathe. Kurt was too busy asking questions to breathe.

"It explains the uncharacteristic outburst of anger that caused you to attack your husband earlier."

"I attacked him..." Blaine uttered. "I don't know what happened. I attacked him." Blaine looked to Kurt. "I'm so so so sorry, Kurt," he sobbed into his lover's chest. "I love you, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

Kurt didn't know how to respond. It wasn't Blaine's fault, but could he trust him again? Would he ever feel safe around him again? Could he still have love for Blaine?

Oooooh cliffhanger. Typical me to be gone for months and then bring y'all something sad. Sorry! I wasn't gonna add the second bit in, but i thought it was just so not Blaine that he had to have a reason at least. So what did you all think?

Anyway, gots to go. I love you all. Thank you so much for sticking with me, even after my massive hiatus.

Stay groovy!

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