Oblivious ~ Klaine AU

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Thank you so much to @bowties_and_scarves for giving me the idea and also the inspiration to write again.

In this oneshot, they're not (yet) dating. It's super rushed but im tired oops

No warnings


Stay groovy!


"Yes! Take that, Anderson!" Kurt yelled. "I told you I could bowl!"

Blaine's jaw all but hit the floor, as he watched each pin speedily throw itself to the floor. 

"But... but... but!"

"Yeah, butt, butt, butt. You best watch yours, Blainers, 'cause I'm kicking it!"

"How the hell do you get five strikes in a row?!"

"With great skill," Kurt teased.

"Teach me?" 

"I couldn't do that! A great magician never reveals his secrets."

"Pwease...?" Blaine poked his bottom lip out and batted his eyelids. Kurt looked at Blaine, only meaning for it to be a fleeting glance, but his eyes unwillingly locked with Blaine's. For a short second, Kurt felt as though he couldn't breathe. 

"How could I resist that face?" Blaine's face suddenly brightened up.

Kurt picked a ball for Blaine and presented it to him, grabbing his coke and taking a sip. Blaine took the ball from him, haphazardly jamming his fingers in place. "Damn it, Kurt I can't get my fingers in. The holes are too tight." 

Kurt all but choked on his drink trying  contain his laughter.

"Oh, you absolute child!" Blaine spluttered, failing to keep a straight face himself, confidently striding over to the ball rack and placing the old ball down, grabbing a slightly heavier one with bigger holes. 

"Now teach me, you weirdo."

Kurt positioned himself closely behind Blaine, showing him the correct way to swing his arm in order for the ball to maintain a straight course. "Oh my god. Boobs, vaginas, old people", Kurt thought to himself as Blaine's butt rubbed against him just so. "Oh my god. Boobs, vaginas, old people!" Blaine desperately chanted to himself inwardly as he felt a specific part of Kurt becoming more and more prominent. Just as Blaine raised his leg to step forward, he heard a shout of "Oi, lovebirds!" 

The shock sent Blaine's foot over the line where they start waxing the lanes, sending them both flying to the floor with an almighty crash. Both boys started crying with laughter on top of each other. That was until they heard someone clearing their throat above them. Kurt knew was this meant and immediately went into panic mode, pushing himself off of Blaine and protecting his head with his arms, curling into a ball on the floor. Blaine recognised this instantly and knew it would escalate quickly. Stroking his hair so gently you'd think he was a china doll, Blaine whispered to Kurt, "hey, no, it's okay. Look who's here."

Slowly unfurling, Kurt looked up at Nick, Jeff, Trent and Wes, his face softening. "I'm sorry... reflex..." he said, a lone tear rolling down his cheek. Without even blinking, Blaine wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. 

"You never have to be sorry for that."

The new onlookers shared a look. They had to do something to get them together. 

Later that evening, the boys were sharing a games night in the Dalton Warblers common room. It was getting pretty late, and only a few boys were left. Nick, Jeff, Blaine and Kurt. They decided that it was time. Operation Klaine was in order. 

"Nyaaaaaah!" Nick yawned over dramatically, logging off the computer they were playing music from. "I think it's time for bed," he said, affectionately kissing his boyfriend's shoulder. Jeff smiled warmly back at him. 

"Agreed," piped Blaine, fanning his mouth with his hand. 

"It's so late."

"Hey, Kurt, Blaine, what's that out the window? In the forest?" Full of newfound intrigue, the two aforementioned boys jogged across the room to the window, staring out of it intently. It wasn't until they felt the cold metal against their skin that they even realised anything was amiss. 

"Oh, Nicky, you cheeky asshole!"

"Dunno what you're talking about," he chimed, walking away whistling in faux innocence. 

"You know you're not getting out of here until you confess how you really feel to each other."

"Really Jeff?"

"Nicky's rules! And honestly it's painful watching all your bullshit. Just do it already!" He exclaimed, slamming the wooden door behind him. 



"I guess if that's what they're waiting for then they're gonna be here a while, right?"

"What?" Blaine questioned, somewhat hurt.

"Well I mean of course I - you know- but you don't  so..." Kurt mumbled almost incoherently.

"What are you talking about? Are you blind? I've been giving off hints for months now! I was starting to question your sexuality."

"Wait... really?" After all his years of being the butt of the joke, Kurt tended to find it hard to see his appeal to others.

"Yes, really!" 

"Jesus, Anderson, all you had to do was this," Kurt exclaimed, smashing his lips to Blaine's. The feeling was completely surreal. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. Both boys were euphoric.

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