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Sorry for those who did not pick up later that this story is not a Ricky/Amy (RAMY) story.  Their situation is only a side story to the main character's Ben/Leo.  This story is about a father who must try to reconnect with his son, and a young man who has learned to live without the people that he once loved. So if you missed it in the previous sections "THIS IS NOT A RAMY TWU WUV STORY"

 To those who gave comments thank you for liking this story, I have had it in mind for a while, but thought it was both to cruel and dark.  However my best friend believed it was perfect, and after Brenda gave her ending, he paid me even more too finish it with the original ending.  To Queen of swords yes, you are right on the money.  Since HATER'S OF BEN (RAMY FANS) hated most of anything he did I took out the thing that made him do that.  Many perceived him as a villain so I made him THE VILLAIN HE WOULD BE not the villain they wanted him to be.  

I would also like to apologize for the chapter chunking I will have to do, since many of the chapters could not be produced according to the time of the dates, of the holidays.  The next 3 chapters will combine issues in the show that Ben will have with Alice/Henry,  Bunny, and Amy which will alter their feelings for him as well as re-introduce a former villain of the show.

Boykewich Int. Headquarters
Office of Acting C.E.O. Ben Helen
October 1, 2024
11: 30 PM (Lunch Hour)

Nora: Ben you have some visitor's their not scheduled, but I was wondering if it's okay to let them in ?

Ben:  It depends, who is it Nora?

Henry:  No one just your two best friends in the world.

Alice:  Who are both upset with you for just disappearing on us for the past eight years, six month's, 2 weeks, and four days.

Ben:  (looks up and is in shock to see them, at the same time his disposition about them has not changed)  Alice, Henry, it has been a long time how are the both of you?  It's alright Nora.

Alice: (looks at Ben's face, and for the first time see's the resemblance he has with his grandfather.  As kids they all saw pictures of him around the mansion, but she never really cared for them he was so stern, and strict looking.  Alice thought he looked angry and sad.  Now for the first time she saw his likeness in Ben perfectly.  She wondered what this change would mean for her and Henry's friendship with Ben)  Ben you look so different.

Henry:  Yeah, I agree being gone has had some nice side effects on you, but I could say the same thing.  (referring to his beard as well, and also his increase in muscle but not height)

Alice:  I think we could all say that Henry.  (rubs her now 7 month pregnant belly, of their second child)

Ben:  Yes, I see you two are working on your second bundle.  Congratulations.

Henry:  Yeah, we are very happy.  At least when we were making it. (jokes)

Alice:  Well, you were at least. (jokes back)

Henry:  Yeah, well you never complained.

Alice:  Of course I didn't, I do that in private. (jokes again)

Ben:  It's nice too see you two didn't let marriage destroy that friendship you shared.

Henry:  No, we didn't.  Speaking of marriage we are disappointed in you for not being there.

Alice:  Yeah, we were both depending on you standing as our witness.

Ben:  Well, I'm glad you two didn't let my absence stop you from being together.  If anyone deserved to be together and be happy it was you two.  (is very serious)

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