Same Ole Same Ole

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KITCHEN AREA Amy & Kathleen stand in the kitchen talking as Kathleen prepares a ligth dinner for the boys of ravioli garlic bread, and chocolate pudding.

Amy: Hi Kathleen, how are you? (hugs Kathleen)

Kathleen: (accepts the hug) I'm fine Amy how are you?

Amy: Worried. I honestly have no idea why Ricky wants to be alone with me, or why he doesn't want the boys around. Do you have any idea, as to what is going on?

Kathleen: I'm sorry Amy I wish I did, but I don't. All I know is Ricky called up George and asked if we could keep the boys so he could be alone with you. Maybe it isn't bad. Perhaps he just wants some alone time with you. I mean you did tell me that it has been awhile since you two actually did anything together.

Amy: I wish that was all it was Kathleen, but I know it's not. From the way he spoke to me, it sounded very urgent. I hope it's nothing that serious, but from how things are going I think it might be.

Kathleen: Amy I know things have been a little rough on the two of you with John, but it can't be that bad. Can it?

Amy: I honestly think it is. I mean we love each other, and our boys, but for some reason that spark that we had is gone. It's weird because we aren't old like you and Dad are.

Kathleen: Hey, your dad, and I are not that old.

Amy: You know what I mean Kathleen. Your marriage is only a year and half older than mine and Ricky's and you two still act like newly weds. You two are in your late fifty's.

Kathleen: (becomes offended) Hey I am only fifty, and your dad is only fifty one. So we are not that old. Besides your dad, and I also don't have kids to worry about anymore. Being parents no matter what age makes it difficult for couples to be intimate with one another Amy. The only reason George and I can act like this is because all of you are full grown and living on your own independantly. You and Ricky have two boys at home one is only a toddler, and the other is a new teenager with raging hormones, and breaking free of his adolescence. You should have expected there to be some intimacy issues between you and Ricky after all this time.

Amy: I think it's more than that Kathleen. I know that raising both John and Jaimee is hard, but it feels as if Ricky and I have drifted apart. Worst off I think we started drifting apart even before Jamie was born.

Kathleen: Amy, I'm sorry I didn't know it was that bad.

Amy: Neither did I until I just thought about it. (looks sad) Well, I should get home and find out what it is Ricky wants to speak with me about. John! Jamie! You two behave yourselves for your grandmother.

John: (in the living room watching tv instead of doing his homework like he was told.) Okay, MOM! (Looks at his younger brother playing trucks, and looks away annoyed).

Amy: Remember Kathlee John is on total restrictions. No phone, tv, internet, gaming, or junk food.

Kathleen: I know Amy, goodbye and good luck.

Amy: Thanks Kathleen, I hate to say this, but I think I will need it. (They hug and she leaves)

SETTING: A romantic dinner has been made by Grant, as Grace enters having just come from sleeping with her professor for the last time.

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