34 ~ hypothosis

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Still Christmas.

It was time to open presents. Lucas sat on my left, and Maya sat on my right. I got Maya a art set, and I got Lucas a promise ring. I want him to promise to never break my heart, even if we have to break up. But it has to be a good reason.

Maya opened her present from me, and then I opened the present that she gave me. She got me an fabulous dress. It was red that goes down to my knees and its spaghetti strap. It also had some white laces at the bottem.

" Oh Maya! You didn't have to get me this!"

" Yes I did. Your worth anything."

I hugged her and then it was my turn to open Lucas' present. When I opened it, I was super surprised. It was a promise ring. I slid it on my pinky, and then gave him my gift. When he opened it, he looked at me and then the ring.

" Thank you!"

" No thank you."

He slid it on his pinky and then kissed my cheek.

" Lucas!" My dad shouted.

" Sorry sir."

Everyone else opened there present and then it was time for everyone to leave. Well except for Maya, Lucas, Farkle, and Smakle. They are sleeping over. We all went to my room and sat with our boyfriends. Maya was left out. But I didn't just get her the art set. I made Josh come and spend the night with us. Maya didn't know. So she was left out.


" Oh, Maya. How about you get that." I whispered.

She rolled her eyes and got up. My parents were sleeping and Auggie went to Ava's house for a sleepover. Everyone was about to get up when Maya left the room, to see who was at the door. But I stopped them.

" Guys. Josh is here. It's Maya's Christmas present because they haven't seen each other in like 5 months. "

Everyone smiled and then sat back down. Smakle leaned on Farkle's shoulder, and then Lucas and I cuddled, sitting up.

- Maya's P.O.V-

I got to the door and heard a whistling sound. Who is it? I opened the door to reveal a Josh. He had a present bow on his head and had a small bag in his hand. When he saw me, his eyes grew wider and looked at me.  I was super excited that I couldn't keep it in. I jumped on him and kissed him. After we pulled apart, he carried me to Riley's room.

- back to Riley's room -

Lucas started kissing me, IN FRONT OF FARKLE AND SMAKLE. But I love him so kissed back. I heard someone kick the door open and yell...


Oh it's Maya. We pulled apart and looked at Maya and Josh. He was carrying her. But he then put her down.

" come and sit guys." I welcomed.

They sat next to Lucas and Smakle. Smakle and Farkle was near the door. I was near my bed and window, and Josh and Maya sat near my desk. So we were a triangle.

" Hey Josh!" Smakle smiled. " I see your hypothesis for chemistry." She frowned." Your wrong."

" What do you mean?" Josh asked, confused.

" I mean the chemistry of relationships. I don't think that females should be picked off their feet. I think that females are as strong as males-" Smakle said.

" Um. Smakle. Dudets are as strong as dudes but dudes work on their muscles." Maya said.

" THATS NOT TRUE SCIENTIFIC WORDING!" Smakle yelled, adjusting her glasses.

" Well it's enough scientific for me dudet!" Maya stuck her tounge out.

" THAT DOSENT MAKE ANY SENSE!" Smakle flipped out.

Smakle, Josh, and Maya kept on going back and forth on each other. After a while, I was bored of their stupied argument.

" Alright! Alright!" I yelled. " That's enough! How about we play a game. "

" Yeah. " Lucas agreed.

" Perfect." Farkle said.

" I got a perfect game." Maya raised her hand. She smirked at Josh.

" W-what?" Josh said nervously.

" The game is called-"

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