33 ~ missed you

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We talked. Maya and I talked. We talked about my cuts, her running away, her kissing Lucas, and how she got hypnotized by Charlie.

" It's okay Maya, I forgive you."

" And I forgive you."

Jumping to Christmas.

My socks were red and green. My dress had mini snowflakes on them. And I was pumped. Lucas, Maya, Smakle, and Farkle were coming. I don't know about my Uncle Josh though.

" IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I jump on my mom spans dads bed.

" We will be there in a sec. "

I ran over to Auggies room. He wasn't there.



He was sitting next to the Christmas tree in our living room. I ruffle his hair and giggle.

" Hey losers it's Maya." The speaker box went.

" Come on up!" I buzzed her in.

I wanted to make some Christmas cookies so I grabbed all of the ingredients, and started. When I finished making the dough, Maya burst end through the door.


" MAYA!"

I put everything on the counter and run to her. We haven't seen each other in 2 weeks because she went on a trip with Shawn. I saw Farkle yesterday because he went to Topanga's with Smakle while I was there. I haven't seen Lucas in a month because he went to Texas before I became his girlfirend. Oh how I miss him.

Maya and I hugged, and the Smakle and Farkle entered. I released Maya from the hug.

" Hi guys! Merry Christmas! Have a good time at my party. "

" Thanks Riley. Someone wants to talk to you outside, alone." Farkle said.

I nodded and headed outside. It was a guy. He turned around. Oh I missed those green eyes.

" RILEY!!"

" LUCAS!!"

He grabbed my waist and kissed me. I obviously kissed back. I mean like, he's my boyfriend that I haven't seen in a long time. He finally let me go for air.

" I've missed you." He said.

" I missed you too. But why did you leave?"

" I. I uh. I had some business to take care of. "

He walked in, leaving me confused. Did he do something bad?

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