Chapter 18- Amazing Gifts

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(Kristen's P.O.V.)

The cool breeze surrounded us as we walked along the shoreline. It was sunset. The best time of the day to be at the beach.

"It looks beautiful doesnt it?" Carlos asked me turning to look at it. I turned to look as well. It was a gorgeous sight. The pink sky with puffy orange clouds all around. And the sun, slowly making its way behind the wall of the ocean. I breathed in taking in its beauty.

"Its gorgeous." I answered. Carlos decided to bring me to the beach. A great place after all. I love coming here. Besides that park with the lake I would always come here when I was upset. That reminded me of how close to home I was. It sort of frightened me. After what happened today I dont want to see my dad and Carlos in the same place. Ever. I understand Carlos, I really do. I mean I told him my whole life story. He knows everything about me. Yet, I dont know everything about him. Whats his life about? I mean besides coming from Florida and music. We'll need to bond more later on. Right now I really want to enjoy this moment.

"Hey Kristen?"

"Yes Carlos?"

"Do you.."

"Do I what?"

"Umm, do you want to starts heading back?"

For a moment there I thought he was going to ask me something else. I was kind of hoping for him to, you know, ask me out. But I just met him about a week ago, yet I feel like I've known him forever.

"Why so early? We've only been here for about half and hour."

"Yeah, you're right. Lets walk some more."

Everything right now felt so perfect. Carlos has that personality that I've always loved. I feel like he's the perfect guy. But, I dont know. Im confused. I've never fallen in love before. I dont know what it feels like to love someone. You know, besides the way you love a parent or family member. I had a boyfriend once about two years ago. But he broke my heart in a week. Thats probably what it is. Im afraid of getting hurt once more. Carlos doesnt look like one of those guys though.

"Kristen look!" Carlos snapped me out of my train of thought as he jumped up and down pointing out into the sea.

"What what is it!?" I asked him trying to figure out what he was showing me.

"Look closely in that direction." I looked closely towards the way he was pointing. And suddenly I saw it. It was a dolphin jumping up out of the water!

"Aww! A dolphin!'' I suddenly felt the same excitement Carlos felt, jumping up and down and pointing the same way he did. He laughed.

"Oh! Before we leave, I need to give you something!" He reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a rectangular case. He opened it before me. I gasped. It was a necklace. A silver necklace with a blue stone in the shape of a butterfly.

"Carlos. You didnt have to buy me anything-"

"Well technically i had to buy you two things. A graduation present and a birthday present. But I only got you this. Im sorry.''

"Sorry? What for Carlos this is beautiful. I love it. Thank you."

"Youre welcome. Can I?" He took the necklace out of its case and un clipped it.

"Yeah, of course." I grabbed my hair as he placed it around my neck.

"There." He said. "It looks even prettier on you that it did on the case." He smiled. I didnt say anything, just look down and blush.


"AND it matches your dress!"

I looked down at my dress. It did match. I hadnt even noticed I was still wearing it.

"What do you know, it does." I chuckled.

"Its getting kind of cold, do you want my jacket?" He automatically started taking it off.

"No, I'm fine. Lets head back home yeah?"

"Of course. Come on." He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked together to his car. We climbed in and headed back to his place.


I must have fallen asleep on the ride back, because the next thing I knew Carlos was at my side shaking me softly telling me to make up.

"Hey, we're home." He helped me out of my seat. It was dark outside by now.

"I cant believe I knocked out."

"Well you did. And good thing because you missed some boring minutes of traffic." We reached the door of the house and knocked, expcecting James to open it if he was still here. But he didnt. I looked in the window. All the lights were off inside. No lights were on upstairs either. I turned and look towards James' house. All of his lights were off also. Did he leave?

"Here, lets go through the back." Carlos said walking towards the gate that led to his back yard.

"Why dont you just unlock this door?"

"Hmm...thats no fun!"

Whats up with him? I had no way of getting in so I followed him. He opened the gate and allowed me in. Everything was dark. I had never been back here before actually.

"Where are the lights?" I asked him.

''Theyre...somewhere around here." He looked around. Then, all of a sudden, the lights turned on and everyone jumped out from behind tables, walls, and even bushes.


I stood there shocked with my hand covering my open mouth. I felt like crying from excitment. There was a giant banner that read 'Happy Birthday' hanging from the garage. It wasnt even my birthday yet but it didnt matter.

"Happy early birthday." Carlos said softly as he stood next to me.

"I love you guys so much." I choked out between tears of happiness.


Hello everyone! So I know I said I was gonna upload two chapters on Friday, but I did it today yay! This story is just getting started ;) a whole lot of stuff is gonna happen. You will be surprised, some of you will be upset, others happy. But I hope you guys are liking so far! Give me your opinion on these two chapters! Vote, comment your opinions, and share! :D Love you guys! <3

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