Chapter 14- The Fancy Dinner

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(Kristen's P.O.V)

"You enjoying the food?" Carlos looks up from his plate at me.

"Yes, Its delishious! Thank you Carlos. You can really cheer a person up." He brought me to a nice, fancy-ish resturaunt in the middle of Hollywood.

"Well you're welcome!" We both continue eating without saying a word. Its kind of awkward actually. Niether of us know what to say. I want to start a conversation with him, but I don't know how.

", tell me about yourself." I finally said. This is probably the worse question I could've said. But oh well, whats been said has been said.

"Uhhh, well I moved here from Florida about 2 years ago. I still visit my parents over the Holidays sometimes, but most of the years Im here trying to get gigs. Ummm, lets see. Well I love music! And i also act, but I've only gotten either really small parts or commercials."

"Really!? That's really cool! I might have even seen you before on TV and not even remember!"

"Yeah well since their small parts not a lot of people notice."

"Oh, don't worry. Im sure you'll get a really amazing part in a movie or something!" I leaned over and put my hand over his. Well, it kind of got awkward again, so i let go and sat back down to continue on my plate.

"What about you?" He asks me.

"Me?" He nodded. Honestly, I don't know what to say. My life compared to his was crap. And nothing interesting goes on. "Well...I've lived in the same house my whole life. My mom died when I was 9 or 10, and I ended up living with my dad. Which obviously, hasn't gone well. I have family somewhere, but i don't know where, they're probably all scattered around the world. Most of the time I stay after school or go to Lily or Alex's house and hang out with them. That's pretty much it."

I see Carlos' face sink. His light smile faded into a sad smile. I let out a small chuckle to lighten up the mood.

"Sorry, my life is boring."

"No it's not that! I actually think you're a very strong girl and deserve a better life." I love how Carlos cares about me so much, and we've only known eachother for a couple of days. It really shows he's a kind person.

"Thanks, but I can't change the past, you know. What's done is done."

"But you can change the future Kristen. You can change your life. Make it better. You're the one living it, its your choice." He's right. Every word. What Lily said was right. I HAVE been happier since I left my house. This is my future. "That's why I would like it if you moved in with me. I mean, James lives next door. Logan lives down the street, Lily is a couple blocks away. And Kendall is farther but he's around here too. You'll have your own room. And we could all hang out more."

I never noticed that. All of my friends are near his house. They're like my family. They care for me, I don't know what i would do without them.

"You know what, you're right. I'm moving in with you, officially. Im going to have to go back home, pick up the rest of my stuff-"

"No! You don't have to go back. We'll get you knew stuff."

"But Carlo-"

"Nope. But nothing. We'll get you new clothes, shoes, whatever you want. But you're not going back there, ok?"

I sighed. Theres no need in arguing with him. "Thank you. I really don't know what else to say."

"Don't worry about it. It's better this way. Now, shall we be on our way?" He stood up and held his arm out the same way he did when we came here. I stood up, and hugged him tightly. I guess he was kind of shocked, because he took a couple of seconds to hug me back.

"Really, thank you so much Carlos. I don't know what I would do if it weren't for all of you guys." I whispered into his ear as we stood there in eachother's arms. Slowly we pulled away and smiled at eachother. He held his arm out once again, this time I took it. And now we were on our way back home.


Hey guys! I am SOOO sorry i haven't updated in such a long time! :l I had finals last week so I was studying A LOT and I had to catch up on work so I was kind of busy. But im on winter break now! :D So i promise i'll be updating more this month! And im also sorry this chapter is so short, but its pretty much all I thought of for this scene. The chapters to come up will be better! I have the whole this planned out now! :) hope you enjoy it! Love you guys! <3

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