Chapter 1- From Day One

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(Kristen's P.O.V)

The sun slowly peeked its way though my window, making its way in my eyes. I rubbed them and opened them slowly while I smiled. Finally, its the weekend. After a long week worrying about senior stuff at school and arguements with dad, I deserved a nice long rest. But then it hit me...if its Satuday, that means dad didn't go to work.

"Ughhhh!" I groaned while covering my face with my pillow. After my dad being all moody during the week, the most possible guess is that today won't be any different. Its not that I hate dad or anything, but he's kind of...bipolar. Sometimes he's the nicest person you'll ever meet. But others, he can be your worst nightmare come to life.

After laying there on my bed for a while, I decided to get up and get in the shower. Maybe if I quietly got out of the shower and snuck out of the house, I could meet up with one of my friends and hang out? Or I could also walk around the mall like a loner.

As I got out of the shower, dressed and ready to go, I peeked out the door and looked to my right where my dad's room was. The door was open, which meant he was awake.

"Damn it!" I whispered to myself. Well, I was already dressed, might as well try and sneak out anyways. What did I have to lose?

I tiptoed my way down the stairs still on the look out for my dad. The coast was clear. I made a run to the door. But just as I was about to open it...

"Kristen!? Where are you going!?" I hear my dad call from behind me. I slowly turned my head towards him.

"I'm going to Lily's house. We have to study for a test this week and she can't tomorrow." I answered trying to make it sound believable.

"Well, I have the day off. So I was hoping we could, I don't know, hang out?" There was the dad I loved. I smiled at him. Guess he was in a good mood today.

I sighed. "Ok I'll hang out with you today."

I saw him smile back at me. "That's my girl." He opened his arms out and I ran to them and we hugged tightly. Its been a long time since we shared a moment like this. Ever since mom died actually. I hardly remember her, considering the fact that it was around 10 years since she passed away, and I was only 7 at the time. I guess moms death afected dad too much. He's had mood troubles since. Its like he has 2 personalities. This one was the one I loved and missed.

"Dad?" I asked him while still wrapped around his arms.

"What's up kiddo?" I've never brought up mom to him before. But I felt the need to remember something good about her.

"When mom was still alive, did we ever have a nice moment like this?" I felt him slowly pull away from the hug. I looked up at him and saw that his smile had turned into a frown, and that his eyes were staring me down. It was his bad side slowly making its way out.

"Why do you want to know?" He answered me in dead seriousness.

"Well, I hardly remember her, or any of the memories we had together. So I was wondering-"

"Why can't you just let her go!? She's been dead for 10 years now! Forget about her and move on!" He was angry. At what though? All I did was ask a question. I felt my heart pounding in my chest as tears slowly made a trail down my face.

"Do you hate talking about her!? Do you miss her as much as I do!? How could you have changed so much dad!? Before mom died you were such an awesome dad! But when she passed away its like I lost my dad too! Do you hate me or something!? You're always picking fights with me and screaming. You're not my dad. Not the one I loved."

The tears still made their way down. He slowly walked towards me. But then the unexpected. His hand moved up and came down with such great force right on my cheek. My head turned to the side as I held it in pain. I looked at my dads eyes, anger all over them. But slowly, his look of hate turned into a look of sadness.

"Kristen...I'm...I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened to me." He reached for my arms but I pushed him away and ran out the door. I don't know where I was going, or where I'll end up, but at this moment I didn't care. Sure, me and my dad have had arguements before. But he had never laid a hand on me. Ever. Why did he overreact at the thought of mom? I kept running with the tears still there. At this moment, nothing mattered. My world felt so empty. I felt so alone.

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