Chapter 30- In the Clear

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The next morning, we drove to the nearby clinic. The pouring rain continued to fall. We had the DNA test taken, and the doctor told us the results would come in in a couple of days. Carlos and I sat in the back seats of the car, looking out the window. There was this tension going around the entire ride back to the house. Nobody spoke. Complete silence that was only interrupted by the rain. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I checked it. A text from Lily.

hey! hope everything is going well! call soon! we miss you guys love you! :)

I smiled. I really missed them as well. And I missed Kendall. I had a strong urge to call or text him, but I was afraid. Of what, I don't know. Maybe that he'll never forgive me. Or that he wont understand. That he'll hate me forever and never speak to me again. I was about to call Lily when I remembered we were still in the car. And it was still awkwardly silent. So i made a mental note to call and check up on the people back in LA as soon as we got to the house.

When we pulled into the driveway and walked in the house, I headed up to Carlos' room and dialed Lily.

"Hey! Hows it going!?" She said excitedly.

"Good good." I tried sounding as happy and excited as her. "How about you guys?"

"We're fine. Not the same without you guys but cool. Oh! Alex is here! ALEX!"

I quietly chuckled to myself.


"Alex! Hey! How have you been! Where have you been! I haven't seen you in years!" It felt so good to hear his voice again.

"Its only been about a week!"

"Well yeah but in my sense of timing it feels like way more." The door slowly opened and Carlos peeked in.

"Who are you talking to?" He mouthed. I signaled for him to come inside. He took a seat next to me on the bed and I put my phone on speaker.

"Hey you're on speaker 'kay? Get Lily over here and say hi to Carlos!"

We talked to Lily and Alex for about an hour. About life, colleges, the fact that Logan finally asked Lily out and all the cute details of his perfectly-planned-out date. Not once did Carlos or I mention last night's events. When we hung up, we called James right after to check up on him.

"Kendall! Logan! Its Kristen and Carlos!" The moment I heard James call his name I felt nauseous.

"Hey guys! Whats up?" Carlos asked. Him and James talked for a while, while Logan randomly made lame puns or smart comments. Kendall's laugh in the background was the only thing I heard from him.

"When will you guys be back?" Logan asked.

"If this storm clears out, then hopefully tomorrow or the day after."  Carlos replied.

We said our goodbyes and hung up. Carlos had a huge smile pasted on his face. "I really miss them all." He said.

"Yeah, me too. But then again I don't wanna go back."

"I feel you. We can always come back here. Whenever you want. But I'm actually ready to head back."

"When can we?"

"Like I said, as soon as this storm clears out. I mean planes might be leaving but I'll be safer and happier here until its sunny again."

"Touché to that."

We sat in silence, listening to the rain hit the window.

"You know, I can get used to this." He said.

"What? The rain?"

"No, not the rain. Having a little sister. I've always been an only child, you know? And I always wished of having a sibling. The closest thing to a brother I had is James. And now I really do have a sibling."

I had no words to explain to him how much i understood. I'd always been alone. And I had thought about having a brother or sister to go through tough times with and have conversations at night with. Carlos was always open ears to what I had to say. He was my brother all along. And I wasn't even 100% sure of it yet. But at the same time I was.

"Yeah." My voice cracks. "I get you. It just hasn't really hit me yet. Everything's happening so fast it feels like I'm in one of those dramatic movies." Carlos nods understandingly.

"How 'bout we go get some ice cream? Everyone loves ice cream."

"Can't disagree with that because I personally have an addiction."

"So I'm taking that as a yes."

We head out (yes, in the rain), to get ice cream. And as we're walking down the street,  I realize just how not-awkward we really are. Our personalities blend well together. 

   Thank god we never kissed or anything. I think. I wouldn't be able to even look at him right now if that had ever happened.

"The storm should have passed by tomorrow. Do you want to go back?" I ask him. Carlos looks up from his chocolate cone.

"Sure. Why not." We get up and start walking back to the house, the sun now peeking out from the dark stormy clouds.  I'd never seen it rain this way, back in LA. I look at Carlos, happily licking his cone. 

"Carlos?" I ask him as I look down at my own strawberry swirl. 

"Hm? What's up?"

I take a moment to gather my words. What was I going to say? "Are you scared?" Seriously. Is that really my question?

"Scared? Nah. I'm used to these kinds of storms. It's actually very usual here in Flo-"

"No, not the storms you dork. I mean...about this." I gesture between us. "I might be a part of your family. My whole life might have been a lie. What do we tell everyone back in LA? What about my dad- I mean..." I wander off and sigh. "What the hell is happening?"

Carlos smiles lightly. First of all, no matter if we're blood related or not, we are family. We'll figure something out, but first things first, ok? We'll get though this." He holds out his pinkie to me. I stare at it through watery eyes.

I blink. "What's this?"

"It's a pinkie promise. Promise me that no matter what, we got each other's backs."

A silent chuckle escapes me. I lift up my pinkie and entwine it with his. "Promise."


Hello my lovelies! It's been a while! :c Sorry I abandoned you guys for so long! I'm now in Uni and am working hard through life! (yay...) Here's the update you've all been waiting for! This story will be ending soon, so I will be updating quite often for the next couple of weeks to wrap things up. Prepare yourselves!! c: comment, like, and share. Most importantly, ENJOY! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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