Chapter 5- Alone Again

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(Kristen's P.O.V)

"Look! I said I was sorry OK!? And I did it for a good cause!" I laughed as Lily kept complaining about leaving her alone with Logan. It was only a couple minutes before she came running and looking for me. Apperantly Logan went home, he did say he lived down the street or something? Maybe we'll drop by later. Besides, I don't want to go home.

"No! It was awkward!" She blushed at the floor. "We just sat there quietly. I bearly even talked to him!"

"Sooo...that means you do like him?" I smirked looking at her while she still faced the floor.

"No! Kristen I don't like Logan...and even if I did, I don't think he would like me back." I giggled. She was so self-aware of her fail at hiding her feelings. I know she has a thing for Logan. It might be only a couple hours ago since we met him, but its possible to have that butterfly feeling the first time you see someone. Obviously, Lily got that feeling. The only problem, was that I think I got that feeling when I met him too.

(Logan's P.O.V)

I skated down the street to my house on the skateboard Kristen got me. It was very kind of her to do something for me when I'm the one that crashed into her in the first place. And who would've thought the first people I met in L.A would be so nice? And girls? Just my luck.

I reached the front door of my house and headed inside.

"Mom, Dad! I'm back!" I walked into the kitchen, the living room, upstairs, no one. Did they leave without me? I put my skateboard next to the kitchen table and saw a note.

"Went sight-seeing to the pier and to the market for groceries. Be back later. ~Mom and Dad" I read out loud. They would. Of course they went to the beach without me! Whatever. I'll just go sight-seeing around the block.

I grabbed my board once again and headed out. This place seems quiet. A little too quiet. Not really my style but I guess I'll get used to it. I skate doown the block slowly watching the houses. Suddenly, a car backs out of a driveway and hits me before I even turned to see it coming.

(Kristen's P.O.V)

I wave bye to Lily as she goes inside her house. Her mom called and told her to get home so they could "hang out". My dad was the first person I thought of. I hadnt thought about him almost all day since I was distracted with Lily and Logan. But now that that they're gone, I feel alone again.

I walk down the road. Obviously I'm not going home today. Where am I supposed to stay though? If I see my dad again I'm not sure what will happen. And I didn't really want to find out. Then I remembered. Logan did live nearby right? Why not drop by and say hi?...again.

I walked to his street, Lily actually lives closer to him than me. Maybe it was a sign. I smile at what I'm thinking. I'm gonna have to stop thinking about Logan. If Lily really does have a crush on him, I don't want to hurt her and fall for the same guy.

All the houses on this street were different. "513, 515, there, 517." That was the number Logan told me his house was. I walked up the steps and knocked on the door. Nobody answered. I knocked again. Still no answer. I sighed. Maybe he decided to go somewhere.

I turned back and walked down the street again. But a couple houses down from Logan's I see something that left me paralyzed.

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