Chapter 8- Show Time

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(Kristen's P.O.V)

The steps came closer and closer. And all I could do was hide in my room, which wasn't much if a hiding spot. I stood behind the door in silence, not even breathing. Then suddenly the door flew open knocking me on the ground. And there stood Carlos. I felt like the giant brick on my chest was removed.

"Carlos! Don't creep in here!" I laughed from the ground.

"I'm sorry! You we're taking too long!" He held his arm out and helped me up. I grabbed my bag and we ran outside back to his car.

"I can't believe we pulled this off!" I said excitedly.

"Why wouldn't we? Your dad wasn't home so that's a good advantage.

"Yeah...I guess." I whispered. Now that I'm thinking deeply about this. What will my dad do with me when I come back home? Why am I going to Carlos' house in the first place? I just met him, yet I trust him. But I can't just hide in his house forever. My birthday is on Friday, and when I turn 18 I'm free to do whatever I want. I know exactly what I'm going to do.

"Kristen!" Carlos broke my chain of thought. I turned to face him in the drivers seat whilee he kept his eyes on the road.

"What?" I answered.

"Are you ok? We're almost at my house and you've been spaced out this whole time." Had I thought for that long?

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking things over."

"What things?" I stayed quiet bitting my lower lip. Should I tell him my plan? What if he thought I was crazy or something?

"Well, I was thinking that, since my birthday's on Friday, and I can start my life when I'm 18, then why not start right away?" I looked at him and he had a confused look on his face.

"I don't get you? You want to start what when you're 18?" I sighed.

"I'm gonna move out of my house. I'll look for a small apartment nearby and move there. I'll get a job, make a living out of something. But now that I know what my dad is capable of, I don't want to be near hom anymore. Carlos I'm scared of him."

We reached Carlos' house. He pulled into the driveway and parked the car. He turned to me with a serious look.

"You're not alone in this. I told you I wanted to help you. And I will. You can move in here. You'll have you're own room, away from your dad." He smiled kindly while putting his hand on mine. I smiled back looking at his hand.

"I don't know Carlos. I don't want to get you involved with this. Besides, I don't want you to be worrying about me all the time."

"I know, but I still think its a good idea. How about you think about it? Now let's go get ready, James goes on in about 2 hours."

He opened the door and came around to open mine. We went inside and got ready for tonight.

--1 hour later--

I quickly started blow drying my hair in the room Carlos let me out my stuff. I'm seriously thinking about what Carlos told me, its not a bad idea actually. We're turning out to be good friends. After my hair was dry I took off my bathrobe and changed into one of the outfits I brought back from home. One of my favorite dress shirts, some black shorts, and average summer heels.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Are you almost done!? How long does it take you to get ready!?" Carlos screamed through the closed door.

"Hold up a bit I'm almost done!" I laughed. I looked down at my watch. Fifteen more minutes until James goes on. I let my hair loose naturally and ran out the door grabbing my bag on the way out.

"Took you long enough!" Carlos said smirking as he saw me walk down the stairs.

"Shut up I'm ready now right? Now let's go!" I ran out the door with Carlos behind me. We got back in his car and drove to the Grove.


We reached the Grove and took our seats near the back of the crowd. Luckily James hasn't gone up yet. I catch a glimpse of him behind the stage and give him a small wave. He smiled widely and waved back.

"Up next we have, Kendall Schmidt!" The announcer said. Kendall Schmidt? He sounds so familiar, but I can't put my tounge on it. A blonde boy with deep green eyes walked up the stage with a guitar in his hand. He sat in a stool with a mic in front of him and began to speak.

"Um..hi. my name's Kendall. And this is one of my favorite songs. Its called "A-Team" by Ed Sheeran."

He sang amazing. And the way he played so perfectly...he left me speechless. Once Kendall finished the song he stood up and bowed slightly. Everyone clapped and cheered, including me. He deserved it. I fell in love with his voice. But I'm still not sure where I've seen him before. Or why he sounds so familiar.

"Thank you very much Kendall. Our next performance is James Maslow! Let's give him a hand!"

Carlos and I stood up and cheered like mad. While everyone else just started at us like we were crazy. James took the mic from the stand and started talking.

"Hi everyone, I'm James." Once again me and Carlos cheered louder than the crowd. James smiled and began to sing. I'd never heard him sing, but he sounded amazing. His voice was so flawless and soft. Once he ended, yet again...there we go, going crazy. This time everyone joined in on the cheering.

We stayed for another hour listening to people sing. Some better than others, but all had talent. When the show was over, Carlos and I went backstage to meet up with James.

"Hey man that was awesome!" Carlos said pulling James in for a "guy hug".

"Thanks!" James responded hapily. He was still pumped, I could tell.

"Yeah James, you really have an AMAZING voice!" I told him while giiving him a big hug.

"Thanks Kristen. You guys are great at cheering!" We all laughed. I looked behind James and saw Kendall, the boy with the nice voice. I walked over, but before he even turned around and saw me, he picked up his guitar and left. I had to know who he was. I'm posotive I've seen him before. And I will find out.

"Hey Kristen! Want to go get something to eat?" James called out to me. I turned back around and walked to them.

"Yeah sure! Let's go!" We headed back to the guys' cars and got some dinner, before Carlos took us back to his house.

That night, I stayed up late. Looking up at the ceiling. I have school tomorrow, but its ok. I usually go to bed late anyways. I'm actually thinking about this moving in with Carlos thing. He's nice, caring, and I can imagine living here. Waking up and seeing his smiling face everyday, hanging out with him a lot...why am I thinking this? Are m feelings for Carlos growing? No. I can't let feelings control me. It wasn't long after that I drifted into deep sleep.

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