Chapter 26- Second Family

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The first thing I did once we landed was text Lily. She was probably more excited about me being over here than I was. Carlos was still half asleep, crashing into almost everything. I was his guide, one arm around his leading him around obstacles as we grabbed out suitcases and headed out of the airport. Carlos's parents were supposed to meet us at 6:30 am. They'd be here any minute.

"So how do you like it here so far?" Carlos smiled weakly rubbing his eyes. I looked around. It was similar to LA, but still different. The air smelled, I dont know, tropical? I guess I found it strange being out of Los Angeles.

"It looks nice." I responded, not knowing what else to say.

"Wait until I show you around. The beaches here are great. We can go to DisneyWorld, and Universal Studios whatever you want." I smiled. It was so sweet of him wanting to take me places. I felt like such a tourist, which I was technically.

We heard a horn honk and Carlos waved to a man in a black truck. He grabbed my hand with one hand and his suitcase with the other and walked us over to the van. We sat in the back seats, his mom and dad in the front. They talked the whole way to their house, about how Carlos' life is going, what he's been up to, who I was. Oh, and everything was in spanish. I understand it, Im just not a big speaker of any language other than english.

We arrived at Carlos's parents's house. It didnt have two floors like his, but it was very cute. Painted a light brown with a white gate and a garden. Carlos and his dad took the suitcases inside while his mom and I walked behind then chatting.

"So since when have you guys been together?" She asked me. She was really nice, just like Carlos.

"Yesterday." I laughed.

"Oh wow. And how did you meet eachother?"

"Its..kind of a long story. See this one day my dad-"

"Kristen! Come I want to show you around." Carlos said grabbing my hand. I turned to look at his mom. She smiled and nodded for me to go on, and so I did. He showed me around the house. Where the bathroom was, his parent's room, his room when he was younger, the garden, backyard. It was an adorable little house. It felt so comfterable. Like in Christmas movies, when the families are all cuddled together by the chimney, this was it. It was so filled with warmth, love...something I dont remember back in my house. "So how do you like my house?" Carlos came behind me.

" adorable and lovable. Something I've never had." I brushed my fingers on the soft red couch. Tears started to push past my eyelids, but I fought them back. Carlos put his hands on my shoulders.

"This is also your house ok? My house is your house. And all of us, including the guys back in LA, we're your family. And we love you. I know your past wasnt the best. But you have to move past that. We're working with the future now and all I want is for you to be happy ok?" I nodded, sniffling. He smiled. "Come on, my mom made breakfast." He took me to the kitchen where we sat around the table. His mom and dad sat down with us. The table had already been set. Carlos's mom must have got up really early to have done this by the time we got back. I really did feel happy here. We ate, talked, Carlos's parents asked me about me, I didnt answer half of the questions they asked. Carlos would change the subject. It felt wierd, having to keep my life story to myself. Then again I was about to tell my life story to Carlos's mom. Mom. I wonder what mine would have been doing right now. What would we be doing at this moment if she was still here. Suddenly I felt sick to my stomach. I sat there playing with my food.

"Do you want to go and lay down?" Carlos's dad asked me noticing my silence. "You seem tired." I nodded. He got up and took me to Carlos's room. I layed down on his bed and looked around. It was painted a darkish shade of blue. A shelf held books and car models. This is the place Carlos grew up in.

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