Chapter 12- Time For A Mission

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(Kristen's P.O.V)

"Its so pretty Kristen! I love it!" Lily was obviously more excited about my dress than i was. After we walked around the mall for almost 2 hours, we both had finally found our graduation dresses. Lily bought a bright yellow dress with a silver, sparkly belt. Mine was almost turquoise. A simple tube dress.

"Well you should have gotten it!" We laughed as we walked down the street with bags in our hands.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Kristen you seem so happy and peaceful ever since you left your house. Is it really necessary for you to go back?" Lily looked concered. She really didnt want to go. Honestly, i really didnt either.

I sighed. "Lil, I have to see my Dad. I mean, what if he regrets what he did? Or what if he forgot and is worried about me? You know my Dad's problem, he's bipolar, he has althsimers, or i dont know. But i need to know he's ok."

Lily smiled at me, with the concerned look still in her eyes and nodded. "I understand. Don't worry. I've got your back ok?" I nodded.

"You dont have to come you know. I know youre scared."

"Im not scared, I just...I dont know. Its a feeling I have. But Im coming with you. Thats what friends are for."

"I know. Thanks Lily. But I wish Alex was here."

"Dont worry, you have me. Alex is, different now. I guess he's growing on us." Lily traced her finger on the side of her eye, pretending to wipe a tear away. I giggled, and we walked down the street as the sun started to set.

(Logan's P.O.V)

We were all still at Carlos' house. And Im waiting for Lily's text so we can get going.

"So how is this gonna work? We cant just stand at the door easvdropping. We should hide in the bushes or something." Kendall pointed out. "But we're gonna need disguises."

"What about a hat, that looks like a bush? That way, we can hide in the bushes and watch, and no one would notice." Carlos pointed a finger in the air.

"Thats a perfect idea." Kendall raised his eyebows.

"Great! Lets get started!" James clapped his hands and went upstairs. Kendall and Me went outside to search for leaves, and Carlos looked around the house for tape and glue.

"Found 4 hats!" James came back into the living room and set 4 plain black caps on the table.

"Glue and tape!" Carlos did the same, setting down a bunch on glue sticks and duct tape rolls on the table.

"Got leaves." Kendall set them on the table and i did the same.

"So now what? We just randomly glue leaves on the caps?" James asked turned to Carlos.

"Pretty much." Carlos shrugged.

"Alright! Lets get started cause Lily might text me any minute now!" I kneeled down on the floor and got to work on my "tree hat". The guys did the same, grabbing leaves and glue and eventually, our hats were made. And just in time too. My phone vibrated, i pulled it out. It was Lily.

"Were on our way to Kristen's house. Make sure she doesnt see you guys, just cover us, ok?" It read.

"Alright, we're on our way. And dont worry, just be carefull. We'll be watching you guys." I texted back and put my phone back in my pocket.

"Guys, we better get going. Lily just texted me and theyre on their way over there." I said looking up at them.

Carlos got up wearing his hat and got his car keys off the wall. "Lets do this!" We all got up, ran out the door and piled into Carlos' car. He started it and we drove off.

(Kristen's P.O.V)

We're almost there. Lily and me have been quiet the whole walk over here. I feel like turning back around and running all the way back to Carlos' house. But no. Im not going to. I have to face my fears and face my dad. We walked up my block. There it was. The house I grew up in, where I've lived my whole life. The lights were on in the living room, and my dad's car was in the driveway.

At that moment, I stopped walking and just stood there. I felt a lump in my throat. Lily kept walking, but stopped and walked back when she saw me.

"Kristen, lets go back. You don't have to do this. I can tell its hurting you inside. You cant hide your feelings. Your're scared. And that's not right."

I shook my head. "No, i said i was gonna do this. Im not backing down now. If my Dad is ok, i'll be ok too. Right now i dont know anything about him." I slowly started walking forward until we reached the door. I took a deep breath taking my keys out of my bag and unlocking the door. I put my hand on the knob and turned it. There he was. Sitting on the floor in the corner of the room, with a bottle of wine next to him. The moment he heard the door he looked up and stared at us. If only looks could kill...

(Carlos' P.O.V)

"Look! There they are now!" Kendall said from the back seat and pointed towards the house. The girls were walking up the steps. I quickly parked the car and we rushed outside and stood low behind bushes.Kristen opened the door and headed inside. Lily followed close behind her and closed the door.

"Go, go, go!"

"Everyone move out!"

We ran across the yard and crouched down beside the window. We couldnt hear anything, so I decided to poke my head up and look through the window.

Logan tugged on my shirt. "Whats going on?"

"Her dad is on the floor. Just sitting there. I dont even think theyre talking." Suddenly he got up and walked slowly towards them. "Wait! He got up!" The guys all popped up and looked as well.

"What do you think they're saying?" Kendall asked from my left.

"I dont know dude. Just stay low and get ready for anything. Right now it doesnt look like they need us."

(Kristen's P.O.V)

"Hon, you came back?" He said. His voice faint. Clearly he was drunk. I looked at the floor, not wanting to look him in the eye.

"Yes. I came back. But not to stay." Lily's head turned to us back and forth as we talked.

"Im sorry, for everything. But you didnt have to leave me! I need you! Dont you understand that!?" I just stood there quietly. Why would he need me? My love and hatred for him tensed up inside me. My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Sweetie, I dont want you to leave. You have to stay here. With me." He walked closer to me, and slowly put his hand on my shoulder. A single tear ran down my face.

"I dont want to stay. I need my- Ah!" He grabbed both of my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes. He shook me back and forth while screaming.

"Im not letting you go again Marissa is that clear!? You left me once I wont let you leave me again!" His breath smelled of pure liquor.

"Dad its me! Kristen! Im not mom! Stop!" I screamed trying to push him off. Lily tried tackling at him as well, but failed as he easily pushed her back. The door suddenly burst open. And there were the boys. What were they doing here?

(Carlos' P.O.V)

"Hey let go of her!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran at him. The guys all ran to him pulling his arms away from Kristen. Kendall grabbed her and pulled her back as she cried on his shoulder. Logan grabbed Lily.

"Go! Get them back to the car! You too James!" They nodded and ran back outside, leaving me with Kristen's dad. He looked at me shocked. As if he had seen a ghost or something.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me. I stayed silent for a moment.

"If you ever, EVER touch her again, you'll have to deal with me. Dont look for her, because you wont find her." With that I turned and walked out the door. Before closing it behind me I turned around, he still stood there, staring at me. Paralyzed. Why is he so shocked by seeing me? I dont even know him. I shut the door and ran back to the car with everyone else. Something's very strange about this guy.

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