Chapter 6- New Friends!

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(Kristen's P.O.V)

I stood there for about 5 seconds before running to Logan, he was laying on the floor trying to get up but seemed to weak to do it. Then two guys opened the door to a car in front of him and ran to him as well. Obviously they got to him faster.

They both grabbed his arms and held him up as I ran up to Logan and hugged him ignoring the guys holding him.

"Oh my god Logan are you ok!? What happened are you hurt!?"

He smiled a bit, how did he do it? He looked in pain and was still able to smile?

"Don't worry Kristen, I'm fine, just got pushed."

"I'm so sorry man I did see you coming!" One of the guys said to Logan while slowly releasing his arm. He had brown hair that covered his forehead.

"Yeah he's an idiot at driving. You sure you're alright?" They second guy asked. He was shorter, with short dark hair, but had really kind eyes.

"Its alright I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Its not the first fall I've had today." Logan mentioned to me with a smirk. All I could do was look at the ground and blush.

"So, I'm guessing you guys are new around here?" The tall boy with brown hair asked me and Logan looking at us back and forth.

"Actually I don't live here I live kind of farther down the neighborhood. Logan here just moved in." I lightly shoved Logan towards the guys so he can introduce himself.

He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand shyly. "Yeah, I, just moved a couple houses down there. I'm Logan." He stretched his arm out towards them and gave them a kind smile.

"Carlos, and the idiot driver here is James." He said shaking his hand.

James smaked Carlos on the arm while Carlos just laughed. Then he took Logan's hand and shook it as well.

"And you are?" Carlos came up to me with a small smirk on his face and his hand already out.

"Kristen." I smiled and shook it. Then James did the same.

"Well, now that we all know eachother, how bout we invite you guys inside and hang out or something?" James asked while pointing back towards the house behind them.

"Yeah! We were just headed to some resturaunt for some food but we can make it here!"

Logan smiled. "Sure that'll be awesome!" He turned back and looked at me and mouthed, "can you stay?" "Of course" I mouthed back.

"Alright! Let's head in and watch some spongebob or something!" Carlos said excitedly while running inside. We followed and walked in. This was perfect. The more friends I make, the more I can forget about my dad. My birthday is next week, I have a feeling that that day is a new begining for me. When I'm 18, I can start a new life.

(Logan's P.O.V)

We've been at Carlos' house for almost 2 hours now. Its been pretty fun! We've just talked about our lives and stuff. Turns out Carlos and James moved out of their parents house and came to L.A. to try and get a music career, where they became good friends. James lives just next door so I'm guessing they hang out a lot. Kristen hasn't really said much though, she's just sitting there, listening. I really want to know more about her.

"So Kristen, how's your life?" James asked. He basicaly read my mind.

She kind of hesitated to talk, but finally gave in and started.

"Well, I'm 17, my mom died almost 11 years ago, and I live here in L.A with my Dad. Who I just found out today that he's a total wreck and doesn't care for me at all. He never even cared about my mom! Were always having fights with eachother, and he's never hit me or anything...but today..."

She stopped, we were all shocked. Our eyes glued to her as she coninued. There were tears forming in her eyes. I had the gut feeling to run over and hug her, but Carlos beat me to it. He sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulder. "Go on" he told her.

"Today he did...he hit me in the face! I never want to see him again, but I have to go home, I have no where else to go. I'm going to have to confront him and go back."

"No you don't!" Carlos stood up sounding mad. "You can stay here with me! I know we just met but I really want to help you, your a sweet girl Kristen. You deserve more than what he gives you."

"Yeah Carlos is right. What are friends for?" James stood up as well and walked over next to Carlos. She smiled through her tears. "Thanks, you guys are good friends"

At that moment my phone rang. I took it out of my pocket and saw the caller ID. It was my mom. "I'll be right back." I looked at Carlos, James and Kristen and they nooded. I made my way outside and answered the phone.


"Hi Logie Bear! What are you doing?"

"Mom, please don't call me that, and I'm at a friend house."

"Ooo a friend already?"

"Yeah, I made a couple friends today."

"Well that's great! But sweetie it looks like we won't be going home tonight."

"Wait what!? Where are you guys!?"

"We ended up in San Diego! And your father and I decided to stay here for the night. Will you be alright being home alone for the night?"

I sighed. Typical. Always leaving me behind. "Yeah, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Aw that's my Logie. We'll be back tomorrow ok? Bye honey."

"Bye Ma." I hung up and dragged myself back inside to everyone laughing and throwing marshmallows at eachother. Carlos was jumping on the couch, Kristen was hiding behind the tv, and James was under the table.

"What are you guys doing!?"

"Were having a little fun! Do you have to leave now?" Carlos asked as the marshmallow-throwing came to a stop.

"Nope, my parents are in San Diego and I'll be home alone tonight."

"Nah! How bout we all sleep here at my house! Big time sleep-over!" Carlos started jumping up and down excitedly throwing marshmallows again as Kristen and James laughed and cheered. "Fine alright!" I ran over to Kristen and grabbed marshmallows from her bag and started throwing them at the guys. Tonight was gonna be crazy, that's for sure.

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