Chapter 4- Love Doctor

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(Logan's P.O.V)

We walked to the mall, which apperantly wasnt far from my house! Just a couple blocks down. Kristen and me talked and talked the whole time. I never thought I would meet someone the first day i arrived here to L.A. Most people say that people from Los Angeles were all snobby and mean. Kristen was the complete opposite of what i was expecting. She was kind, and had a sparkle in her eyes that i always look for in a person. This might sound weird, but im glad I ran over her with my skateboard.

"Logan!" She waved her hand in front of my face after i spaced out.

"What's up?" i answer her a little startled.

She giggled. "Did you hear anything i just said?" I looked down at the floor and felt my cheeks get warm. I wasn't really paying attention to what she said.

"Something about your friend?"

"Uh huh, and what's my friend's name?" She asked with a small smirk on her face.

I stayed quiet for 2 seconds trying to remember. "Lola?"

She laughed out loud and i smiled at her. Was she always this happy?

"It's Lily!" She answered trying to catch her breath from laughing so much.

"What about me?" I hear a girl say behind us. The moment Kristen turns around and sees her she runs up and gives her a hug.

"Lily! What's up!?" Lily laughed. Hm, maybe i'll make two friends today? That's not bad for day one.

"Well I just got here!" She looked at me from behind Kristen and whispered something in her ear. Probably who I was, because Kristen grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me.

"This, is my good friend Logan! Logan, this is my best friend Lillian, AKA Lily!" She smiled.

"It's nice to meet you Logan." She held out her hand and i took it.

"Same here!" I gave her a nice smile and she looked down a bit. Was she blushing?

"Ok! Let's all go inside now and shop!" Kristen called out as she started walking inside the mall. Me and Lily looked at eachother then chased after her trying to catch up.

(Kristen's P.O.V)

This day really has turned around. I had forgotten what happened this morning. But right now I didnt care! I was having an awesome time with Logan and Lily. We walked around the mall, I even kept my promise and bought Logan a skatebooard.

"Thanks SO much Kristen! This one looks better then the last one!" I lightly pushed him to the side.

"Oh stop it you!" All three of us started laughing. Logan saw Game Stop from the corner of his eye.

"You guys go to Starbucks i'll meet you there in a bit!"

"Ok!" Me and Lily called out together as Logan ran to check it out. I quickly pulled Lily and ran to Starbucks. We needed to have a chat.

"Whoa Kris! What was that!?" She asked catching her breath as we sat down at a table.

I turned to her and smirked. "You have a thing for Logan don't you!?"

Her eyes opened wide. "What!? NO! I just met him! How could I like a boy I just met!?"

Yep. Lily has a small crush on Logan. I immediatly figured that out since she saw him outside the mall. It's only once in a while that Lily looks at a boy like that. "Yeah ok, suuure!" I said sarcasticly while turning around to go order my drink.

"I don't!" I heard her say as i laughed and walked away. Just then I saw Logan walk through the door. I smiled and pointed to the table Lily was at. He smiled and mouthed "thanks". This might be a good chance to let Logan and Lily have a moment. I turned back to the table and noticed them talking to eachother. I made a run for the door and went outside. Maybe if i walked around H & M for a while? A couple minutes couldnt hurt them.

(Logan's P.O.V)

"Where did she go!? She ditched us!" Lily complained as she noticed Kristen wasn't in the line anymore.

"Maybe something came up? And she had to leave?" I answered her while looking around the place myself.

"Nah she wouldn't just leave for the heck of it...right?" I shrugged.

"Let's go look for her?" She suggested getting up.

"Actually, I got to get going. My mom said to be home by 2 to keep unpacking and its..." I checked my watch. "Its 1:45. I'll catch you later Lily." I smiled and she smiled back as her blue eyes sparkled. I turned around to start walking towards the door.

"Wait Logan!" I turned back around towards her. She ran up to me with a small piece of paper in her hand.

"Its Kristen's and my number. Call us whenever you wanna hang out or something."

I took the paper and looked at her. "Thanks Lil." We both smiled once again and waved. I'm actually really enjoying L.A right now. Seems like life here is pretty cool.

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