Chapter 22- Awkward

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I could feel James' gaze on me from across the table as I gently cut into my pancakes. Carlos' head turned from me to James. He's so confused. I wish I could just tell him everything that's going on and how sorry I am. I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Is..something..going on?" Carlos spoke finally breaking the awkward silence.

"Nope." James' answered quickly.

I didn't know what to say so I just shook my head up and down.

Carlos' gaze remained on me, trying to read my mind almost.


I looked up from the table and got caught in Carlos' stare.

"Whats wrong? I know something's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong. Im just tired from last night. Which was amazing by the way."

"Well I'm glad you had fun." He smiled and continued eating. James raised an eyebrow and shook his head. I shrugged my shoulders at him.

"So guys." Carlos said, breaking the silence once again.

"Whats up?"

"I got a gig at this small resturaunt by the beach tonight!"

"Carlos thats great!" I said in surprise. I'd never heard Carlos sing. So I was probably as excited as he was.

"I know! And from what I heard its a dinner for music producers. As in if they like me, they can ask me to join their label and sign me!"

"Dude thats awesome!"

"Im so happy for you!"

The silence was finally broke by our excitement. Carlos could have his dream made come true tonight!

"So whats the place called so we can all witness a star in the making?" James asked as he continued to pick at his pancakes.

"Its this Italian place called Cochetii's. It has a small stage for live music and everything."

"Thats so cool. Im so proud of you Carlos! Youre finally going to get your dream."

"Well not yet. First I hope those guys like me."

"They will. I mean youre lovable, funny, cute-"

"You think Im cute?"

"" My cheeks burned. I kept a straight stare at my plate as I studdered to save myself from embarrasment. I could hear James' small giggle. And I felt Carlos' sparkling eyes on me waiting for an answer. "Yes." I hardly whispered.

"What?" Carlos chuckled.

"Yes! Ok yes I think youre cute! I always have!"

"Aw." James said silently.

"Shut up James."

Carlos just starred at me with a huge grin on his face. I couldnt even look him in the eye without feeling awkward. He cleared his throat and took another bite of pancakes.

"Well. Im gonna go take a shower so we can all go somewhere after." With that he got up and headed upstairs.

"So now what?" James sat across from me with a smirk on his face.

"What do you mean 'now what'? I just called Carlos cute. Cute."

"Does that mean you like him?"

"I always have James."

"And Kendall?"

"I DONT KNOW! Im so confused I dont even know what Im doing!"

At that moment I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text..from Kendall.

"Hey! Guess what! :)" It read.

"What?" I replied and placed my phone on the table.

"Who's that?" James asked me.

"Its...Its Kendall."


"Stop doing that!"


"Aw." I mocked him. My phone vibrated once again.

"I got a gig tonight! Its at this place called Cochetii's by the beach. You guys should come! Theres gonna be music producers and everything so this could be my night!"

Great. Kendall AND Carlos. Singing on the same stage. All of us together. Sitting at the same table. Just great.

"Thats great! I wouldnt miss it for anything!" I replied again.

"What did he say?" James asked trying to look over the table at my phone.

"He has a gig tonight."

"Well youre going to have to pick one to go watch."

"Its the same gig James."


"Theyre gonna be at the same gig!"

"Oh. Well." He took a sip of juice. "Awkward."

"Yeah. Very."

The resturaunt was very big. James, Carlos and I arrived at about 7, half hour before the event began. Carlos went ahead into the back of the stage to get ready. My eyes constantly searched for that dirty blonde with the green eyes. But I never found him.

"So Kristen." James asked as we sat at a table.


"Who are you going to choose?"

"I dont know. I guess whatever happens first."

"Whatever happens first?"

"Like, whoever maybe asks me out first."

"So youre just gonna take it as it comes?"

"Pretty much."

"Ok then. Its your choice."

I suddenly felt two arms around me.

"Hey guys!" Kendalls voice said cheerfully.


"Whats up!"

"Im glad you guys came! Wheres Carlos and Logan?"

"Logan said he couldnt come. Carlos is right there." James pointed towards the stage.

"No way! He's performing also!"


"Thats so cool! Well see you guys after the show!" He quickly pecked my cheek and walked backstage. I was frozen in my seat. The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach.

"Aw." James said once again.

"Shut up."

The lights in the building slowly faded as the stage lights came up. A host walked up the steps and stood in front of the microphone. We all clapped as he spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Thank you all for coming tonight!" The rest of his words slowly faded and James whispered in my ear.

"Why is it ladies and gentlemen?"


"Why cant it me gentlemen and gentlewomen?"


"Just think about it."

I shook my head as I laughed and turned my attention back to the host.

"We have at least 10 performers tonight! So lets get started!"

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