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"So baby, what made you decide you wanted a make over?" My mother asked as she grabbed her glass and took a drink from it.

We were eating, Julia, Mother, Tita Chichay and I.

Tita Chichay cooked Lasagna for us. My favorite food of all time. This, and chicken nuggets.

I fixed my seat and sat up straight. I looked at Julia who was smirking as she was eating.

"Yeah, Kath. What made you decide you wanted a makeover?" Julia smirked.

She thinks I did it for Daniel. Well, she thought.

"Enrique." I said blankly as I continue eating.

Julia choked on her food.

"Julia, chew carefully." Tita Chichay said as she looked at her chocking daughter.

Julia just gave her mother a glare.

"Enrique?" Julia asked with confusion.

I hummed. I didn't bother looking up, I could feel their stare at me so I'm not even going to bother looking up.

Their glares and stares burn though. If looks could kill, I would have been dead the second Julia chocked.

"Your ex?" My mom assured.

I nodded, I still couldn't care less.

"The one that cheated on you with Liza?" Mom continued.

I remained silent.

"Answer me, Chandria." Mom said.

I couldn't help it. I dropped my fork and looked at her irately. I tilted my head and gathered my eyebrows to connect. Not directly but close enough to know I'm annoyed.

"What do you want me to say mom? Of course you know the story so why ask again? I remained silent because I thought you'd get the message that I do not want to talk about it nor do I ever. So would you please just drop it?" I got up leaving them speechless.

I went outside my front yard. I sat on the steps and from these step I could see the sun setting down the city.

We live on a hill, this neighborhood probably has the best view of the overcrowding city.

The breeze was chilly, but I was heated so it felt perfect. I took a deep breath. Maybe I was being over dramatic. I should probably get back inside and apologize.

I was about to stand when someone cleared their throat which caught my attention.

There, on the other side of my fence is the tall lad that looked mysteriously gorgeous like usual.

He stood there tall and well postured with both hands in his front pocket.

He was wearing a leather jacket that fits his bad boy image. He tilted his head at me.

His cheeks and nose slightly red due to the weather. His hair was messed up, but it didn't look bad. Not at all.

I stood up and looked at him. The environment was dead and silent.

I could feel him become uncomfortable because he kept looking down at the ground  then back at me. He kept moving his leg back and forth as if he was kicking rocks.

He shook his head and focused back on me. His usual dead appearance came back. He looked blank and uninterested.

He bit his lips causing them to be even more red before speaking.

"Hey stupid, are you just going to stand there or are you going to let me in?" He said tilting his head side to side.

For some reason I got up and unlocked the fence.

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