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Enrique entered back stage.

Everything was still loud and chaotic. I can't think. I am so frustrated!

I looked at the guy who caused hell on earth. I mindlessly walked up to him and -- PAAK!

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?! I never gave you permission to kiss me! Hell, I never wanted you to touch me in the first place!" I was about to attack him when Diego and Marco grabbed me.

"Kathkath, calm down we'll handle this." You can tell they were afraid.

"No, let me go! NOW." They had no choice so they did.

I don't want to make a scene so I fixed myself and walked to him.

I slapped him again.

Everyone in the staff department that made this gig possible was just watching the little show we put up for them.

He ignited the fire within me that I never wanted to be lit. Now, he has to pay.

"I've been very patient with you Quen. I didn't kick you out of this band." I said calmly.

He grabbed my hand and when I tried to release his hold from me he held me tighter.

"Kath, please forgive me. I got carried away." He pleaded.

"Let go of me." I said calmly with tears streaming down my cheeks.

"You felt it too. I know you did. Please tell me you did. Because for me, that was the realest I've felt since I lost you." He put his head down.

"Kathryn, I am still in love with you. I regret everything I did. Please listen to me. Liza is nothing to me now." He explained with pleading eyes.

I chuckled. I broke free from his grasp and wiped my tears.

"Nothing to you now? Tell me, how long has she been everything to you if NOW is the time you realized she was nothing?" I chuckled again.

"You're a joke Quen. And this love you speak of to me, it's the perfect punch line." I turned around and was about to walk away.

"You can say hurtful dialogues to me. You can physically harm me. Do anything you want with me. I will not give up on you. I've said it millions of times and I will never get tired of it." He said with tears in his eyes.

"You're the one I love." Enrique said quietly.

"And yet I still manage to love you.. Stupid me." I closed my eyes as I whispered to myself these words that will never again escape my mouth as to this day.

All I heard were Juls and the two guys scream my name as I run off.

For some reason my legs brought me to the rooftop.

I am freezing.

"Funny huh. How the one that made you feel invincible will be the cause of your downfall. Funny how people say love is great. What's so great about it?" I tossed pebbles down.

"You end up broken in the end. How do people do it? How do people live after the pain? How did mom do it?" I started to cry once again.

"One thing's for sure. I really did love that bastard." I laughed at myself. I have completely gone bonkers talking to myself.

I touched my lips. He left me a memory of him. His last, for sure.

All I could taste was anger, however. All I could see was Liza. All I could see was Liza and Quen.

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