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When he's a mental patient part 1/3

You were running through the hallways, laughing a little as you tried to escape the people who were following you. You had always been a little childish in these kind of situations and the place where you were wasn't going to change that. Today your father had asked you to come with him and visit an old friend of his. But he had never told you that man was in a mental institution. You had sat with them for a little while but after some time you had become bored and had decided to look for someone to play with. The doctors in here didn't really liked the fact of you running around in their hospital and tried to catch you so they could bring you back to your father.

Your eyes widened and you were relieved to see that one door was standing open, your only escape. You turned around the corner and sprinted into the room. You closed the door and leaned against it, panting a little from your active run. You had no idea where you were and had no idea you weren't alone until you heard someone speak. "E-excuse me?" You catched your breath loudly as you turned around to the voice coming from behind you. When you saw him your cheeks became hot and you stumbled backwards. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know this room was taken." He shrugged and folded his arms over his chest. "Well that's kind of logical isn't it?" You nodded, since he was right and you had no idea how this guy was going to react if he would get mad. He wasn't in here for nothing right?

"I'm sorry again, I'll go now." You reached for the handle of the door but he stopped you. "Wait! Stay a little longer please?" You looked at him and saw that his eyes were begging you to stay. While biting your lip you thought about this, not knowing or it was a good idea to spend your afternoon with a crazy person. But if you went back you would be so bored again, so you decided to give it a try. "Okay, I'll stay for a while." You obliged and his mouth corners crulled up into a heart melting smile. "Thanks, it's so lonely in here. Nobody ever visites me." He muttered sadly and made his way to the bed which was standing in the middle of the room. He patted to place next to him and a little insecure you crossed the distance and sat down beside him.

The room was looking very dull and even though it was for one person it was really small. There was only one little window on the other side and bars were locking the way out. If you didn't know for sure that you were in a mental institution you would say that you were in a jail. Someway you found it sad that this people were treated this way since with a little bit of care their problems would be able to be solved. But except for that they were sitting here, in this stuffed room, craving for some company. Your eyes landed on the boy next to you who was playing with his fingers quietly. He looked so normal, like every normal guy of your age.

"So, you don't get any visits?" You asked to break the icy silence. He shook his head and pouted, when he talked to you he seemed like he was lost in his own thoughts. "No, my parents don't acknowledge me as their son anymore so they don't come over often." You felt so sorry for him but at the same time you wanted to stand up and run away from him as fast as you could. "I'm sorry, that must be really hard." It was the only thing you knew to say and you knew it was cliché. He shrugged before he suddenly turned around a little so he faced you and smiled. "What's your name?" His voice sounded really nice, like hundreds of little bells ringing at the same time, playing a song inside of your head. "I'm _______, and you?" His smile grew even wider as he replied. "I'm Byun Baekhyun, but you may call me Baekhyun."

It turned silent again, but you realised you had to keep this conversation rolling. "I'm actually running away from my father right now. He's visiting his friend and it was boring so I went on a research through the building but the doctors caught me and wanted to take me back. That's how I landed in here." Baekhyun laughed at you story and shook his head. "Looks like you're the person who attracts problems." While giggling you put out your tongue and he laughed with you. After a little of talking you noticed that you and Baekhyun had a lot more in common that you had thought at first. He was only one year older than you and he had an amazing feeling of humor.

By the time your phone vibrated you were both lying on the bed very comfortable. You were listening to his stories and he seemed to be so happy that he could finally talk to someone again but himself. He almost told you everything about himself and you had the feeling you had already known him for your entire life. Actually you even couldn't imagine a life without him anymore. You took your phone and pouted when you read your dad's message. "It's my dad, I need to go home." His expression dropped but he nodded understanding. "Yeah, of course you do, they all go." He stared blankly to the covers of the bed and you felt so bad about leaving him alone again. You had no idea why but you seemed to care about him. It was like he was a friend already even though you only knew him for a couple hours.

"I'll come and visit you sometimes, if you would like that of course?" His eyes snapped up again and he smirked. "Really?!" His voice filled with disbelieve because he thought you were just joking around with him. "Yeah, sure. I really liked spending some time with you." He jumped up and grabbed your hands in full joy. He was looking so enthusiastic right now that it made you blush. "Thanks _______-ah, this means so much to me, you have no idea." You nodded and squeezed his hands before you let them go. "Then, I'll see you soon." You said and he smiled happily. "That sounds really nice." He was still smiling from ear to ear as you closed the door of his room behind you and headed out of the building, secretly smiling yourself.

  © dollie, baobyunbuns and ashyyyy_ 

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