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When he is nervous about visiting your parents

You squeezed Baekhyun's hand as you made your way to the front door of your parents hous. It wasn't normal for Baekhyun to be nervous when you visited them, he had been here many times before and even your dad liked him, what was definitely a big surprise. You had always been your dad his little princess and when you told him you had a boyfriend his face had said enough. But slowly you had seen how your father and Baekhyun turned friends and how your father really trusted Baekhyun. It had been a surprise but it had been a good one. Your mother found your boyfriend adorable so that had never been a problem.

"Baek, are you okay?" You asked as you rang the door bell and he just blankly nodded. "Sure, everything is fine, no need to worry." You arched your eyebrow at the tone in his voice. "Okaaaay, so now I am getting worried." You let him know and he just shrugged and told you to hurry up and get inside as soon as your mother opened the door. You gave her a hug and Baekhyun did the same, being welcomed by your mother just as always. You walked in and the others soon followed. Your dad was sitting on the couch, watching a movie but quickly put it on pauze when he saw you.

"There's my princess." You giggled at the nickname he still gave you every time you came over, even though there was a man in your life now. "Hey daddy." You gave him a hug and sat down beside him. You looked up at Baekhyun who sat down across of him. He was looking like he was dying inside and you were sure something wasn't right. You wanted to say something but he was first, making you shut up. "Sur, I actually came here today with a special reason." He said and rubbed his hands together nervously. Your father focussed his eyes on Baekhyun and suddenly you had the feeling that you were invisable.

"I-I have got a very important thing to ask you." He started and you dad nodded, two men under each other having a very serious conversation. "I'm here to ask you...your daughter." Your eyes widened in shock and Baekhyun's eyes landed on you. "I know she's your princess but I want to make her my queen, but only if you would let me of course." Your dad crossed his arms over his chest. "Convince me." Baekhyun swallowed audibly and your mom gave your dad a severe look, telling him not to be so hard for the guy.

Baekhyun's eyes were dreaming away into yours as he talked. "I know we've already been together for a while now and even though I never grow tired of her. She always makes me happy with her smile and her cheesy jokes. She's the only person I can talk to and show my true feelings to, because for some reason she always understands me and knows what she has to do. I'm not a specialist in love because this is the first serious relationship I've ever had but I'm sure that what I feel every morning when I open my eyes and see your daughter sleeping next to me peacefully that this is the feeling I want to keep feeling for the rest of my life. I'm not strong, but I'll protect her with my own life if I should. If something must ever happen to her I'll never forgive myself for not being there to save her. She's the only woman for me and I love her to death."

He then loosened his gaze from yours and eyed your father again. "And that's why I want to ask you or I can marry your daughter." Your father gave him a little smile and nodded slowly. Baekhyun put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a black box, making you gasp. Suddenly you understood why he had been this nervous all morning. He stood up and walked torwards you slowly, knowing that he was overwhelming you with all of this. He sat back down in front of you on one knee and turned his eyes because he knew he was being cheesy. "_______-ah, I could repeat everything I've just said right now but I think that's superfluous. And that's why...________, do you want to marry me?"

He opened the box and made the beautiful ring jump into your side, making tears stream out of your eyes. He angled his head softly while waiting for your anwser a little unpatiently and looked like a little lost puppy in front of you. You giggled at his facial expression and nodded your head. "Yes, yes I do." He smiled while shoving the ring around your finger and raising from the ground before pulling you off the couch so you bumped hard into his chest. "I swear you won't regret this." He whispered into your ear and you laughed as he lifted you of the ground and sweeped you around into the air. When he put you back down he stole a kiss from you, but never forgot that your parents were in the same room.

Your father suddenly also stood up and you gasped when he stuck his hand out to Baekhyun. "Welcome to the family...son." Baekhyun shook his hand with a proud look in his eyes and you couldn't help but start crying of all the sudden emotions. As well Baekhyun as your dad reached out for you but suddenly the eldest one changed his mind and stopped in the middle of his actions, just to see how his future son embraced his daughter, his princess, another's queen...

  © dolliedollie, baobyunbuns and ashyyyy_ 

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