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When you slip in the bathroom

"You should do this more often." You whispered and he snickered in your ear. You were sitting on Baekhyun's lap while he was massaging your shoulders softly. Although he had never done this before his fingers were doing its work perfectly. When he pushed a painful place you moaned and Baekhyun chuckled. "Jesus baby, what did you do that your muscels are this painful?" You sniffed and turned your head so your nose touched his cheeks and your eyelashes stroke against his skin as you blinked. "I had gym and that teacher is crazy. She let us do 70 push ups and I mean look at me."

You sucked at sports and had no condition at all. You were skiny so there wasn't lots of strength in your arms neither. Actually you had always wanted to be a girl who had a hobby and who would beat everyone in it but you had encountered that was impossible. You were a real klutz and it already costed you a lot not to trip over your own feet. Baekhyun never minded that you were clumsy though, he found it really cute. He always had to help you over obstacles and had to catch you when you would fall, these things made him feel like a hero.

Baekhyun stopped massaging you and snuggled his arms around your waist, cuddling you against him. "Poor you." He kissed your forehead that was just in the reach of his lips and rested his chin on your hair afterwards. "That woman hates me just because I can't do anything." You mumbled a little grumpy as you hugged his arms which were on your stomach. "Just ignore her, it's the last year you still have to deal with her anyway." Baekhyun reassured you and hid his face in your neck.

It was almost unbelieveble that after two years you still loved this guy this much. You would give your everything just to freeze the time so you could sit here like this forever. He wasn't home a lot so it were these little moments you had to do it with. But because there were only less of these moments they were twice as special. "But now you say so, you do smell bad." You pinched his knee and he whined under you, grabbing your hand so you couldn't do it again. "Well, for someone who sucks at sports you can pinch very hard my lady." You giggled and raised from his legs.

He pouted immediately, reaching out for you to pull you back. "I'm going to take a shower." You informed him while avoiding his hands. He seemed to think about it and eventually stopped trying to catch you. "Okay, I'll let you go for this one time, only because you really need it." He leaned his back against the couch and you stuck out your tongue while rolling your eyes. "You idiot." He crossed his eyes and stared at his nose what made you laugh. "I'll be back!" You screamed as you turned around and started to walk to the bathroom. "Jagi, use that vanille shampoo, it makes you smell so good." Baekhyun quickly said before you closed the door.

You just smirked and looked at yourself in the mirror. It was only then you that realised that you looked like shit. Your hair was a mess and was full with knots. Your clothes were all creased and your make-up was the only thing that had remained the way it had been when you had left to school this morning. You growled as you turned your back to your mirror image and quickly got out of your clothes.

You loved showering because it felt like you could wash all your problems away together with your sweat. This was one of your favorite moments of the day, just relaxing and thinking of nothing at all. You locked the door before you walked to the shower. Baekhyun always liked to spy on you while you were in the shower, that horny boy. You closed the glass door of the shower behind you and turned the water on. You turned the handle to the red stripe so the water would get hot and first held your hands under it to feel or the temperature was okay.

When it was warm enough for your liking you stepped under the water. You hummed your favorite song and grabbed your favorite shampoo like Baekhyun had asked you. You always took your time while showering, making sure you didn't forget any part of your body, you hated feeling dirty. After you were done you turned the water off with a little feeling of disappointment.You now had to wait until tomorrow before you could shower again.

You stepped back out and wanted to grab a towel, but you never reached it. You squealed as you slipped over a wet spot on the floor and landed on the ground with a hard plump. You growled in pain and black spots danced in front of your eyes as your head pounded. Your eyes widened and you reached for the back of your head when you saw the red corner of the bath, the place where your head had landed on first before you had fallen onto the floor. In pure panic tears started to flow down your cheeks as you looked at your red colored hand.

"Baekhyun!" You yelled and pushed against your head again. The second it took him to reach the bathroom seemed like an eternity but eventually you heard a knock on the door. "________-ah, are you okay in there?" He asked and tried to come in but couldn't because you had locked the door. "Baekhyun, I fell." You wailed and it turned silent on the other side for a while. "Did you get hurt?" He asked after a while and you nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see it. "________?!" His voice was loud as he knocked the door hard and played with the handle. "Yes..." You whimpered and shrieked when you heard a loud bumb against the door. "Stay where you are, I'm coming in."

You obliged and stayed on the floor. After a couple hits the door broke and Baekhyun was standing in the doorway. "Why do you always lock that door?" He growled and sat down beside you. Although it wasn't the best time for sexual thoughts you couldn't help but blush since you were lying naked in front of him. But his eyes weren't focussing on your body at all and were looking at your head in concern. "What should I do with you?" He wondered out loud and grabbed a towel from the sink and pushed it against your head. "Hold it there, I'll get you some...clothes." He swallowed when he looked down at you but quickly shook his head. "Push it." You nodded at his command and saw how he disappeared again.

He came back with some underwear and his oversized shirt. You whined as he helped you off the floor and grabbed you by your arms when you threatened to fall by the light feeling in your head. He helped you into your clothes and lifted you in his arms, refusing to let you walk by yourself. "You're suck an idiot." He said as he fastened your seat belt and pushed the towel tight against your bloody head so you wouldn't loose to much blood. "I'm sorry." You muttered when he sat down in the drivers seat and started the car. "It's okay, but from now on, no more locking that door." He squeezed your free hand as he drove you to the hospital...again.

  © dolliedollie, baobyunbuns and ashyyyy_ 

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