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Ok so here it is. I will update as soon as possible. Well i have holidays so i have an abundance of time. And i just hope that u all are liking my stuff. Well thanks for reading it.

Harry's P.O.V.

Sanya looked so cute. I think I  am like, yes I think I am falling for her. Its pretty strange that this is happening, but I really like her. And whenever she is around I just feel of smiling and talking to her.

We soon made our way to the table. Bella and sanya had excused themselves. Aww , i understand they are best friends and need some privacies.
After 10 minutes they came back and I figured out that sanya was looking for her handbag.
"Sanya what are you doing?"louis asked.
"Oh!Actually I am leaving so am just looking for my bag"She replied.

"Wait. No. No. You cannot go. We havent even exchanged our numbers. And this is my house. And the one who stays here can only leave when I wish. So you are not leaving and u are sitting down and having the breakfast with us. Then we can decide about u!!". Louis said and I was like so happy.

"Wait! I mean you guys dont even know me. And it might be a bit awkward for you all. I mean like-, " she couldnt complete.

Louis stood up and held her hand and made her sit besides me. So gradually sanya was sitting in between me and louis.

"Louis, thanks for being like this. And I really appreciate it but- "she again insisted on leaving.

"No buts anymore. Bella you  tell her to stay for a little while! "Liam said.

"C'mon you are staying. I can take you yo meet perrie" zayn said.

Sanya's P.O.V.

They all were insisting so much and I  couldnt resist this. Same puppy dog eyes.

"Ok ok I  am sitting and eating". I finished and harry and louis and liam and zayn and niall and bella clapped their hands. I was laughing at this.
We all were eating the breakfast that harry and liam had prepared.

"Umm. This is like wow. I never knew that you both could cook so well".
Harry and liam high fived and then liam said.
"You dont knw a lot of things about me and I wanna know a lot about u. ".

I just smiled and nodded. While eating I  caught several glances of harry and at a time we both looked at each other , the same time and we started laughing.

After we were done with the breakfast, I came to know that it was liam's chance of doing the dishes. I stood and helped him and following me was bella. I carefully placed everuthing in the kitchen .
"May I help you liam?"i asked.
"Naaah. Its perfectly fine. Moreover I dont wanna get punches from louis. U are free to go. I will soon join you. "He said.
"Oh why will louis punch you?" I asked smiling.
"Cause its my chance today. I told ya to go. I will come" when he finished I laughed. And liam too joined in.
After a lot of NO'S from liam I started helping him.
And soon harry and louis came into the kitchen. They told me to join and insisted me going in and they would help li.
I somehow sent them back. I was talking to liam. He was continousely asking me questions about my fav.colours and my subjects and my school and my friends and my age and my favorite sport and players. And one of his questions. I could not answer .
He asked me that who was marcus and I was totally confused of how to change the topic!!

He instantly noticed my discomfort and asked me to go to the hall. This time I went and announced that I was leaving . Harry stood up.
He took my hand and made his way to the balcony.
"Hey see harry, listen I am going home"I said.
"I know this and I just wanted to say that if you feel that marcus is anywhere around then call me. The frst thing u will do is call me"he said.

"Yes yes. I will and please do not worry"I assured him.

He held my hand and I was just staring into his green eyes when zayn popped up.
"Oho.. I think I disturbed ya. Well I am just leaving" zayn said and left.
My hand was still in harry's. We were kinda quite, and I broke the ice by asking him that did he knew that where my bag was. And he said that it was in his or in my room.
I made my way to the room and harry followed me. He gave me the bag and I just after having a quick check in the mirror made my way down with harry.
Harry looked cute today. He was looking so different. He wore a funky headband which held his curls back with perfection. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt someone hold my hand. It was harry and I just smiled at this. When we were down I was ordered by king louis to give him my number.
Then I shared my number with everyone and louis had saved "my future queen"as my name in his phone. I was laughing hard at this and so was louis. And then when we were done I and bella had a long hug and soon niall joined in. Then the followers harry and louis and liam and zayn were so quick that soon we were all to the floor. It seemed like we all had been the part of some sort of stupid dog pile.
After this I hugged everyone and zayn wouldnt let go off me. Everyone was laughing at this. An awkward moment striked when IVand harry were to hug. Harry smiled and took the lead and hugged me tight.
"I will come back!"I said and he smiled.
Then bella and I had a bone crushing hug and with that I left the house.
Harry was at the door even when everyone had gone inside. I waved again at him and turned around.

Harry's P.O.V.

She left and we actually i was left with nothing to do. Niall gave the idea of watching a film. We all decided on watching "PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN".
It was 5 pm when we plugged in the second part.

Niall's P.o.v.

We were watching the film and inwas sitting with bella on the couch. I lied down anD bella was still sitting. While I  was busy focusing on jack bella laid her head on my chest. Later did I  realize that she was asleep.
Louis noticed this and mumbled an "aww".
We laid in this position for a long time. And this was obvious that I was truely madly and deeply in love with her. THE WAY I FEEL FOR HER IS OBVIOUSLY THAT FOUR LETTER WORD- LOVE!!
I love her but I  dont know that whether she loves me or not. And everything related to her was just cute and lively as her. But I still have a doubt that why was she crying on the very first day. I really want to know and I just hope that she is not in any problem.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when bella kept her hand on my chest. I was feeling, I didnt knew how to feel that time.


I just caressed her cheek totally forgetting that louis and liam and zayn and harry were there. I couldnt focus on the film. No not now!

We, actually I stayed in that position for a long time. I mean it was just so
cute. And unfortunately bella woke up when louis and harry while playing broke 3 plates. She was still sleepy and she soon noticed that one of her hand was on my chest and one of my hand was on her cheek. She smiled at this. Then she sat up. And everyone said a
"GOOD MORNING BELLA" to her. She went into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water.
Then she again came and sat with me on the couch. After 15 minutes or so she told me that she was going in her room. I asked her that was she fine and after nodding 5 times to each one of us , she made her way upstairs.

Bella's P.O.V.

I made my way to my room and I was feeling a bit awkward so I made my way to the bathroom. I was not expecting this. The monthly girly thing was on and I was in so much of trouble. The problem was that IBcould not go to any one of them ,,, oh my god they all are boys!!!

I called sanya and after 4 rings she picked up. I told her about my problem and my stupidity of not carrying any stuff with me. She told me that she would be coming as soon as possible.

Harry's P.O.V.

We all except bella were discussing on the next movie.
Louis wanted FINDING NEMO!
Zayn wanted THE PRIEST!
Liam wanted KILL BILL!
And Niall wanted HARRY POTTER!
Basically I would go with any movie so i was not in any team.
And then the bell rang!!

So this is here!!! And this chapter is dedicated to shubhraiissar..
I hope you like it and plzz leave your views in comments. Votes !! I want them badly!!

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