28 11 8

Heyo. Morning everyone!

Niall's P.O.V.

"Call him right now Louis!" I heard Liam talk to Louis and then no more words were exchanged, he had cut the call.

Who was to be called by Louis?

I soon felt his arms around me, and his breathing simultaneously slowing down indicating me that he was asleep.
I opened my eyes but soon closed them again when he stirred and then rested his head on my head.


I woke up tangled in a blanket, all on my own on the couch. Presumably, Liam had went to sleep in the room.
I stretched and yawned and stood up.
And I made my way to wake Liam up.
That wasn't a tough task, not that I did even a thing. Liam was already up but he instantly stopped talking the moment I entered.

"Oh, I'll come later". I tried to excuse myself but he stopped me.

"No wait." He patted the space next to him on the bed and I went and plopped down on the bed.  "I'll talk to you later!" And he cut the call.
Curiosity took the best of me and I raised my eyebrows.
"Who was it?" He just smiled at me and then locked his phone.

"Just a friend". Strange. But I nodded anyway.


George's P.O.V.

Okay, so presumably,
1. Bella will hate me.
2. Cassandra hates me.
3. I hate me.
(I wanted it to rhyme lol, that's why I put up "me"😂)
4. Louis hates me for taking time.

Yes, so what I have been hiding is not a secret anymore.
When it turned out to be 3 months like this, with Bella and Niall having miles between them, I started growing more and more upset.
Then the ladders were stepped on and the dices rolled, cause I had got a call from Louis.
I wasn't picking up at first cause it was an unknown number but then I could not cut the call, after hearing a slight feminine and high pitched scream from the other side. When Louis had realised that it was me.
I had to literally beg him for weeks to keep it hidden but somehow Liam knows and now Louis is practically ordering me to do something.
And here I am about to do something.

I quickly typed Cass a text, well it was a mini novel. It had the plan.

I picked up my envelope and flew up the stairs. Milliseconds passed and stood in front of her door.

The next door opened and Cass came out, gave me a thumbs up, blew a kiss and went downstairs.

What was that about?

Ugh, just do not stutter and don't mess this time George, Louis' gonna eat you raw.
I mentally prepared myself, did my stress free dance and knocked at the door.
I heard shuffling and then footsteps and click.

"Oh hey, what are you doing here?" Bella asked and I asked myself the same too.

But I am going to lie to her.

"Nothing. Well can I talk to you?" I asked and she looked at me like she was a bit amused by this question.

We went and sat on the bed and she asked me to talk.

"Bella, I am sorry but I have been keeping a secret from you. Not only from you- i-t it- was a secret from everybody!"
Someone just shoot me already.

"What have you been hiding George?" And her voice was laced with concern.
Okay, yes.

"Promise me that you won't be mad at me!" I gave my best pleading eyes and she nodded, along with a faint "okay".

"I have an illness!"     Silence.

"What do you mean?" And I handed her the report, my report.
So the report basically said that I was not at all healthy at my liver and I needed the best treatment as soon as it was possible. The doctor had used some enormously powerful and brain wrecking medical terms and when I got my fake report, even I was scared for a couple of second even i got scares. Well don't blame me at all, this idea of me getting a fake report for a fake illness to get the real couple together was a collaboration by my parents.

She gasped when she finished reading and soon I was getting embraced in a hug. She was crying.
Darn it, she is crying.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" She sobbed and clutched at my shirt.

This wasn't supposed to go like this.

"I was scared". She stopped hugging me and picked up the report again.
She  was frowning.

Okay, I hate to admit it but I instantly became happy. She had seen the place where I was to go and get a fake treatment for a fake illness.

"Mom and dad know about it?". I simply nod, looking down.

" Cass? "

"Yes, he is still upset with me!" And I sighed.

"Were you telling them 'this' yesterday?". I again nod.
That's all I can do.

"And it says that the hospital is in London!" She sat down on the bed and looked at me expectantly.

"When do you have to go?"

"I am not going. We are going." She instantly looked at me and I nodded.

I immediately cut her off.

Switch moods.

She looked at me like she was about to cry again but no, I wasn't changing it. Well sooner or later she is going to thank me for this. Because I know, I know she can't live without him.

I ran down the stairs and waited for her to do something or at least sgoyt at me for all of this but she didn't.

All what I heard was her talking to her friend, telling them that she wasn't coming to the work from the next week for two weeks.

I mentally squealed and texted the success to Louis.

A week later. (The day they leave, yay!😂)

Bella's P.O.V.

Why does it have to be this way?
Is there anything that I can do?
Exactly no.

It hurts me so much to know that the George needs treatment but I  have to go back to London with him.
Not only with him, with Mom and Dad and with Cass.

I can't stop the games of destiny and now that I am left with no choice at all, all I can do is pack my stuff and get ready for whatever is going to happen next.

My phone rang, putting a halt to my train of thoughts. 
If was Amanda, my colleague. She was more than a best friend to me. She knew exactly everything and she supported me with my decision but sometimes even she gets mad at me for being so stubborn.

"Where have you been the whole week?" I know she is mad.

"Oh, I am not coming for work for the next whole month I guess!"

"What why?" She is literally mad at me.

Of course, I deserve this.

"I am going somewhere". A shaky breath escaped and suddenly I felt the sudden urge to cry out loud.

"Exactly where?" She asked and I smiled before answering.

"To my home!"

They will meet soon.
Ily babies. So so much.

Well I am so excited.
I turn 16 soon.
Day: January 7 😁
(I'll wait for the wishes😏😂😂)

This chapter is for settledownnarry
Cause I simply love her😁😚

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