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Chapter !! Am excited. I hope u all are enjoing this...

N I A L L.

I was so happy to have these kind of best friends .

They were the main characters of my life's roleplay. They had taught me to get up and face the world, to fight for yourself, to ignore the world's shit.. and most importantly they had taught me to live my life.

I was not eager for unwrapping the gifts..or hearing 'happy birthdays' from anyone. I have never been. I just always wished that on all of my birthdays which i would celebrate would be with my pals.

They all were so excited for the most possible longest drive. They did not take me down on the road from the path crossing the hall instead they took me from the SECRET WAY. We slipped down from the back side. I dont know why they did not allow me to go from the hallway side. I had asked them the reason for suddenly changing the path for our exit. We all went down and I was so much excited for driving.


We crossed the west street and decided to get the car parked somewhere and just go out and enjoy with our screaming fans and make them happy .
This idea of stepping out of the car and spending time with the fans was of Liam. He had always been the most caring one for fans and had always respected and thanked them a lot . He thought that the fans were the only one who were responsible for the status that we held in the field of music .

I still remember that day FEB 10, 2015...infact that was the best day of my life.

We were having our concert and as we were all set for singing ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, I figured out a girl who was standing in the front of the first row . She had the most beautiful face i have ever come across. Her lips were naturally pink echoed by her cheeks. Her eyes the hypnotisers...they were the most attractive and beautiful one, ei soon realized that i was staring her and soon she too realized that. She just waved at me and did not shout or call me to go closer to her side, she just waved once and started to talk with her friend who was standing right next to her and was shouting , howling, screaming and continuosly blowing kisses in our ( we all - Niall , Liam ,Zayn and Harry). direction . I think that she was a styles cause she was continuosly shouting: Harry ".

I continued my job - stare . She soon again realized it and waved again. Liam suddenly spoke to fans "Hey guys !! We all love you all a lot. And if u allow then i want to ask smthing..may I?".

The fans went up and down and started shouting "Yes"!!!. He asked.
" Who all out of u have their birthdays today?"

And to my shocking amazement she that " front row girl was raising her hand. There were many others too but as per my job I figured out her.

I called liam and specifically pointed her out . Liam reached her and raised the mike in her direction.
He then bent down and asked " Whats your name?". As i heard her voice it was automatically saved into my system's internal memory. Her voice was sweet and soothing . It could make everyone hear her even in the busiest streets and even in the most loud fights. As i heard her name i started repeating it.

"CASEY"," CASEY", " CASEY"..........and " CASEY"!.

Soon i was drifted off from my strawberry moments by the shouting of nialler's.

N I A L L.

I saw louis sitting in the seat and i asked him that what was he lost in? He just said" CASEY"...

I really did not remember who she was and when i gave him a" I dont know her" he changed the topic by simply asking that whether we had found a suitable place to park the car. I just started stare out of the window. I thought that I must have replied to louis ,,,,I saw zayn and him conversing

"So tell me about whom were u thinking?" ZAYN asked.
"Nobody" Louis replied easily.
"No no! You are a liar,,I very well know you friend, whenever you are thinking about someone or something. Or is this the day that I am seeing when a best friend is no more comfortable to share something with the best friend of his?" Zayn whined and a chuckle which sounded more like a laugh escaped my lips and then they all started laughing which soon started to seem as if we were watching some kind of funny film or a show.

We all were laughing like idiots and i realized that the fans had realized that we were laughing and they too started .As we kept on moving we saw in fact whosoever we saw was laughing. Maybe they came to know that we were laughing or maybe they had located something funny on my face. The fans were at the top of their lungs and this caused Liam to irritate. " See I don't want the fans to just keep on coughing and gasping for air when we would go out to talk to them ,, so please be quick to select a location!!" Liam almost shouted in our ears. As I was thinking all of this I saw group of boys and girls who were actually staring us ;actually me! .

The girl standing in the front saw me and started to find something in her bag.,soon I realized that she was holding a huge card and many a gifts which I guessed were for me. She urged and said to open the window. I did as she said ,, she was probably just 6 or 7 year old and was so cute that I could not help and I pressed the button and opened the pane. She handed me over that bag and while I was taking that she urged forward and called me to bent a little in front and to amazement she kissed me one my left cheek, and I sincerely thanked her. She then handed over to me a handmade card which had my picture and in her scribbly writing many a things for me. I could not help and stepped out of the car and went onto my knees and hugged her tight and then all the girls and boys were over me and then I heard Paul screaming from behind. Come back in the car and then following Louis all of them except the angry Paul came out. I felt like I was standing at the top of the world.
I had people who loved me and cared for me and I cherish them.

L O U I S.

Niall was really very happy and we all were now with the fans,, clicking selfies,, holding their hands for calming them down , making faces as they telling to make,, recording our voices in their phones so that they could hear it whenever they want. I loved making the fans happy . I got a notification for not picking a call by someone. And he was Simon Cowell,,I picked up my phone and went out of the crowd.

" Yes simon? I was busy actually! "

No problem.  Well where  are you guys and what's the plan for the party?"

OK guys so done..... Tell me howzz it!! And plzz comment and like it!!

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Its allmyloveforoned.


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