Big Brother

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I knocked once but nobody answered. He must be asleep. I knocked again a little louder. After a couple seconds the door opened. Standing there was my big brother, Kip.

"Do I know you?" He asked.

The last time we talked face to face was when I was 12. We've both grown up since then. I could barely recognize him. "Kip. It's me, Bayley."

I thought that he'd be excited to see me but I was mistaken. "Shit." he cursed, pulling me quickly into his apartment. "What are you doing here?" he looked at the car seat I was holding that was covered with a blanket. "What's in there?"

"A baby."

He rubbed his hand over his fair skin that was covered in stubble. "You kidnap it?"

"Can't kidnap what's mine." I answered, pulling the blanket off, showing him Rei.

"Why are you here, Bayley? How did you find me?"

"I can't stay with mom and dad anymore. All they do is neglect me and won't help with Rei." I started to cry, and covered my face. "I didn't know what else to do. I had my friend go to a police station and look you up in the system. Turned out they had your criminal record. That's how I found you." Honestly, I was shocked when he didn't comfort me like how he used to do.

"Did anybody see you come over here?" He asked in a panic. I could literally see his hands trembling.

I shook my head no, "Actually when we were driving here there were some guys on motorcycles driving beside us."

"Fuck." Kip put his hands behind his head and leaned his head back, turning away from me. That's when I noticed something. I couldn't believe it slipped past me the moment I saw him. Kip was wearing the same cut off as the guys from earlier. Except his was missing the reaper on the back and instead of the words saying 'California' and 'Son's Of Anarchy' in black letters. It said 'Prospect' at the bottom. "Look, I'll let you stay the night. But first thing tomorrow you have to go back home."

"Kip please. I can't go back. I want to stay with you."

"You can't stay with me! Either go home or live with Scarlett and Daryl."

"Why do you not want to help me?" I asked, feeling my lip quiver.

"It's not that." He sat down on the couch. "It's dangerous if you stay here. I won't risk having something happen to you or the kid."

"If I leave... I won't be going home. I'd rather be a roommate to a stranger than go back." Okay, that was a lie but hey. I had to find a way to convince him to let me stay.

Kip sat in silence for a moment. "I'll let you stay with me. BUT nobody can know that we're related or associated with each other. Got it?"


"Because." He paused, "it's for your safety."

I didn't understand what he meant by that. "I'm worried about you." I picked Rei up when she started to get fussy. "You're scaring me."

Kip changed the subject. "Where's the kids dad?"

"Not in the picture."

Kip stood up, looking angry. "He walk out on you?"

"It wasn't like that. I don't want to talk about it."

"If he left you then say so."

"If you won't tell me what's really going on with you, then I won't tell you what happened with me." I thought I had him there but he dropped the topic.

"You can sleep in my room. I'll be on the couch."

I nodded my head and set Rei in the car seat. Before I picked it up, Kip hugged me tightly. I rested my head on his chest. I missed my brother so much. "Whatever it is you're doing. Please be safe."

With that being said I took my stuff to his room. Is this really what's best for me and Rei?

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