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Bayley stood there along with Juice and AJ to hear the Clubs final decision. It felt like she was in a court room where outlaws were the dury. Which is basically what it was.

"AJ Lee," the president of the club began, "We decided that you will not be meeting Mr.Mayhem because of the condition you're in." She sighed in relief. "Juice..." He stepped forward. Bayley felt a smirk aching to grow across her face. She knew he was in fact going to meet Mr.Mayhem. "We decided that... You won't be meeting Mayhem either." Bayley's jaw fell open. AJ couldn't help but smile that both of their lives were spared. "But- you're being stripped of your patch."

The moment Clay said that, Juice looked like he was a child who had just been abandoned. Although Juice has been wanting out of the Club, this was the only life he knew. SAMCRO was who he was. This is where his life started. "Clay... Please... This is the only family I have. You know that."

"You have a new family to take care of." Jax told him, not feeling an ounce of empathy for him. The VP stood up and stood toe to toe with the now ex member. "You've betrayed us, brother. Give me your cut."

Juice stared down at his leather. His arms felt heavy as stone, he didn't have it in him to take off his colors. His identity. Jax got tired of waiting and forcefully pulled it off of him.

Bayley hated what was being unraveled in front of her. Juice, a murderer, was walking free because his girlfriend, the accomplice, is pregnant. She wanted them both dead. Regardless if she was pregnant or not. She wanted them to pay for their crimes.

Opie stood out of his seat, towering over the two with his 6'4" frame. "We don't want to see you two anywhere near the clubhouse or asking anybody in this room for help. Even though you're both not lying in a puddle of your own blood, you're already dead to us. This club... Is not your home or family anymore."

"Consider yourself exiled." Happy spoke with his raspy voice. "Now beat it."

AJ held on to Juice's hand. She tugged his arm to get him to walk away from the only 'friends' he's ever had. All because of a stupid lie, a stupid mistake, it cost him everything he had originally cared for.

"Wait." Tig called him back. Juice had a spark of hope that Tig was going to talk some sense into his brothers. "You need to get rid of your ink." He was referring to the tattoos of the Reaper that Juice had on his arm and the other SAMCRO related tattoos that he had. "Black them out or burn them off."

"I'll black them out."

"No." Chibs got up, rubbing his hand over his mouth. "You got off easy, Juice. You're at least going to feel a little bit more pain than this."

"Guys, please." AJ tried standing up for her boyfriend. "He already said he'd black them out. Just let us get out of here and you'll never hear from me and Juice again."

"Shut up." Clay grunted. "We'll do this in the garage."
Bayley wanted Juice and AJ to suffer, but watching him get his tattoos burned off with a blow torch was too much to handle. She couldn't get the smell of roasting flesh out of her nose.

AJ nearly threw up when the tip of the flame stroked against Juice's tan, Puerto Rican skin. His screaming and grunting sounded similar to something you'd hear in a horror film.

After the removing of the Clubs logo was seared off, Bayley needed to step outside for some air. She could still hear the sizzling flesh.

"Bayley?" Happy followed her outside. "You didn't need to stay to see that."

"It's fine. I needed to see it happen." She confessed. Bayley didn't want to admit it out loud but Tara was right. None of this made her feel better. She didn't feel bad about it happening but it did nothing to lift the hurt away either.

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