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Bayley stood up with a whining Rei in her arms. She began rocking her. "What are you doing here?"

"It's my sons birthday. Why wouldn't I be here?" Jeff placed a vase full of flowers onto the ground in front of the tomb. He glanced at Rei. "I'm guessing this is your daughter."

Bayley looked down at Rei while she hid her face in her untied hair. "Yeah. I named her Rei. Jimmy picked the name out when we found out the baby was a girl."

"She has his eyes." Bayley couldn't begin to express how beautiful her daughters blue eyes were. "And your smile. She's adorable."

"Thank you."

Jeff held his arms out. "May I?" he asked to carry her. Bayley looked at his hands. She hated the tattoo of the swastika he had on his hand. She felt like if he touched Rei, his bad omens would rub off on her.

Bayley took a step back. "I'm sorry. She doesn't react well with strangers."

He put his hands down,

"I'm not involved in the same stuff I was over a year ago, you know

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"I'm not involved in the same stuff I was over a year ago, you know. I'm a changed man."

Bayley looked back at his racist tattoo, "Doesn't seem like it to me."

"I keep it there as a reminder that all of the awful things I've done is in the past."

Bayley turned, touching the headstone once more. She said a small prayer in her head and a final goodbye to Jimmy. "I have to get going." she said with her head down.

Jeff blocked her way. "We need to talk."

"There's nothing to talk about. And if there was, I have nothing to say to you. I'm trying to move on and take care of our daughter the best that I can."

"And Jimmy would be proud of how great you're raising her."

"Don't you dare tell me what Jimmy would be proud of!" she raised her voice which frightened Rei, making her cry. "If it wasn't for you, he'd still be here! I'd still have him with me and my life would be so much easier and actually worth living and enjoying! You don't know what it's like to look at your child and constantly be reminded of their father who will never be able to watch them grow up! Cuz you *hit* are *hit* the reason *hit* he's *hit* dead!"

Jeff held Bayley's free hand still that was slapping his chest. "I know I'm to blame for this! I'm not denying that! The one thing you don't know is who killed Jimmy. I know who did it! And it kills me knowing that they're still alive while my innocent son is buried 6ft under. I hate the fact that there's nothing I can do to avenge him. All I want is closure and I can't have that because I'll be killed right before I even try to do anything." Jeff kneeled down, hunched over Jimmy's tomb. All the hurt he had built up was being released all at once by every tear he shed over his son. "God," he sobbed, "I just want him back."

"I'm sorry." Bayley kneeled down beside him. Letting Rei sit in between them. "Jimmy loved you and he knew you loved him. That's why he didn't rat you out. He sacrificed his life for you... I think what Jimmy would want... Is for both of us to move on. He wouldn't want you to go out and try to avenge him and get yourself killed. Then that means he would have died in vain." she sniffled, "All he probably wants is for us to be happy."

Jeff rid his face of his tears. "You're right. Jimmy wouldn't want me to do that. He'd want me to forgive and forget like he always did."

Bayley rested her hand on his, "And there's your closure." she smiled weakly.

"Thank you." They both stood up off the ground, "And what's your closure?"

Bayley took a second to think. "I don't know. I guess to just know who hurt Jimmy so I knew exactly who to forgive."

"Do you really want to know?"
-TM/Sunday Afternoon-

"Juice!" Clay yelled, walking through the club house. "Where the hell is he?"

Kip shrugged as he stocked more booze in the bar, "He left late last night. Figured he was just heading home."

"Goddammit" he growled.

"Did something happen?" Kip asked.

"Nah, don't worry about it." Clay walked outside and into the garage where Gemma's office was. "You know where Juice went?"

Gemma flattened her black blouse. "No. I talked to him last night but he didn't say where he was going. Is something wrong, Clay?"

He exhaled sharply. "No." Clay was beginning to worry if Juice was looking for Bayley to tell her the truth. If he did then everybody would be in deep shit.

Gemma crossed her arms, thinking of all the possible places that Juice could have ran off to. "Maybe he's staying with his old girlfriend. You know he always drives out to see her when he's upset about something."

Clay turned around to face his wife, "AJ still lives in Los Angeles? I thought she moved back to Queens."

"I think she still lives there. I can give her a call to see if Juice is with her." she offered.

Clay rubbed his hand over his mouth, "Alright. Thanks Gem."

Gemma looked through her contact book to find Juice's ex girlfriends number. Clay walked back outside to find Jax waiting in the parking lot. "Waiting for somebody?"

Jax blocked the sun out of his eyes with his hand, "Bayley and her friends should be back by now."

"I'm sure she's just dropping them off at home." he said. "You know where Juice has been?"

"Nah. I told him to split by the time Bayley comes back so he doesn't try anything."

"You think that was a good idea?" Clay asked, "Keeping him close would have been a better way of having an eye on him."

"I know what I'm doing, Clay." Jax shot back. "Having Juice at the shop would pressure him more into wanting to rat."

"Guys." Gemma called out from the office. "Have an update on Juice."

Before they could hear the update, a van pulled up. It was Bayley and Rei. "Sorry I'm late. Traffic."

"You could have called. I thought something happened." Jax told her.

Bayley scoffed as she took the carseat out of the van. "Calm down, Jax. Jeez. I can't pull out a phone when I'm driving." She attempted to pull out Rei's baby bag while holding the cradle at the same time. Jax went for the handle and Bayley jerked away. He tilted his head at her. "I got it. I don't need help."

Jax shrugged then looked at Clay and Gemma. "Alright... If you say so."

Gemma slowly walked up to Bayley. She moved the teens hair out of her face. "Is everything alright, sweetheart?"

Bayley put down the cradle and hugged Gemma. It took the woman by surprise. She hugged back anyways though. "I'm fine. Can you please drive me back to Finn and Becky's place?"

"Sure. Just let me get my keys. Did anything happen while you were gone?"

"No. It was just an emotional trip."

"I understand. Wait here." Gemma turned to go to her office.

Clay held her by the arm, "What about Juice?" he whispered.

"I'll tell you later."

Clay looked back at Bayley who was leaned back against the van. Something was off about her and he was going to find out what caused it.

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