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So I took Gemma up on her offer so that she can help with Rei. I was a bit uncomfortable with the idea but everybody was telling me that she's trustworthy.

It was 7:30am and there was a knocking at the door. I opened it to see Gemma. She walked in and I began telling her everything she needed to know about Rei. I went into the kitchen cabinet and brought out a small bottle of pills. "These are Rei's. I accidentally gave her pills late last night and they have to be 12 hours apart. Just crush them up and put them in her food. She won't tell the difference."

Gemma examined the bottle, "Heart pills?"

"Yeah, she was born with a heart condition. She has a little scar on her chest from where they did surgery." I stared at Gemma when she softly ran her finger across her own scar. "My boyfriend always blamed himself for passing on the condition."

"Family flaw." she said. "I know the feeling. I have the same condition. I had passed it down to Jax's brother but he didn't survive."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I packed the last of Rei's things into the baby bag and handed it to Gemma. She threw the bag over her shoulder and picked up the carseat that I had lied Rei down in. "Thank you so much for helping me."

"You're welcome. Get your bag, I'll take you to school."

Gemma seemed stone cold at first but deep down she really was a caring woman.
-Tracy High School-

After Gemma dropped me off, I met up with Finn in the back of the school. He texted me earlier that he wanted to tell me something.

I found him sitting on the bleachers by himself. "Hey."

"Becky told me that you're letting Gemma take care of Rei now."

"Yeah, my brother and some of the guys told me that she's real motherly and stuff. I trust her."

Finn tilted his head. He had a dark look in his eyes. It was as if he knew something about her and the guys that I didn't. I'm not surprised though. I've only been in Charming for a few weeks. "Do you really think Gemma and the guys at the shop will keep you safe?"

I looked at my feet. I really wasn't sure about that yet. "I don't have a reason to think they won't. I've been fine so far."

"Yeah, so far." he emphasized. "You're making a mistake by staying here and being close with SAMCRO. It'll only get you hurt."

"I appriciate you caring about my well-being and all but I'm fine. Nothing's going to happen to me." I rolled my eyes and adjusted my bag that was hanging off of my shoulder. "I'll see you in class."

The day before, Clay had sent Opie's father, Piney, along with Jax to sell AK-47 assault rifles to one of Piney's old war buddies. Unfortunately, on their way back to Charming, they got into a shoot-out with a rival gang which resulted in 2 bystanders and a cop getting killed.

Clay, Jax, Tig, Piney, Chibs, Opie, Juice, and Prospect were all gathered in the Clubs Chapel to discuss what had happened.

"We still have a shit load of assault rifles that we need to get rid off before ATF traces the murders to us." Clay told the group who was gathered around the table.

"Nobody is going to want to buy guns that ATF are tracing." Jax said.

Tig threw his arms up in the air, "We're screwed then. So what do you want to do?"

Before anybody could say anything, the front doors to The Clubhouse were being kicked down. The guys ran out of the room to see ATF raiding the building.

"Shit!" Juice cursed, as he was being shoved down to the floor.

"What the hell is this?!" Clay yelled as he, along with the rest of the guys got shoved to the floor.

A woman with medium length, cherry blonde hair, crouched down beside him. "Clay Morrow? I'm Detective Stahl." she put her knee on the small of his back and roughly pulled his arms back. "You are under arrest." she began residing the rest of the miranda rights.

"This is bullshit!" Opie yelled, having another cop holding him down.
-After School-

Gemma picked me up from school and wanted to check in on the guys at TM. I saw Rei in the back seat with a bright smile on her face. "I'm taking it as she was good to you?"

"She's a joy. I think her and Jax's son, Abel would be great friends. You know, once he's out of the incubator and finished with his surgeries."

"What happened?"

Gemma gave a scowl. It wasn't at me though. The thought of what was happening with her grandson made her sick to her stomach. "Jax's ex-wife is a junkie bitch. She was shooting up with crank and she ended up going into labor too early. That baby shouldn't be suffering because of his dumbass mothers mistakes."

I had no idea how to respond to that. But I didn't have to. Our attention was focused on the police cars in the parking lot of TM. "What the hell is going on?" I asked in a worry.

Gemma spotted an ATF agent with Clay, who was handcuffed. "Stay in here." she ordered before getting in the ladies face. "Who the hell do you think you are?! Clay did nothing wrong! Get your filthy hands off of him!"

"Your husband is being charged with aiding and abetting a triple homicide." she looked Gemma up and down. "I know you are hiding guns in that little club house of yours. Next time I show up, I'm going to have a warrant."

"You are one desperate bitch." Gemma growled.

The agent shrugged, "Maybe. But this desperate bitch is going to take down SAMCRO and everybody associated with them." Stahl pointed for another cop to put Clay in the cop car and drive him to the station.

"Don't worry, Clay. I'll get you out."

"Good luck with that." Stahl passed by Gemma's car and stared me down through the window. She then peeked into the backseat. "What a shame." she crossed her arms, staring at the guys and Gemma. "A girl so young with a baby and possibly being apart of illegal activity. Hope you boys can teach her how to survive in prison." she smirked at us one last time before driving away.

I got out of the car and Kip hugged me. "What is she talking about? I have no idea what you guys are involved in. And I don't want to know."

"Don't worry about her." Kip told me. "She's just trying to scare you into being a rat. You don't know anything so there's no point in her going after you."

"Prospect's right." Jax spoke up, "Bayley, you have nothing to worry about."

"You sure?" I sniffled.

"Yeah." he nodded. "You'll be alright, darlin'. Trust me."
A/N: will Bayley be alright?

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