Don't Fear The Reaper

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Bayley told them everything she knew about her brothers actual death. She said it was Juice's fault about what happened at the funeral too. The guys couldn't agree with her more. Opie carried Bayley bridal style to his bike. "You think you'd be okay to ride?" he asked, having a second helmet ready.

She took the helmet and clipped it under her neck. "I want Juice to pay."

Tig cocked his gun and had a cold look in his eyes, "He's dead."

Opie pulled out his burner, "Not until we tell the club what we found out."
AJ covered her eyes when she heard the gun fire. There was no way she could look at Juice's dead body without being tempted to take her own life to be with him in the afterlife. With the things they've done, she knew they'd see each other in Hell.

"Don't even think about it."

A voice said as AJ heard Juice groan in pain. She looked up to find Jax and Chibs with their guns drawn out pointed at them. Juice was holding his wounded arm, thanks to the VP who shot the gun out of his grasp.

"I've told you once, Juice." Chibs said, "Sons don't kill themselves." He picked up the traitor by the hem of his shirt collar. "They deal with the consequences like a man."

"Please," AJ cried, "Don't hurt him. I need him with me! Jax please, don't do this."

"Do you know what he did?" The VP asked.


"Do you know what he did?!" He emphasized loudly.

"She doesn't know anything!" Juice lied for her. "I just told her that I needed to get out of town. I held her at gun point. I swear, I never told her what I did."

Chibs picked AJ up by her hair, making the little woman wince and grab at his hands. "Your little boyfriend here killed Half-Sack. Then he lied and said it was Mayan's that attacked which made them retaliate at Sack's funeral. It's because of him" he pointed at Juice, "That my kids are dead!"

"You can't kill him."

Jax rolled his eyes, "You seriously still can't be pining for him."

"It's okay, AJ." Juice told her.

He walked with Jax and Chibs down the road. After Opie informed the Sons about what Bayley had said, they took a Mayhem vote. Everybody voted yes. Juice was meeting his end. "If I were you, sweetheart. I'd turn away." Jax warned without looking back.

She couldn't bare to look. The love of her life was going to be killed. Regardless if she was going to kill him herself, she was going to take her own life right after. Even with the condition she was in. AJ would rather eat a bullet than live in a world without Juan Carlos Ortiz.

Jax pulled out a knife and stood behind Juice, wrapping his arm around the liars neck, in a loose choke hold.

AJ ran over and jumped on Jax's back. She couldn't sit back and watch them execute Juice. She had to save him like she promised herself. AJ pulled at his blonde hair and scratched at his blue eyes. "Leave him alone! I won't let you hurt him!"

"AJ get off!" Jax tried prying the feisty girl off of him without hurting her with the knife in his hand. Jax dropped it to be cautious.

"I got it." the Scotsmen wrapped his arm around AJ's waist and pulled her off. She turned around and kicked him in the balls. "Gah!" he fell to his knees. "Son of a-!"

Even though Jax didn't want to do it, he threw her to the ground. AJ thought he was going to kick or punch her and she put her hands up, surrendering. "Don't! I'm pregnant!" Jax and Chibs looked at each other with their mouths half agape. "You don't understand. I need him with me. I'm begging you Jax, don't do this." she cried, lowering her head to the cement as she slid her hands away from her body.

"Get up." Jax lifted AJ's feather weight body up by her arm. "We're going to head back to the Club house."

"Thank you, Jax" she held onto his arm and cried onto his cut.

"Don't thank me yet." he told her with a grimace expression. "Rat will be here with the truck. You two will ride with him." Jax told AJ and Juice, "And if you try anything stupid. I'll do to both of you what I have to." he sneered.



Bobby hung up his phone. He headed to the den where everybody was. Bayley was sitting on the couch, letting Tara bandage up her face, all thanks to Juice who knocked her out with his gun to the side of her head. "You're really dehydrated." the doctor said, "Other than that, you'll be fine.

"Thank you."

"Just got off the phone with Jax." he informed, taking a seat on one of the bar stools. "He and Chibs found Juice."

Tig stood up from his sitting position, "He meet mayhem?"

Bobby stretched the left corner of his mouth downwards indicating that it hadn't happened yet. "We need to re-vote on Mayhem."
Chibs and Jax came in to the club house and headed straight to the Chapel as their brothers followed behind them. Juice and AJ weren't too far behind. They received death glares by the entire club as they past them by.

The guilty couple took a seat and waited. On the other side of the clubhouse was Gemma and Bayley with their arms crossed, leaned against the bar counter, with a scowl molding across their obviously indignant faces.

Rei was in one of the apartment rooms with Abel while Tara watched over them. Gemma put her arm around Bayley's shoulder. "C'mon sweetheart. Let's go check on the kids."

Bayley's feet followed the Queen of SAMCRO but her eyes never left the deceitful duo who looked down in mortification.

Gemma closed the door until their was a soft click. On the floor was Tara sitting in a criss cross posture with the kids who were playing with their toys. She stood up, "What happened?"

Gemma took a seat on the edge of the lumpy mattress. "Nothing yet." She replied. "I'm not buying that bullshit about Juice holding AJ at gunpoint. That whore was helping him flee on her own will." She alleged.

"How can you be so sure about that, Gemma?"

Bayley pushed herself off of the wall she was leaned against. "Let's get real here. AJ would do anything to protect Juice. But what do I know, right?" She looked over at Gemma. "Would this be the first time that she helped him get away with something this morbid?"

"No." Gemma answered as she stared back at Tara. "Need I remind you about the trying to give intel about SAMCRO to the Mayans incident." Bayley had no idea what they were talking about and she didn't care. Point was that even though AJ played no part in the murders, she still tried helping her lover get away with it. That was something that was unforgivable.

"Okay, I see your point." Tara couldn't argue with the evidence. "But I still think that you're all taking this way too far. I mean, your own death penalty? We have enough death around us and you want to add on to the pile."

Bayley rolled her eyes and scoffed, "What do you know about too far, Tara?"

"I know enough to realize when people are being unreasonable." Tara riposted. "Executing your problems isn't going to bring anybody back from the dead and it's not going to make you feel better in the end. I bet that you're hoping that the club all agrees on Mayhem again because you just can't let things go. Yeah, it was awful what Juice did and it was even worse that AJ helped him try and leave town but that doesn't change the fact how you're becoming dark on the inside."

Bayley shook her head, not wanting to hear anything else that Tara was saying. The doctor could understand why the girl was acting like this though. Hanging around the club and getting used to losing loved ones became normal. It clouded her conscience and morals to a point where she believed that killing was the only answer. Bayley had became corrupt.

The women turned around when they heard a knocking at the door. It was Happy. "You're going to want to hear this, Bayley."

She followed her father into the Chapel. All the guys were at the table with their typical poker faces. Juice and AJ stood nervously beside each other awaiting their fate. Bayley leaned against the padded walls. She prayed that the club was going to make the right decision that would make her feel better.

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