Packed Bags

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After we were let out of jail, Jax, Chibs, Juice, and my brother were waiting for us outside of the police station. "Hop on and we'll head back to TM." Jax instructed.

Becky got on the back of my brothers motorcycle and Finn got in the front seat of the truck that Chibs was driving. I had to pick between either Jax or Juice to ride with.

Jax smirked when he noticed that I was conflicted. "I don't have a helmet to offer you so just ride with Juice."

Dammit Jax. "Ok. Sure." I walked towards Juice and his Harley. He took off his black helmet and handed it to me. When I put it on my head I turned to see Finn looking pissed and my brother looking concerned.

"You've ever ridden one before?" Juice asked.

"Yeah, well not by myself. I would always ride behind my boyfriend." I turned and watched everybody drive off. "Shouldn't we get going?"

"Yeah, you just look so cute with that helmet." Juice revved the engine and took off at full speed. I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. Resting my head on his back that was covered by his warm leather cut. This brought back memories.

I closed my eyes thinking about when me and my boyfriend Jimmy would sneak out of our houses and go on a late night ride on his motorcycle around town and across the beach. He was the sweetest thing ever. If only he were here to see how much Rei looks like him.

I opened my eyes when I felt the engine stop. I didn't want to let go of Juice because I imagined that I was still holding onto Jimmy.

"You can let go now, Bayley." Juice chuckled. I unwrapped my arms from around him then he helped me off of his bike. I handed his helmet back. I didn't notice I was crying until I felt the breeze hit my face and cool down my warm tears. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." I shook my head and sniffled. "Some sweat got into my eyes is all. I'm ok."

He tilted my gaze up to meet his dark brown eyes, "You're an awful liar. What's really bothering you?"

I looked down at the cement. I didn't want to tell anybody about Jimmy but that wasn't the only thing on my mind. "Everything. When I came here I didn't think I would be in these type of situations. I didn't know my brother was apart of some motorcycle club."

He cut me off. "Technically, he's just a prospect. Not an official member yet." I glared at him. "I'm sorry. Keep going."

"I don't want to be here anymore. I want to runaway to a place where nobody knows me. Where it can just be me, Rei and Jimmy and nobody else. That's all I really want." my lip quivered and I started crying into my shacking hands.

Suddenly I felt Juice wrap his arms around me. Usually I would say that Jimmy had the best hugs, but the runner up would have to be Juice. I felt his hand stroke the back of my head and his other hand slowly slide up and down my back. "Believe me, I know how you feel." he whispered in my ear. "Who's Jimmy?"

I pulled away from him. "Nobody. I'm going inside." on my way into the building I saw Chibs, Finn, Becky and Kip standing in the way. They had just seen my emotional break down.

When I walked into the den I saw Donna sitting on the couch with Rei in her arms. "Thanks for taking care of her for me."

"Don't mention it. I'm glad to help."

I smiled at Donna, "How's Ope and the kids?"

"The kids are at school. Opie... I don't know. Something's bothering him but he won't tell me. I love the man to death but he just pisses me off so much." Donna checked her phone when it vibrated. It was a text from Opie. "Speak of the devil. I have to go." They've been fighting a lot lately. She's scared that the club will get him killed and wants him out. He always says the money from the club is what helps put food on their table. I understand where Donna is coming from because I feel the same way about Kip.

Speaking of Kip, he walked into my room and sat beside me. "Bayley, I need to talk to you." my silence gave him approval to speak. "I was talking to Becky and we both think it would be best if you stayed with her and Finn."

I scoffed, "Now Becky determines what's best for me? No thanks. I'm fine where I am."

He ran his hand through his dark blonde, curly hair. "Bayley please. Don't make this harder than it needs to be. I honestly don't think this is a safe place for you."

"Something's telling me there's more to this."

Kip sighed, "I saw what happened with you and Juice. It's not a good idea for you to get close to him or any of the guys. Not even me."

"Why not? And for the last time, I don't like Juice." I stomped. I hated how he and Jax thought that.

"You get attached easily. And things may happen and you may not see us again. I don't want you to go through that."

I thought hard about what Kip was saying. I felt like he was wrong but then I thought about the last time I didn't listen to him. "Alright. I'll stay with them. Help me pack?"

"Of course."

"Sack." Bobby peeked his head in, "Need you in the Chapel." my brother sighed and headed to the Chapel, Bobby followed behind him.

After they left Finn entered. "Want me to help you pack?" he offered.

I nodded, setting Rei down on the bed. "Thanks. You sure it won't be a pain having us around?"

"Not at all." He grabbed my empty bags from the closet, stuffing my clothes inside. "I'm looking forward to it actually."

"Can I ask you something?" Finn looked at me waiting for my question. "What do they talk about in the Chapel? I know you hate knowing about this stuff, I do too but, it's kinda hard keeping yourself out of the loop. I figured you would know more than me."

"Probably about another gun shipment. Or why Opie is MIA today. He hasn't been the same after Brenan Hefner's death."

I saw on the news that Brendan was shot in the chest and died outside of his motel room. I felt a little uneasy that my daughter and I are around murderers. "Oh yeah, I heard that he froze up and Bobby had to do it."

"The Clubs pissed because they think he's not trustworthy and reliable anymore. Which puts him and his family in serious danger.

His family? "I thought they were all friends."

"There are no friends when someone is under suspicion of being a rat."

This made my body go numb. Rei was crying on the bed but I couldn't move to take care of her. Does this mean that they'd hurt me if I ever said anything? Did they even care about us to begin with? I snapped myself out of my thoughts. "I'm finished packing. Can we just leave already?"

"You don't want to say bye to anybody?"

I shook my head, "I just want to go." I grabbed Rei and speed walked to the front door. I looked at the monsters in the corner of the room. There were ATF vans I'm the parking lot and at the front door that I was about to walk out of.

Before I knew it, the door was busted down almost knocking me over. ATF agents flooded TM. One pushed Finn to the ground and another roughed me up and I screamed.

The guys came rushing out of the Chapel to see what was going on. They didn't have a chance to do anything because they were all forced to lie flat on the ground.

I growled when I saw who walked in next. Agent Stahl, with that usual evil grin on her smug face. I'm going to kill her. "Nice to see you guys again."

"What's this about?!" Clay grunted in anger.

"Shut it." Stahl stomped on his hand making his scream.

Gemma gasped, "Bitch!" she spit at the ATF agent. Stahl then greeted her with a kick to the side of the ribs.

One of the agents picked Bobby up from the ground and put him in cuffs. "Bobby Elvis, you are under arrest for the murder of Brenan Hefner."

After they took Bobby away, Stahl looked me up and down, noticing my packed bags. She chuckled, "Took you long enough to figure out that these men are bad for you." She handed me my backpack that I had dropped on the floor. "Sadly you found out too late." she looked around at us. "Have a good night."

All of her goons followed behind her. I hate to admit it but she's right. I should have never came here. I already know so much. They'll never let me go now.

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