Almost Done

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Bayley had heard from the Club about what had went down between AJ and Juice in county. She felt so awful. "Why couldn't you have just left things alone?" she asked herself. On the bed were her packed bags. It was finally time to move. "C'mon baby."

Rei stood up. "Are we gonna say bye?" she asked.

Bayley closed her eyes, sighing. "Do you really want to?" Rei nodded excitedly. "I guess it wouldn't hurt."

"Yay!" The toddler squealed while clapping her hands.

Bayley and Rei walked into TM to say goodbye to the guys. But the small den only consisted of Gemma, Tara and a couple crow eaters. "Where is everybody?" Bayley asked Gemma.

"They're in the middle of Church."

"It's some shit that happened with the whole AJ and Juice situation." Tara explained, "They didn't tell us what it was though."

"Oh." Bayley sat down on one of the bar stools beside the two women and set Rei onto the counter top of the bar. Moments later the Chapel doors opened and everybody came out. Rei tried climbing off of the counter when she saw Jax and almost fell off. "Whoa, take it easy." She helped her daughter to the floor.

Rei ran to Jax who was kneeling down, getting ready to pick her up once she ran in his arms. "Hey, sweetheart. Saying goodbye?" She nodded with a pout. "Awww, don't be sad." He pretended to munch on her face, making the upset toddler giggle. "We're going to miss you."

Tig stoop beside the VP, "See you later, squirt. Now I won't have a headache anymore from you always pulling my hair." Rei reached her arm out to tug on his curly, brown hair like she always did when he would help watch her. "Oh fine." Rei pulled the hair and watched it bounce back. Tig laughed, ruffling her hair. "Why don't you ever pull on Opie's beard, huh?" He teased.

"Because she actually likes me." Jax handed Rei over to the tall man with a scruffy beard. Rei ran her hand over it. "Awww, I'm gonna miss you, too." Opie kissed her chubby cheek.

"What about me, lass?" The Scot put his hands on his hips, acting like he was offended. Rei motioned that she wanted to be carried by Chibs. Bayley, Gemma, Tara, and the crow-eaters found it completely adorable how she loved these guys so much. Chibs held her in his arms and gave her a hug and a kiss on the head. "Here, go to your grandpa."

"Grammpa!" She squealed. Happy held her above his head, making plane noises as he flew her through the air. She wrapped her arms around him. "Imma miss you, Grammpa."

"I'm gonna miss you, too. Here," he handed Rei over to Bayley. "Go back to your momma."

"She was just begging for me to drop by here, so she could see you guys one last time."

Bobby walked up to Bayley, giving her a side hug, "You get one too."

Clay walked up to her. Bayley looked down. "It was nice having you two around." He said. "I apologize for all the..." He looked at Rei and back at her mom. "S-H-I-T we put you through over the past two in a half years."

"You spelled a bad word!" Rei pointed with her mouth forming an o shape.

"She's smart."

Bayley chuckled, "Well you guys always cursed in front of her so she picked up a few things. But... It's alright. I learned not to hold a grudge." Clay smirked and held the girl close in a half embrace. "Well, we have to get going."

Happy went up to his daughter and gave her a hug. It was a shame how not too long ago that he discovered that he was a father and a grandpa and now his daughter and granddaughter were leaving again. "Having you two in my life was nice while it lasted."

"Likewise." She smiled.

"We actually have some things we need to take care of." Jax spoke, cutting the moment short.

"What happened with AJ and Juice?" Gemma asked.

"The drugs that they found suddenly vanished into thin air. ATF thinks that we have something to do with it." The Prez made known.

'Don't worry about us losing money because of our drugs that the cops have. We have a crooked ATF agent on our payroll that'll steal it all back for us.'

Those words played back in Bayley's head. The crooked ATF agent managed to get the drugs back to Dean and Sami. Everything according to the plan went perfectly but now SAMCRO is being investigated. Which means ATF could find out even more dirt about the club. "Jesus... That sucks."

"We'll figure it out." Jax told her. "You just need to get to Stockton to be with your family."

Bayley nodded and picked Rei up. "Bye." She waved. Part of her being sad to go.

"Bye." Rei repeated.

They all waved back. Bayley buckled Rei in her carseat and drove off. She stopped in front of the Charming Police station.

"Bayley?" Unser walked forward with a joint filled with his medical marijuana in between his fingers. Bayley could tell that he was stoned. "You finally leaving?"

"I am. Do you know if Agent Stahl is here?"

"Nah." He shook his head. "She left a while ago because the drugs that were in Juice's house went missing."

"I heard." She looked back at Rei who was falling asleep in the back seat. "Would you mind watching Rei while I run inside?"

"Yeah of course." It completely went over his head that Bayley was at the police station before she would leave Charming forever.

Bayley draped her bag across her shoulder. Standing there was the detective that investigated AJ. He then greeted himself. "I saw you at the station when we locked up Juan Carlos Ortiz. I'm detective Shane McMahon. You called saying you needed to have a word with me?"

Bayley took a deep breath. This was the guy that was on Sami and Dean's payroll. It had to be him. "Can I talk to you in private?"

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