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After Finn and Becky washed up they headed off to Jax's place. I was waiting on the couch with my duffle bag on my lap. I got up and walked around because my legs were getting numb. There was a knocking on the door, thinking it was Juice I threw the strap over my shoulder then opened the door. To my surprise, it was my brother.

"Kip, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Jax's place?"

"I was heading there right now. I just wanted to check up on you."

"Oh. I'm fine. Just getting ready to go to HB with Juice."

"Yeah, he told me." Kip ran his fingers through his curly blonde hair. "I need a favor from you." he walked inside, leaning against the wall. "I need you to tell mom and dad where I really am. Not what I'm doing exactly, just that I'm not in the military anymore. I can't stand them not knowing."

"Of course. What if they want to see you again?"

"No. I-I, can't face them. I don't want to hear how disappointed they are in me."


"I gotta go. Be safe." we hugged real quick before I walked him outside. "Tell Jax I said I'm glad Abel's okay."

Right after he drove away, Juice showed up in a black van. There was another guy in the passenger seat, who I had never seen before. He looked kind of scary. He had a tattoo on the top of his head and more covering both of his arms. He probably wore a frown on his face no matter what mood he was in.

I shyly walked up to the vehicle

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I shyly walked up to the vehicle. "Hi."

"Hey." Juice smiled.

"Hi." they other guy said in a gruff voice.

"Bayley, this is Happy. Happy, this is Bayley." Happy got out of the van and slid the door on the side for me to get in.

Happy? That's ironic. "Thanks." I smiled. The door slid closed behind me and we were off to HB. Honestly, I was nervous. I wonder how Carmella will react to me being associated to an MC. And my parents... I really didn't want to see them again but I sadly had to. The last thing I wanted them to find out what I was up to. All the more reason for them to judge me.

I had dozed off in the backseat. We drove over a speed bump and I rolled onto the the floor. "Ow." I rubbed my head then stretched my soar muscles. Lying in the backseat for 4hours sucked. I looked out the window and read a sign that said 'Welcome To Huntington Beach'.

"Where do you need to be dropped off?" Juice asked. I gave him the address and within 15minutes I was at Carmella's house. "Just stay here until we come back for you."

"Alright." I watched them drive off and I walked up to the front porch, knocking on the red door.

Carmella slowly opened the door rubbing her tired eyes. She was wearing leapord print pajamas with a matching eye mask and slippers. "'Mella!" I hugged her tightly to where she lost her balance and we both fell to the floor.

"Bayley!" she blurted in excitement. "It's 2am. What are you doing here? It's been what, 5months since I've seen you without even a phone call. Cass and I were worried sick about you."

"I know I'm sorry. So much crap has been going on and I've been really busy."

We went up to her room and sat on the bed. "I'm guessing everything went well with your brother."

"You can say that."

Carmella stood up on her knees, "Ooo, this sounds juicy."

"Remember those guys on motorcycles that we saw when we first arrived at Charming?"

"Sons of Anarchy."

"My brothers prospecting for them." Carmella's jaw fell agape. "Not only that but I'm living with one of the members kids."

"You're not doing favors for them are you? Who's taking care or Rei? Have they hurt you? How did you get over here anyways?!" she shook me by the shoulders. "Tell me!" I smacked her across the face so she could pull it together. "Thanks."

"I can't answer all of your questions."


"I just can't. It's not for me to tell. But I can tell you that Rei is being well taken care of and I got a ride here by 2 of the members."

"What are they doing in HB?" I bit my bottom lip. That was another question I couldn't answer. Carmella rubbed her forehead. "When are you going back to Charming."

"In 2 days. After we're done here, we're driving to Oakland for something else then I'm heading back."

Carmella and I talked for 2hours about my time in Charming. I felt bad that there was so much I couldn't tell her. After all, she is my best friend. I couldn't even tell her about the Juice and Finn situation. I really needed some type of guidance in the right direction.

The clock on her nightstand read 4:30am. I was wondering what was taking Juice and Happy so long. My heart nearly jumped into my throat when we heard a loud banging on the door. "Jesus." Carmella put her hand over her fast beating heart. "Who the hell's that?"

I looked out her window and saw the black van in the driveway. "It's my ride. I have to stop by my parents house because of this thing." We walked down the stairs and to the door. I hugged Carmella one last time. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, Bayley." she opened the door, both Happy and Juice were standing there. Carmella gave me a worried look.

I placed my hand on her forearm, "It's okay. I'll be fine. Promise."

She pouted, crossing her arms. "You're not the one who should be promising that."

Juice smiled at her. I don't know if it was the lighting but I could have sworn I saw Carmella's cheeks turn pink. "We're taking good care of your friend. Nothing will happen to her. I promise."

I half smiled at Carmella before getting in the back of the van. Once we turned on my street I felt my stomach doing flips.

"I know this street." Happy said. "A chick I used to hook up with lived somewhere over here."

"I'm surprised you can keep up with all the chicks you've hooked up with, Hap." Juice joked. Gosh his smile is so cute, I thought to myself. When we stopped I gulped loudly. Juice could tell I was nervous to see my parents again. "What are your parents names?" Juice asked me.

"Milla and Andrew."

"We'll be waiting out here." Happy told me. He had a very curious look on his face. I shrugged it off though. At least he wasn't wearing that intimidating frown.

It was already 5am. I knew my parents would be awake already. They've always been early risers. My hand trembled when I knocked on the door.

My dad answered and crossed his arms. "Look who it is, hun." he called my mom to the door. "Did you finally get rid of that baby?"

"If so you're welcome to stay with us again." she smiled.

"I didn't get rid of Rei. She's safe and sound." my parents rolled their eyes. "I need to tell you guys something. It's about Kip." My parents stared at each other in worry and let me come in the house. Must be nice being the favorite.

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