Zip Your Lip

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Kip came home late and found Bayley crashed on the couch, holding Rei close to her chest. Cool, I get to sleep in my bed today. He sighed thinking back to what Clay had told him. Kip knew that that wasn't a bluff. The Club was serious about things regarding rats. That's what scared him.

If Bayley ever heard anything they discussed, he wasn't sure if she'd be able to handle it.
-next morning-

After her daily routine, Bayley waited for her brother to wake up. Once he finally opened his eyes, he groaned tiredly. "Morning." he yawned.

"Did you talk to your boss?"

"Yeah. He said you could work on the weekends for a few hours."

Bayley hugged him, "Thank you so much! I owe you big time!"

He removed her arms from around his neck. "Listen.. You may hear some things that the guys talk about and it would be best if you just ignore it."

She nodded. "OK. Sure."

"And another thing. Clay and some of the other guys may come off as kind of rude and maybe even a little pervy, but don't let that get to you. Just do what you're told, when you're told, and everything will be fine."

Bayley raised her eyebrow. She wasn't sure why he was being so strict with her. It definitely wasn't like how he used to act. But it was best of she just didn't ask questions.

There was a kicking at the door and Kip told Bayley to answer it while he hit the shower. The door opened revealing the face of Kips Ol' Lady, Becky Lynch. "What are you doing here?"

"I was told last night to come by because you start your job today." she answered, walking inside. "Half-Sack wanted me to babysit."

Bayley's facial expression changed. There was no way she was trusting this stranger with her baby. The only person that ever took care of Rei besides herself was her mom. "No, that won't be necessary. I can take her with me."

"A garage is no place to keep a baby. I'm you're only option until you find a real babysitter."

Bayley sighed in defeat. This girl did have a really good point. If Kip called her to take care of Rei, means that he trusts her. And Bayley took a chance and trusted his instincts. "OK." she nodded. "If you have any questions or problems with her, please." she emphasized the word please. "Please call me."

"Will do." Becky smiled. "You go to Tracy High School, right?" she asked.

"Yeah I enrolled last week. Why?"

"Do you know my kid brother? His names, Finn Bálor."

Bayley's jaw fell agape. No way that nice guy was related to this girl. "Yeah, he's in one of my classes. I didn't know you guys were related. You don't really look alike."

"I know. Our dad is kind of a whore." she chuckled. "We don't know our moms."

"I'm sorry to hear that." They're conversation was cut short when Kip came back in the room, ready to leave. "Ready to go?"

She nodded. "Again, call if you need anything."

"Quit being paranoid. I know how to take care of a kid."
-Teller Morrow Autoshop-

Kip pulled into the lot with Bayley on the back of his motorcycle. He was giving her another talk about the do's and don'ts about working here.

"Who's that cute girl with, Prospect?" a member of SAMCRO (Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Originals) named, Juice asked.

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