Chapter four: The Girl With The Tattoos

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     Natsu's POV

     That party gramps threw us was fun, almost everyone went straight to their guilds to ask to leave. I always knew that they never gave up on FairyTail, they where just waiting patiently for it to return.

    "Aye, Happy." I said to my little buddy. It was pouring down hard and we are heading back for our little cottage in the forest now.

    "Hey, Natsu..." Happy sighed.

     He was depressed after Carla pulled him over to talk to him after the party. I swear to god I will burn that exceed to a crisp if she said anything to make Happy sad...

    "Okay buddy, drop the act. What happened?" I stopped in my tracks and demanded. Happy hesitated, I saw his eyes fill with tears.

     Happy glided into my arms and started crying.

    "She was so mean, Natsu! She said that I was the reason why Wendy wants to leave Lamia Scale and join FairyTail! She said that if I ever go near Wendy or talk to her again, Carla would kill me! She sounded serious too!" Happy sobbed, he buried his face in my chest and began crying.

     Okay I get that Carla can be a little bitch at times but this is new low for her.

    "Don't worry buddy, I will make sure Carla doesn't touch you. You can still talk to Wendy, I will just watch you and make sure your safe." I said, Happy unburied his head from my chest and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

    "Really?" Happy asked.

    "Of course little buddy! She won't touch you as long as I'm around." I said, I smiled at him and Happy gave me an adorable little smile in return.

     I began walking while holding Happy in my arms. "Let's go home and eat some food, I'm starving," I joked.

    "Aye sir!" Happy responded, I'm glad Happy is feeling better. It's strange to see Happy so... Well, unhappy.

    Our cabin came into view after we passed a big red tree, I walked up to the porch and opened the door. It was as messy as hell, it was like I left it for four years rather than one. I can tolerate messy surroundings but this is at its limit.

    "Happy, this place looks like a dump. What do ya say we clean it a bit?" I asked.

    "Aye sir!" Happy agreed.

     We went inside and I closed the door.

     Kiminari's POV.

     Me and Zaura where walking through the rain, I found out where this Natsu guy lived through several sources. (Primarily, beating the shit out of people who seemed to know him until they spilled the beans). Apparently he lived in these woods, a small cabin in the middle of it to be exact.

    "Remember the plan, Kim," Zaura said, she was flying in the air besides me.

    "I know what I'm doing, Zaura." I snapped back.

    "Just saying, we both know how you get carried away easily and forget pretty much everything we need to accomplish in our missions." She replied.

    "God dammit, Zaura! I'm not your kid so stop bossing me around!"

    "Well nobody said you where, stupid! And do not  talk down to me like I'm your fricking pet! So just shaddup, we have a job to do!"

     We continued on, walking in silence. Zaura and I are basically sisters, I was made from the scroll around the same time her egg appeared. While evolving from my child form, we grew up together. Like all siblings, we never truly did get along.

     Moments passed and a cabin came into view, there was fire light coming from inside it and a sign in front saying "Natsu and Happy" on a yellow cat-head shaped sign.

    "Well here we are," I said. "Remember, this is E.N.D's house so we must be respectful."

    "Well E.N.D's memories and personality were sealed in that book remember? So let's just talk to his vessel's current host like its a normal person." Zaura countered.

     As always, using logic against me. Typical smart-ass Zaura.

     We walked to the front door of the house, I heard conversations inside.

     I hesitated. I know this isn't the actual E.N.D, but I hear that this guy is crazy strong.

     Remember, Kiminari... Your doing this for Arbis-Sama. Don't mess up...

     Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.
     Happy's POV

     Me and Natsu where almost done cleaning when a knock came at our door. We stopped what we where doing and looked up.

    "I'll get it," Natsu said and stood up.

     I watched him go, he seemed distracted lately. I dunno... He must still be traumatized after loosing Igneel.

      My mind wandered to another topic.

     Why would Carla threaten me like that? I loved her and thought she was smart and beautiful. Well, I guess patient and kind where never one of the words to describe her since she always talked like she was towers higher than everyone.

     I walked over to Natsu just as he opened the door. The first thing I saw was a teenage woman who looked like she was around Natsu's age and an Exceed.

     Oh my squid calamari she was beautiful! A black she-cat with silver wings, grey stomach and tail tip. Her eyes where a beautiful and breath taking gold.

    "Heyo," Natsu said to the woman. "What can I do for you?"

     I took my eyes off the beautiful exceed and looked at the woman. She was tan with brown-black hair with blond highlights, she had black eyes with gold flecks. She wore a white tunic with black jeans. She even had a black scarf draped around her neck. But there was one really strange detail about her appearance. There where black lightning-looking zigzag tattoos all over her body.

    "Hi," the lady said, she sounded like that Libra spirit mixed with Juvia's voice. "I'm Kiminari, this is my exceed Zaura. We where lost in these woods and where hoping if you let us in."

    "I'm sorry but I don't let random people in our house." Natsu was about to close the door.

    "No, wait, please!" Kiminari put her hand on the door to prevent Natsu from completely closing it. "Please, sir! We are homeless and new to Magnolia. Can you please just let us stay here for a few days or so until we get back on our feet?"

     Natsu looked down on me for approval, I just nodded my head dumbly. I know we just met these people but we can't let them go out homeless and hungry.

    "Fine, only for like a week though, also I have two questions for you: one, what's with those demon-looking tattoos? Two, why do you look well fed if your homeless?" Natsu asked suspiciously.

     Wow, who knew Natsu could make such quick observations without anyone pointing it out. I guess he really did get smarter.

    "Okay, first, I just thought these tattoos would make me look cool and tough. Second, before I came to Magnolia, a nice family tried to keep me from starving and gave me food and clothing before I came here." Kiminari replied.

     I looked back at the she cat. She smiled warmly and held out her paw. "Like my companion said, I'm Zaura. It's nice to meet you. And you are...?" She said, her last words trailed off with question. Her voice sounded like Carla's voice but deeper and richer', they sounded kind rather than Carla's mean, snobby tone.

    "Happy," I finished off her question. I took her paw and shook it. Her paws where warm and comforting. I looked up at Natsu and Kiminari, they where watching us.

    "If Happy's fine with it than I am too," Natsu said, he held out his hand and Kiminari shook it.

    "Come on in," Natsu said, all of us went inside the house.

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