Chapter Twenty-One: That Dream Again

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Natsu's POV.

     Porlyusca put me on some kind of drug so I could fall asleep while she cut into my arm and leg to get out the glass. I don't feel it but I do feel is curiosity. Where am I? Why am I here? Why is everything black? It's like I'm in space but there are no stars or suns or any other type of light. I'm floating in blackness with gray fluffs all over the place. Fog? I had this dream before, I think three days ago when I was preparing for the GMG. Zeref wasn't in it but now I see something else, I hear whispering voices but I couldn't decipher what their saying because there's too many of them.

     Suddenly I could see again, I was standing in Magnolia but it looked like the apocalypse. The skies were blood red with pink clouds reflecting on that color, the sun looked orange instead of yellow and the trees looked like their leaves were burned to a crisp with their trunks nothing but shaped hunks of charcoal. The houses and shops looked like they were melting, the bricks all over the place and most being melted by the fire that covered the houses. Fire, fire, fire, fire everywhere!

     Suddenly my body wasn't moving on my own accord anymore, my legs felt like a ghost of some sorts clutched them and made my legs move me through the fire, I couldn't even control my body to help the burning and dying civilians in each flame. They looked at me with fear in their eyes as if I caused this. I couldn't think right now, I looked straight ahead and just now realized that my lips weren't moving because they were curled into a sinister grin. My eyes wouldn't move either, they were just glued ahead, the skies had black smoke plaguing them and through more fires and death I saw a looming structure.

     Fairy Tail.

     The guild looked destroyed and I saw my guild mates, most of them dead, some dying, others looking at me with hatred and fear. I walked casually through the guild and sat myself down on the bar desk top as if it were a kind of throne. I felt my throat quiver and then my voice worked on it's own, an inhuman laugh escaped my lips, slowly escalating from a giggle, to a chuckle, and finally to howling, insane laughter. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, but I was trapped within myself. Everything suddenly flickered out from that horrible image to comforting darkness, I finally was suddenly able to control my body and I felt myself sobbing with tears coming down my face like a water fall. There was silence, sweet silence and I felt myself calm down to it, I welcomed it with open arms, trying to breathe the nightmare away.

    "Natsu," A voice interrupted. It sounded like mine. I looked in every which way for the source of the noise. Nobody was there.

    "Natsu," the voice came again, this time it was creaked higher as if my voice shifted to that of Erza's voice but not her's at the same time.

    "Natsu...?" The voice came again but it sounded like Lucy this time.

   "NATSU!" The voice was loud and clear, it was definitely Lucy, I tried to heave my eyelids open and it worked. They slowly opened and I saw the green ceiling again. I blinked the nightmare away and looked around. Lucy held my left hand and looked at me in concern. "Are you okay?"

    "Huh?" I whispered and looked around. No fire. No nothing. I'm fine? What happened?

    "What happened?" I asked her and she looked at me in a confused way.

    "That's what I would like to know, I came back over here and I saw you crying. Are you okay?" She asked.

    "Yeah... I'm fine..." I said and sat up.

     I instinctively looked over at my right arm's wrist and saw that I had a new white bandage over the tattoos and another bandage wrapped around my shoulder. My legs were still underneath the white hospital blanket so I couldn't see them. I sighed in relief.

    "Did you see what was under my bandage?" I asked Lucy, pointing at my right wrist.

    "No?" She answered. "Why? Do you not want us to see it?"

    "Uhm, it's an... Uh, ugly scar?" I lied. OK, I suck at lying she pretty much saw straight through me.

    "What is it really?" She asked in an almost Erza tone.

    I swallowed my fear and smirked at her, "Nothing!"

     She didn't look happy with the answer and reached for my arm, I pulled it away from her reach and gasped in pain as I felt my shoulder pain. She paused and looked at me in a concerned way. "No," I grunted. "You can't see it."

    "Why?" She asked. "I wanna help you Natsu."

    "I DON'T WANT YOU TO!" I yelled, regretting my arrogance almost immediately.

    "Fine, but please don't strain yourself. How did Jakoon do that much damage on you by the way?" She said.

    "He himself didn't do it, it's the combination of our powers that did this. When sand melts it can be a pain in the glass,"  I said, she started laughing at my ridiculous pun.

    "I think you've been playing too much Undertale," She said over her giggles.

    "One can never play too much Pun-dertale," I smirked and she started laughing again.

    "I got a skele-ton of more bad puns if you wanna hear 'em. I think their very humerus," I said again and her laughing became slightly irritated. I think Sans is just like me, he likes making people laugh and he has this weird power so it's not wise to underestimate him.

    "Oh my god, Natsu, please get serious," She giggled.

    "'Kay Luce, what is it?" I asked.

    "You can't trust Kiminari," She said and my irritation went from zero to one hundred really fast.

    "Why?" I asked.

    "I heard her tell someone to kidnap you, you can't trust her," She pressed on. "She's dangerous and-"

    "I've heard enough shit today, Luce, I trust her, she's cool. Why don't you?" I asked.

    "Because she's not human!" She suddenly said. "She's a demon dammit, you know it so why do you  trust her?"

    "Damn it Luce, I'm starting to get worried about you. You obsess over the fact that she's a demon and your almost too willing to drag her out of hiding. We already had this conversation like, what, three days ago? Find a new hobby or something your starting to sound like Juvia," I said.

    "Well at least I  care about the well being of our guild," She said.

    "OPEN YOUR EYES! Did she hurt anyone?! No, is she planning on doing it?! No, so find a new hobby or something your starting to piss me off," I yelled.

    "..." She didn't reply for a long moment, her eyes starting to wield tears.

    "... I'm sorry," I finally said. "I had a nightmare so I'm a bit frazzled right now... It was a bad one.. Please, can you go away? I don't like it when people worry about me..." She nodded and left, leaving me in the room alone.

     The fact is that I believe you, Luce, I thought. Your right, she is dangerous but I'm waiting for the right time to drag her out. I'm sorry. I closed my eyes and already knew that sleep was a long time coming.

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