Chapter Twenty-Nine: Planning

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     Zaura's POV.

     What kind of friend am I? How dare I count myself as anyone's friend if I let my life long friend go? I sat on the table in the Fairy Tail guild hall, everyone around me was arguing and shouting about any possible way to rescue Natsu. They seemed to forget about Kiminari though, but I didn't. I had the papers of guild reports after the incident. I collected copies from the Grand Magic Council (which I'll nickname GMC), they were about all the casualties that took place on the last day of the GMG. And that was yesterday... In total, there was twenty five wizard deaths, fifty-two civilian deaths, four missing wizard cases and a total of one hundred wounded.

     I told Kiminari to take Natsu and leave, but secretly I knew why she decided to bail on Arbis. Fairy Tail was an awe inspiring and adoring guild, they were so loving and treated each other like family. Even with treasons they were there for each other. But I guess, like all humans, they behave like that to their similar species only, they don't give a rat's ass about what happened to Kiminari. And after Erza, Gray and Lucy told everyone about what happened to Natsu, everyone seemed too drunk on suspicions and disbelief to speak rationally, meaning that they were still debating on whether it's worth it or not to even go back and save Natsu. Now they're starting to treat me like crap just because I was Kiminari's accomplice. Do I blame them? No.

    "Zaura?" Happy asked from behind me, I turned to look at him. "Why didn't you ever tell us that Kiminari was a demon?"

    "..." I didn't know what to say to that, I looked away from him and looked down at the reports. I saw dark circles appear on them and realized that I was crying. Finally I mustered up the courage and spoke. "... I guess it was the same reason Kiminari had. Maybe it's because I didn't want to lose my friends..."

    "But if you told us the truth you wouldn't have lost us," Happy insisted. I gave a small chuckle.

    "From where I stand we would've lost you both ways, Tomcat. Perhaps demons weren't meant to have friends in the first place, perhaps even those who are friends with them are cast outs..." I said sadly. I wiped away my tears with my arm and stood up. "Because that's what we were... A demon and an orphan, the best combinations of friends ever, right?"

    "Your not an orphan, Zaura. Don't you know? Exceeds are what we are, we were just torn away from our families when we were eggs. We have families in Edolas and their here now," Happy told me. I looked over at him, tears pooling my visions and I felt them make the fur under my eyes wet.

    "I'm not stupid, Happy. I knew about Edolas," I told him somewhat forcefully. "I knew there was a family there for me when I flew there. But did I find anyone who was related to me? No, I found out that my entire family was already dead."

     Happy looked away from me, his onyx eyes uncertain and his blue tail swaying sadly. I knew he had no right to trust me anymore, he never did. Why did I ever think I could fit in amongst these happy humans? Me and Kiminari were always outcasts, a failed project and an orphan. My immobilization cromatose and combat form were all I had going for me, other than that I had nothing special. What did Happy have? Obviously no brains or brawn, but he had undying loyalty and love for his friends. Something I wish I had.

     Then it hit me, I could be useful to these people again.  All I need to do is show them the way to DarkEmber. I could be leading them to their deaths but knowing them they will get through it. I turned to look at Happy and I smiled. "I know what to do!" I said as happily as I could.

    "Huh?" He asked.

    "I know where the took Natsu and Kiminari!" I said, I jumped in the air and summoned my wings from a red magic circle. I flew over to where the bickering humans were and I clapped my paws as loudly as I could. Everyone shut their yaps and turned their eyes to me, the hostility in their glares took me off guard but I cleared my throat.

    "I think I can help you guys with your problem!" I said.

    "Why should we believe you? You lied to us and betrayed us!" Gray shouted at me, I nodded solemnly.

    "I don't blame you, we put our selfish opinions first but I will assure you that I am being serious. I came from DarkEmber with Kiminari originally, I know where their guild is at and every square inch of it. I even know where the torture, transformation and rebirthing chambers are," I said and everyone looked more suspicious than angry.

    "If you don't believe me then you can take your sweet time of looking for them yourself, but I will also add that when Arbis tortures someone- probably being both Natsu and Kiminari, they will snap like a toothpick and form into someone you barely recognize. So if I were you I'd consider my friend's sanity before thinking 'hm, I don't trust Zaura and because of that I don't give a shit about what she says about my friend's sanity. It's probably renewable, right?' well here's a wake up call. it isn't. So as far as I'm aware, I'm your best and quickest option," I said and let my words sink in. I love talking like that, being all bossy and forceful, it makes me feel better about myself.

    "Fine, we'll go along with you, but don't think for a second that we would trust you again after all that happened, got it?" Erza demanded, I nodded, feeling my wings quiver in fear. This woman's almost as scary as Mirajane when she's pissed (A/N: yes I think Mirajane is better than Erza, I'm not sorry).

     "Fine, we'll start working on recue procedures immediately and we'll strike once we're strong enough." Macarov said. "Even though you betrayed us, Zaura. I trust that you and Kiminari had good reason to, so I won't blame you."

     I smiled down at them, really smiled! I guess humans are better than demons, better than exceeds, and better than everyone else I met so far. Maybe they really are a family. But are they really mine?

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