Chapter Fourty-Seven: Bitter Sweet Memories

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     Everything was dark for a moment, I blinked multiple times to clear my vision and when I did I saw two large and tall figures, one medium figure, and a smaller one that was closer to my face that the others. A buffed tanned man looking to be in his mid thirties with black spikey hair and hazel eyes looked down at me with a white tee-shirt on and long blue jeans with tears in it, exposing the knees. He was smiling and holding a young woman, looking to be in her late twenties, in his arms. She had a soft smile with black eyes, her pink hair was held up in a bun and she wore a long white dress with golden decorations on it. Besides them was an old lady who was wearing a violet dress (that didn't suit her too well) who had wrinkles that showed signs of past smiles, she had very light red hair that was turning grey from old age, she was looking down at me as well with a proud smile on her face, hazel eyes glinting in joy. The closest figure to me was a seven year old boy with neat black hair with a single spike on the top, he was wearing a white tee-shirt that had the image of a red dragon on it, he had black eyes too but he wore an adventurous smile. He was giggling and I couldn't help but laugh along with him. I felt very young. My mother, my father, my grandma... my brother!

     We were inside the house, it was dimly lit and I saw a cake on a regular wooden table with paper plates and plastic cups and forks, they were messy as if everyone just stopped eating. I giggled and tasted vanilla cake in my mouth.

    "Happy birthday, Natsu-chan!" The boy with the black hair cheered and lifted me in the air, I laughed and started protesting cheerfully. "Are you excited to be three years old?"

    "Put me down, Zewef-nii! Pwease I'm gonna puke!" I giggled sweetly. I remembered that my mom was a water dragon slayer and since I wanted to be a dragon slayer too I pretended to have motion sickness.

    "Heheh!" Zewef-nii chuckled and put me down and ruffled my hair, I swatted away his hands and scowled at him.

    "Come on you two, grandma's about to play the piano! Right Natsu, haven't you been begging for the longest time to have grandma play for you?" Mom asked, getting on her knees to pick me up. I giggled and my mother picked me up, tossing me in the air gently then picking me up as I fell. I played motion sick as my dad started laughing and dancing like a goofy monkey in the background.

    "Roku! For god's sake, please at least get dressed formally! It's your son's birthday for crying out loud!" Mom scolded dad as he got up and started picking at the cake.

    "Tyra, it's okay! We still have plenty of more birthdays left to spend with these lil' boogers! Besides it would take time to switch clothes, if I'm late for work for the fifteenth time I would get kicked out of my job as a blacksmith!" Dad protested playfully, he then walked over and scooped up Zeref, he lifted the boy and started tossing him in the air with Zeref cheering to go higher all the way.

    "Fine, but please stop getting paints and cake on your shirt, you look like an oddball!" Mom said, rolling her eyes with an amused smile. Dad made a lopsided smirk, exposing his abnormally sharp canines. He stopped tossing Zeref and together all four of us walked over to the living room where the piano was held up. Grandma was sitting in the chair, looking down at all of us as Zeref, dad, and I sat side by side on the floor with our legs criss-crossed, mom was sitting on her knees behind Zeref.

    "Okay you little whippersnappers, listen up! This song was made by the fairies and played out by the dragons! A sign of peace and strength! This song was passed down generation to generation, this song is called Fai-" Grandma started with her usual boring fantasy stories.

    "Get on with it already!" Dad groaned.

     Mom lightly punched his bicep to shush him and he chuckled half-heartily. I was often told by my grandma that I was just like my dad, Zeref was more logical so he was from Mom's side. Me and Onii-chan were both opposites but we were best friends and we once made a promise to never let our friendship end. Grandma scowled and started playing the piano, her eyes were glinting in amusement from Dad's antics. She started testing the piano, warming up as her fingers lightly tapped each key, each note came off from high to low. She sighed and closed her eyes, then she began playing.

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