Chapter Thirty-One: Water and Ice

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     (A/N): I know I know, I've been neglecting my schedule of updating every week. I'm sorry, writer's block really (and I mean REALLY) sucks. Anyways, since I've missed like two weeks of updating I'll be launching out two or three chapters today. I dunno it all depends on how lazy I am 'XD. Anyways, enjoy and I promise you that E.N.D will be coming out soon ):P, I've got plenty of inspiration to spare now!


     Gray's POV.

     I sat in my bedroom, the house I now shared with Juvia, and stared up at the blank pale tan ceiling, trying to organize my thoughts before my brains turn to mush. I was hesitant about this entire plan, not to mention that a traitor is helping us get Natsu back. I'm still very shocked about the dark guild going after Natsu of all wizards. Sure he's one of the strongest of our guild but he's also the dumbest and most senseless. Thinking that he was a demon of all things? I couldn't help but laugh.

     I was being too serious about all this, listening to everything and believing it no less. I've known my bud long enough to know that he ain't no demon. But I do think that there might be something wrong with his brain. Not only is he incredibly dumb, but he's too serious during fights. In fact he's defeated (possibly killed) more wizards than I could count, like Zancrow. He's a monster when it comes to fights, even I'm glad that he's on our side and that when we fight it's not serious. I'm not scared of him or anything, I'm just not fishing for a fight of him against our entire guild. The quicker the route to save Natsu the better, even if a traitor is our quickest path.

    "Gray-sama?" whispered Juvia's voice. I looked away from the ceiling to my room front door. I admit I am kind of a slob when I'm at home. clothes were scattered on the floor with notebooks on the counters and maps on the walls with information of E.N.D on them with pins indicating the places people have seen dark guilds or anything linked to E.N.D. I left some tacks on the floor too.

    "Gray-sama..." Juvia sighed, opening the door and walking inside. When she stepped in her foot stepped on a tack. I flinched instinctively to help her but I remembered that her body was basically just water. "Please clean up your room more often." She leaned over and began gathering the trash and clothes on the floor.

    "Sorry," was all I could say. She sighed and put the stuff she collected into a neat pile in the left corner of my room, near the door. "Gray-sama, Juvia just received word from Master with an order for us. He wants to meet us at the guild hall."

    "Why?" I asked.

    "Juvia wasn't told about all the details, she was only told that master has a plan to get Natsu-kun back," She said.

     I got up and was about to advance towards the door when Juvia stopped me. Waving her hands frantically in front of her with her eyes scrunched close and face blushing red. "GRAY-SAMA, CLOTHES PLEASE!"

     I looked down and screamed when I saw that I was almost completely nude accept for my trousers. I dove for the clothes pile and dragged out a pair of jeans and buttoned white shirts. I felt my hand prick and I looked down to see a tack lodged in my finger. "Shit..." I muttered.


     We walked through town towards the guild hall. I looked over at Juvia, her blue hair was curled up at the tips and she wore her blue and white hat. She wore her usual long blue dress with white trimmings and cyan ruffles. Her blue eyes were downcast as she held an umbrella over us as the dark gray rainclouds overhead showered cold rain on us.

     Juvia always took the safety of the guild seriously, she shared to me on the day we met that she was always a cast out, a loner, a hated girl for her "curse" of rain. Ever since we accepted her to our family, she always made sure to help us. Natsu in particular helped her out through a lot, he was always there to cheer her up when she felt sad. Honestly, I thought she would've been a perfect match for him so I brushed her off, hoping she could go to him instead of me but soon began regretting it (probably because he's practically a couple with Lucy). Natsu was an extremely important and valuable part to our guild and our hearts, I knew how she felt.

     I reached over and grabbed her free hand and held it tightly. She looked up at me with wide eyes and I smiled at her. "He'll be okay, I promise." I said.

     Juvia smiled and whispered 'arigatuo'. She walked closer to me and leaned against me. Slowly the rain clouds vanished from sight, I smiled (A/N: I guess reading all those romance fanfics payed off, I don't feel like throwing up as much :D).

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