Chapter Seven: Jealousy

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A week later...
Lucy's POV.

I woke up to the light in my room, I rolled out of my bed and went to my wardrobe. I fished out my usual shorts, tank-top and sandals. Carrying all my clothes, I went to my bathroom and set them on the counter, I washed myself and got out to dry my hair and body.

I dressed quickly and went to get something to eat, toast with eggs and bacon. I finished eating and collected my brown purse with golden rims, I then went outside and began walking to the guild.

I walked to the guild hall and opened one of the big doors, slightly enough for me to get through. Everyone was chanting something and they where crowded around two people, I only saw Cana through the crowd though.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!"

As I moved in closer I saw Kiminari and Cana drinking down barrels of booze, there where about three barrels by each of their sides. Zaura was crowded by Pantherlily and Happy, chanting while Carla stood away from the crowd. She stood on the table and was watching everyone, especially Happy, Lily and Zaura.

I walked over to Carla and put my purse down on the table besides her. I sat down. "Hi, Carla. What's up?" I asked politely.

"Oh?... Well, is it bad that I feel really envious of that black exceed?" Carla asked and pointed at Zaura. "I admit I did like the attention Happy was giving me, but ever since that Zaura arrived with Kiminari, everyone became distant."

I nodded in agreement slowly. "Yeah... I can relate. Natsu is always with Kiminari now rather than our team. He went on a mission with her yesterday and we really needed him on the quest we went on while he was out,"I sighed.

We went to slay a monster who was terrorizing a village while Natsu and Kiminari went to go help solve a mystery. It was uncharacteristic of him to choose that job but he would've been useful if he went to help us instead.

"Well that makes two of us. Do you also find it suspicious that Kiminari has those black lightning tattoos on her body?" Carla pointed out.

"Yeah, me and Levy did. But then, like everyone else here she grew attached to Kiminari and left me." I said, sadness was lodged in my tone.

"What shameless attention hogs they are." Carla hissed.

"Yeah." I agreed.

Cana fell over drunk and left Kaminari the last one standing. She threw her barrel on the floor, it shattered as she stood on the table, lightning sparks flashing in the back of her mouth as she laughed in victory.

"Way to go!" Natsu hollered and got up on the table besides her, he grabbed her hand and raised it in the air. "All hail the booze queen!" He yelled. Everyone laughed and echoed him, "All hail the booze queen!"

Before I knew it everyone was drinking and partying. Even Wendy and Romeo!

"Wendy put that beer down right now! Your still under age!" Carla yelled at Wendy, who was drinking at the bar with Erza. She flew over to stop Wendy, leaving me alone.

Kiminari and Natsu began drinking together, I watched them. Natsu fell drunk quick, and with the already drunk Kiminari, they stood up on the table and began dancing like a pair of idiots. Literally, they held hands and started jumping up and down like kids.

I felt jealousy fill my gut. I liked it better when I  was the person he danced with, not some freaky demon lady! (A/N: O shit I'm making Lucy sound yandere here)

Natsu laughed and fell off the table, Kiminari fell on the table top and began sleeping. He got up, staggered then fell over too, out cold.

I just sat there and watched everyone party, drink, eat and eventually pass out.

All except Lissana, the exceeds and Mirajane.

"Whoa, Kiminari is some party animal, am I right?" She asked Lisanna. Mira was drunk but Lisanna wasn't. Usually it was vise versa or neither of them.

"Yeah, sure..." Lisanna's eyes wandered to where Natsu was.

Mira chuckled and walked to the bar, before she could even set one foot in the kitchen, she passed out.

"I think Kiminari is a bad influence to everyone, especially Natsu." Lisanna observed.

"Yeah," I agreed, I stood up, grabbed my purse and walked over to her.

"Natsu was never like this to a girl, he would usually party with them and let them be. I dunno why but Kiminari does seem clingy to him. And that must be why he treats her differently." Lisanna sighed.

"Well, ya know what they say, birds of a feather flock together." Zaura said casually. She stood on the bar counter with Lily and Happy.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Me and Lisanna yelled in unison.

"It means that Natsu sees a person with a similar personality as he does in my friend, since their so much like each other it's nature for them to act like their besties." Zaura replied and inspected her claws.

That actually made sense, me and Levy have a lot in common so it made sense to why we're best friends.

"But what about the term 'opposites attract'?" Lisanna asked, she sounded sad.

Zaura only laughed. "Do you really think that dumb cliché works with Natsu?" Zaura said.

She snickered and walked away. Lily and Happy followed her, their eyes shaped like hearts.

"I swear one day I'm gonna kill that cat," Carla growled, she was standing next to Lisanna and Me this entire time.

"Me too, she reminds me too much of eclipsed Aires." I spat.

"Just change her voice a bit and that's her." Carla sighed.

Lisanna walked over to Natsu and nudged him. "Get up, sleepy head," she said.

Natsu woke up and immediately grabbed his head. "God dammit, my head feels like crap. Hi Lissana."

She smiled worriedly at him. "You drank too much booze and passed out." She giggled.

Natsu smiled and got up. "Ah fuck, I shouldn't have done that. Oii, Lucy!" He yelled. "Wanna go on a quest?"

"Since everyone else is out cold, Lisanna do you want to come too?" He asked after looking around the room.

"Oii, can I go too!" another girl asked.

I saw Kiminari get up and yawn, she looked like she just got up from a nap and looked nothing like a drunk she did a few minutes ago.

"Sure!" Natsu smiled, "let's go to the request board."

Me and Lisanna tailed behind Natsu as he went to the board, we glared at Kiminari, who just smirked at us.

"Let's go on this one!" Natsu ripped a paper off the wall and showed it to us.

"Slay three gem-Balkans for 50,000 jewel." I observed.

Natsu smiled. "It'll be fun!"

We all nodded and ran out, careful to avoid trampling anyone.

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