Chapter Nineteen: GMG: Natsu vs Jakoon

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Lucy's POV.

Our team finally reached the end of the shifting sphere maze. Natsu held some unusual aggression in the maze though, whatever team he came across he would attack immediately and steal their map maze sketches. In the end, we collected over twenty of the guild's maps he found. We came in first again.

"That was fun!" Wendy giggled.

"Even better that all the other guilds came back, right?" Gray commented.

"But was beating those guys really necessary?" I asked with a sweat drop on my head.

"Huh? Do you really expect us to just say 'hey buddy! Can you gimme that map part please?!'. I don't work that way, Luce. I do 'You better gimme that map or you will be destroyed! Fire Dragon Iron Fist!'," Natsu said with that childish grin plastered on his face. I couldn't help but smile at him, and I hated myself for doing that right now.

"What a way to summarize your antics, Natsu..." Erza sighed. "No matter, we made it into the games and for now we need to listen to the overhead about who our competitors will be."

"Nah I already heard 'em! Besides look at that board over there!" Natsu yelled, pointing at the board that showed the teams listed in order.

1. Fairy Tail Team A, 2. Sabertooth, 3. Fairy Tail Team B, 4. Lamia Scale, 5. Blue Pegasus, 6. Mermaid Heel, 7. Quatro Puppy, and three other Light Guilds I don't recognize. 8. Fire Heart, 9. Bladeden, 10. Serpent Claw. Fire Heart's displayed Guild Mark was an orange heart lit on Fire with the abbreviations FH in the center and Bladeden's Guild Marks were blue swords in an X formation with two wings sprouting from either side. Serpent Claw had a purple snake with it's jaw unhinged and it's body waved in an S.

"Serpent Claw, Bladeden and Fire Heart?" Gray read aloud.

"Yeah," Natsu said, shocking me with how serious he sounded. "I heard their three recently made Guilds and are apparently very powerful. Especially Serpent Claw, which is one of the Guilds that moved here from some place called the 'Alverez Empire'. If what I heard about 'em is true then I'm going to have SO much fun tomorrow!"

"What makes you so sure about that?" Gray asked him.

"Well Gramps did say that I was going to be one of the first mages to fight in the Arena and that I'll be fighting some guy named Jakoon Lexon from Serpent Claw," Natsu explained. "I wonder what magic he has. Oh well I'm going to beat him shitless anyways."

"Please don't jinx yourself..." I sighed.

"Let's go back to the hotel, guys," Wendy said. "The games start at Eight O'clock sharp tomorrow."

Nobody objected, we left the stadium and I followed just behind Natsu as Erza lead us back. I saw how much he grew up over that one year. I don't know what he was doing but what I do know is that he's somehow smarter and way stronger. Honestly it's kinda attractive, but he's still that same old dense Natsu. I love how after all these years his kindness and will  hasn't changed a bit. I hope it never will.


We woke up bright and early and made it to the stadium at 7:30 am with Fairy Tail Team B with us, Natsu, Gajeel, Kiminari and Wendy were tossing their guts out the window the entire time. We finally got off we went to the stadium where the bleachers were already filled with watching civillians and guild members in a overlook balcony that showed each Guild Mark as if to represent the numbers. Fairy Tail was, of course, number one.

Natsu was right for once, the guys in the announcer's room said that he was going to fight Jakoon Lexon of Serpent Claw. I don't know anything about this guy even though I was an attendant of the Grand Magic Games for the past year.

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