Chapter Eleven: Conflict

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Kiminari's POV.

I don't know where Zaura was going, all she said before flying off was, "We've been discovered", and "Stay here." I don't know what she meant by that but what I do know is that who ever was eavesdropping is gonna have a bad day. Zaura was right in a way, I was sent here for one reason and one reason alone: to kidnap Natsu Dragneel. But I just couldn't bring myself to do it, he taught me my first human emotion- Happiness. The more I got to be with him the more I wanted to leave DarkEmber and join FairyTail, not because of a mission, I mean really join it. To really be a member and really get to live a life I always wanted.

I recollected my thoughts and used my lightning flash to teleport from here to the village, I literally appeared right in front of Lucy and she dropped the man and fell on the floor in shock.

"AAAAAHHHH!" She screamed. I held my hand over my mouth and struggled to choke back a laugh, I looked over to Natsu and Lisanna. Lisanna was eyeing me suspiciously (with humor in her eyes as if she was internally laughing) while Natsu and Happy were laughing their asses off.

"Not funny!" Lucy protested, she got up and helped the unconscious man to his feet.

"Hahaha! I'm... I'm sorry!" Happy choked then got back to laughing.

"Okay... Okay I'm done now!" Natsu said, clutching his gut with a hilarious expression on his face.

"Wait... Where's Zaura and Carla?" Happy asked suddenly serious.

"I dunno, Zaura flew off and as for Carla I thought she was with you," I said, I was half lying about it, I honestly don't know where they went.

"Should we look?" Natsu asked, getting his self together.

"That won't be nessisary," Said a new voice, I turned to look at the sky to see Zaura flying over to me. There was blood on her paws and some on her face.

"Holy crap! What happened to you!?" I yelled.

"Hunting," Zaura replied, but I saw past her lips twitch slightly, she did something more than hunting.

"Hunting what?..." I asked suspiciously.

"White rabbit, I think it tastes better than fish honestly," She replied emotionlessly and Happy flinched at that remark.

"Did you see Carla?" I asked.

"No," Zaura said flatly.

"Are you sure?" Lisanna asked suspiciously.

"Positive," Zaura said. "In fact, knowing her she must have went to the Guild already."

"Yeah your right..." Lucy said with a sigh.

"Well let's go!" Natsu said. Before anyone could agree or object, he grabbed the two men from Lucy and Lisanna, he had the three men on his arms and began running to town.

"Since when was he that strong?" Lucy asked Happy.

"He worked a lot on his strength while we where gone. In fact he is strong enough to beat at least three wizard saints." Happy retorted.

"Nani?!" I asked in shock.

"Yeah, well I might be exaggerating a bit but he is pretty strong. Maybe a better metaphor is that he could now rival Guildarts." Happy replied.

Lisanna ran over to where Natsu headed and Happy and Zaura flew after them, Zaura seemed a bit alarmed but I just shrugged it off. I was about to go after them when I felt a hand clasp on my wrist. I turned around to look at Lucy, her eyes where narrowed in distrust and her lips where in a line.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yeah, you can back off." Lucy growled.

"How can I do that if your hand is on my wrist?" I retorted. She seemed to be more enraged now.

"Listen, I don't know what your doing or planning but I don't trust you and neither should anyone else." Lucy snapped.

"Why? What did I ever do to you?" I asked.

"It's not what you did it's what you will  do that I don't trust. And believe me when I say that I know demon tattoos when I see them." She snapped.

"What part of 'these tattoos are for protection' did you not understand?" I lied. "I only got these tattoos to trick others."

Then I got in her face (not literally).

"I noticed that me and Natsu have a lot in common, don't we?" I snapped. "And I could also tell you hate me because of jealousy, I know that emotion all too well so don't think I can't detect it."

Lucy bit her lip, her eyes down casted and her grip on my arm loosened, I yanked my arm away and began walking.

"That's it, I think I know what you are talking about now," Lucy said from somewhere behind me, her voice rang with realization and my stomach lurched. I stopped dead in my tracks without turning around.

"You didn't join our guild out of desperation, but I can tell your after Natsu, aren't you?" Lucy demanded.

Shit, this girl caught on. Did I give out a too noticeable hint? Was it because of my last remark?! How did she know?

"I'm not after anyone," I lied. "I only came to the guild for money. Nothing else." I continued walking.

"Your lying!" Lucy growled. I couldn't take any more of this. Either I go now or she blows my cover.

"Your the one whose lying, now get off my back already!" I yelled, I began sprinting and then used my bolt to teleport.

Everything flashed yellow for an instant then I appeared a building away from Natsu and Lisanna. They where chuckling and had a bag for four people. I smiled and approached them. Lisanna glared at me while Natsu turned to me with his goofy smile. I smiled back.

"Where's Lucy?" He asked, his smile fading.

"She was behind me, oh never mind I forgot she couldn't teleport. I think she went to find Carla in case she got  hurt." I responded.

Happy and Zaura who were sitting at the counter eating some fish looked at her, Happy looked hopeful but Zaura looked nowhere near it. Her yellow eyes widened and there was some sweat on her face.

"Zaura are you okay?" Happy asked, patting her back.

"Yeah, I just... My fish is all.." She said. Happy looked unconvinced but shrugged, the blue exceed went back to eating his fish. Zaura pushed her's away.

Wow, Zaura and you once said to me that I sucked at lying.

"Well here's your bag," Natsu said. He extended his hand and held out a leather pack that jingled with jewel.

I held out my hand to take it.


We all turned to where Lucy stood, she had a white exceed in her hands. It's wing was mangled and it's eyes where closed. There where bruises and scratches on it, not to mention bloody wounds.

"CARLA!" We all exclaimed, everyone crowded around her, even Zaura. I ran up to Carla and held the white exceed in my arms, I inspected her wounds then I found something I wish I didn't.

There where some strands of black fur on her face, it was barely noticeable, like a rug when an animal rubs on it and sheds it's fur in tiny strands. Black fur... I knew it... I knew what happened but I couldn't dare say it out loud.

Carla was the one who went eavesdropping and she's the reason why Zaura left. Why she took so long to return.

Zaura did this.

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