Chapter Fifty-One: Opening Eyes

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    "Hey, Levy-chan, what book are you reading?" Lucy asked, I snapped back into reality and placed a book mark in the book.

    "Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck, it's an amazing story based off of a man who was cursed to live as a tiger for eternity, he lived for four hundred years until he meets a woman named Kelsey Hayes, she agrees with him to go to India and break a curse to free him and his brother. It's a four hundred ten paged novel full of adventure, mystery, history, and romance! You should totally read it!" I said, handing her the book. She looked at it up and down, measuring it's width and examining the picture of a white tiger with blue eyes on the cover.

     Lucy put on her speed reading glasses and began flipping through the pages, since there was a lot of words in it and so many pages, it took about two seconds for her to flip from one page to the next. While she was reading I looked down at the table, semi thankful that Lucy would leave me alone and semi upset for being left alone. I know Gajeel isn't dead, he's just in a deep sleep, but I miss him already. Natsu's condition is worse than Gajeel's but I couldn't help but worry about the Iron Dragon Slayer more. Gajeel Redfox, what did you do to me?  I thought and laid my head against the table, feeling the cold smooth surface of the polished wood against my cheek and hearing more sounds through it. I thought I picked up on some commotion coming from the Infirmary, someone was crying. I was about to tell Lucy when the Infirmary door suddenly swung open and crashed into the wall against it, everyone looked over to it to see an overjoyed Lisanna standing there.

    "He's awake!" Lisanna cheered, the heavens seemed to open up to me. "Gajeel's alive!"

     Lucy folded a small triangle on the page corner she was reading and put her speed reading glasses away, she got up to move as well as everyone else. A tsunami of overjoyed mages flooded to the door, Lisanna managed to jump inside and duck for cover before the entire entranceway was covered with cheering Fairy Tail mages. I was pushed and shoved so many times that I ended up being the last one out of everyone in the entire guild to enter the room. I tried climbing over people, peeping through spaces between them and jumping up and down to see Gajeel. He was awake alright, but that metallic prosthetic arm glinted in the light of the infirmary. Gajeel looked confused as everyone ran up to him and started cheering their 'Hello's and 'Your awake's. I was about to move closer when Porlyusca suddenly materialized besides Gajeel's bed with a broom in hand, she started swiping at the mages, forcing them back.

    "BACK! BACK ALL OF YOU! GET THE HELL OTTA MY INFIRMARY! GET OUT I SAY, HUMANS!" Porlyusca bellowed, swiping at everyone. The mages immediately went for the door with a gloomy aura around them and some with a pissed off and threatening one. "Lucy, Pantherlily, Wendy, Carla, Lucy, Happy, Erza, Gray, Lisanna, Macarov, and Levy. You all stay here." The said people stayed put while everyone else left.

    "Lisanna, I want you to give Natsu another therapeutic checkup and give me the results later. But for now, you need to learn how to give out news like that carefully, speak calmly so you don't start a riot, understood missy?" Porlyusca demanded, Lisanna bowed her with a 'yes ma'am' and left to the stair case that travels down to Natsu's room.

     Macarov went over to Porlyusca to speak about Gajeel's condition while Wendy went off to get some medicine ready for the Iron Dragon Slayer. Pantherlily flew to Gajeel's side while Happy and Carla stayed back to watch them. Erza and Gray sat besides Gajeel and were trying to make conversation with him, asking how he felt. I hung back from them, mesmerized at how Gajeel was behaving. He seemed kind of dense, it took a few seconds for him to answer questions and how he would have a far away look in his eyes. His prosthetic left arm was a "Terminator" from the looks of it, the most advanced and expensive prosthetic limb brand in Ishgar. He looked more badass with it on, but it looks like he didn't even notice it yet. I hesitated then went over to them, Gajeel noticed me and smiled brightly, for once not looking bored or angry. I intended to give him a small hug but I instead found myself rushing over to him and wrapping him up in a fierce hug, sobbing as I clung onto him for dear life. Clapping erupted in the room as Gajeel hugged me back fiercely, Pantherlily joined in seconds later, flying over to his companion and giving his prosthetic arm a hug. Gajeel held both of us and started laughing.

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