Chapter Fourty-Eight: Towa No Kizuna

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     Natsu has been silent throughout the entire night, the only two words that he said was "Onii-chan" and "Fire". The way he said those words sent chills down my spine, his voice sounded too light, as if it wasn't Natsu speaking, but a child. We were watching him ever since he said those words, but so far he has been impassive. Eventually we got over it and went back to trying to take down his fever, which was strange since Natsu never was sick. He's been over heating lately and we needed to cool him down. If you ask me I say that we should've just let the bastard roast, he has been lying to us for years and who knows if everything that we've done and been through together were lies!

     I was sitting in a chair by the refrigerator while Lucy was sleeping in a chair besides Natsu's bed. I don't know how she feels about him, but it's damn obvious that she really cares for the pyro. Despite knowing what he really was she still loves him... Women, I couldn't understand 'em... I thought and tsked in disgust, even though it felt like I just offended Juvia in a way. I was just about to hit the hay when Natsu suddenly sat straight up and screamed, Lucy jumped and fell out of the chair while I nearly pissed myself. Natsu was panting, his eyes were glued on his hands, and tears were coming out of his eyes.

    "Natsu? Are you okay?" Lucy said, getting up and holding the back of her hand against his forehead.

    "Fire! Fire! Fire!" Natsu hacked, I sat up immediately. "I couldn't breathe! My skin was burning! NO MORE FIRE GO AWAY!" He screamed and clutched his head, gripping his hair while repeating "fire" over and over again.

    "Hey! Pyro! Get a hold of yourself! What happened!?" I shouted and ran over to Natsu, grabbing him by his shoulders and shaking him but he didn't seem responsive, in fact he didn't seem to hear me or notice me at all. He was sobbing, staring at the white sheets while repeating "fire" over and over again.

    "Gray! What's wrong with him? Why is he saying fire?" Lucy shouted, horrified of how Natsu was behaving.

    "Hell if I know! Natsu! Dude, get a hold of yourself!" I shouted and shook him again but harder this time.

    "NO NO NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Natsu shouted, shoving me away forcefully. He was being hysterical and he just clutched his head. "The screams... the fire... dad's face... the fire..." He staggered. I admit that the way he was behaving now was more terrifying than the time he spent as E.N.D. Lucy got on the bed and quickly grabbed Natsu, pulling him in for a hug. Natsu stopped sobbing, he was just shivering now.

    "Natsu, calm down! You're alright! Nobody will hurt you! Shh!" Lucy said, she lightly patted his back and Natsu slowly stopped moving, his wide eyes were full of tears and he just kept his mouth shut. I stared at them, breathing in calmly from the scare.

    "Luce?... Gray?.. What happened?" Natsu asked.

    "You tell us, Pyro!" I said and Lucy pulled away from him, quickly getting back on the floor. "What the hell was that? Why did you say the words 'Fire' like it was poison in your mouth? Answer us, damn it!"

    Natsu just stared at us, completely surprised and a bit confused. "Fire? I dunno I had some bad dream... I don't remember anything about it but I feel like... Hey are there any pianos around?" He asked.

    "Quit dodging the question! What did you dream about?!" I demanded, grabbing him by the shoulders again. For an instant the whites of his eyes turned black and his hazel irises sizzled green. I gasped and pulled away from him. He blinked again and his eyes were back to normal.

    "I don't remember... all I do remember is something about a fire and hearing the sounds of a piano playing some song... What was it?... Damn it..." Natsu said, clutching his head and scrunching his eyes shut in trying to remember. Me and Lucy backed away from him and turned the other way, moving in close to each other so we could whisper without him hearing.

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