Chapter Seventeen: Training (2/2)

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Lucy's POV.

I just stared at him in shock. Demons are supposed to be evil, and he just said... He knew... Kiminari was a... My surprise burned to terror then to boiling rage. He betrayed us... Our trust! Our guild! How can anyone forgive him for this!?

"YOU KNEW!?!?" I yelled.

"Of course I did, do you really think I'm dense enough to not know what a demon looks like when I see one?" He smirked and crossed his arms. I felt guilty for actually believing he was dumb enough but I went stubbornly on.


"Luce, calm down, our comrades are trying to sleep ya know," Natsu hushed me, then added. "Anyways, I have a theory about why she didn't attack us. If she was a hostile demon she would kill us all with no second thoughts, right?"

"Every. Demon. Is. Hostile." I said slowly as if talking to a child.

"Maybe when their etherious form is activated," Natsu pointed out. I was silent for a moment, he did have a point. I didn't know what to say for a few seconds

"Since when do you think?" I yelled finally. He narrowed his eyes at me and his body tensed in rage.

"So now your talkin' down to me like everybody does, Luce? You really that think less of me? You think I'm nothing but an optimistic idiot who burns stuff? IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THAT!" Natsu yelled, the fury in his voice scared the living daylights out of me. I never saw him so hostile to his teammates before. To me before.

"N-no, Natsu it's not like that!" I stammered.

"Yeah it is!" He roared. "Nobody here believes in what I say!"

"Okay then what's your genius theory, Natsu?!" I shot back.

"You wanna hear? Okay then but don't go stabbin' me just because you want Kiminari gone." Natsu smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him as he went on. "I think the Etherious get their instincts of death and destruction when their forms activate for the first time, because well, that's the form their creators gave them. So maybe they get the thought of killing their creators when their forms activate and probably get automatic goals?"

I had to admit that kinda made sense, I'll have to ask Levy about that idea when we get back to the guild, but I am still outraged that we have a demon in our guild taken here by Natsu of all people, I'm not ready for forgiveness. I don't think I'll ever be.

"I won't forgive you for this, Natsu, your endangering our guild and... Grrrgh, I'm just so... Crossed with you I just! Gah! Leave me alone..." I said, turning around to walk the direction we came from.

"Good because I wasn't asking for your stupid forgiveness anyways!" Natsu snapped from behind me, I stopped and turned to face him but he walked past me, shoving me with his arm on the way. He marched in the direction of the forest, I watched his salmon hair gleam one last time in the moonlight before he disappeared into the forest. With his arms hung to his side. Happy back at me from his place on Natsu's head.

As he left I noticed something on his arm, the one with the bandage. Some kind of black tattoo was barely visible there, just peaking out over the bandage faintly.


Natsu's POV.

Lucy is too quick to judge a book by it's cover. Who does she think she is yellin' at me about my decision like she's Igneel number three (remember that episode where Erza calls herself Igneel #2)?Well she ain't, I am my own person and I'm sick of always being taunted about how "dumb" or "pathetic" I am. Ugh... I need to cool off for a bit. I don't know why but I feel so cranky. I guess it's because I'm still spooked about my dream of Zeref...

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