Chapter Fifty-Three: Confronting The Demon

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     I went straight home after the conference, I admit that I was surprised that Lisanna wanted Natsu out of the guild, but I saw the fear in her eyes when she looked at Mirajane while talking, I heard the quiver in her voice and saw the uneasiness of her body. She was afraid. I felt that too when I lost my parents, she was scared of losing her older siblings, which I guess could be counted as her parents in a way. I won't hold this against her, I understand fear of losing the ones she loves. I wonder if she thinks Natsu's already gone...

     I walked down the street of my apartment, admiring the crystal clear water just ahead of it and the glimmer of the moon's reflection across the surface. I stopped to look up at the sky, it was a first quarter moon today. One half of the illuminous side of the moon was shadowed while the other could still be seen, even though the other was covered in shadow it would always be there. Just like Natsu,  I thought. We usually see the cheery side of him, but he still has his shadows, sometimes it could be all we see and other times it could be gone but the shadow would always be hidden behind his mask and in his soul. But just like the moon he would always be there, no matter what.

     Is it bad that sometimes I imagine having kids with a man that isn't even my boyfriend yet? Well he asked me out before the war but I'm not sure if it still stands today. I thought that if we were to have a daughter we could name her "Nashi Tsuki Dragneel", in honor of her soon-to-be dad, while Natsu could name our possible son. I get ahead of myself but a girl could dream. I crept inside my apartment and unlocked the door, I moved inside and closed the door behind me.

     It became kind of instinctive for me to search around for damages before settling in, surprisingly there was none. When I made it to my room I saw Natsu sleeping in bed with Happy resting at the foot of it, they both looked so peaceful. Just a few months ago I saw my room as an empty void, deprived of life without the faces of my friends there, just having two out of them all here now made my heart fill with light. I approached Natsu and saw his face scrunched up in assumable pain and anguish, I saw a panic attack coming so I dug through my purse until I found the container I needed. Gently opening his mouth, I dropped the PTSD tab in his mouth. Instinctively he swallowed and his face turned green from the taste. He went back to his calm state in no time and I felt my heart rate slow. I pulled open the covers and was about to duck in bed when I saw Natsu's torso. You could still see his eight pack abs, but you could also see every rib from his ribcage and you could even see scars on his sides and back from whips I assumed to be. Poor Natsu... I thought, I ducked in bed, pulling the covers back over me. Porlyusca told me today should be the last day for the pills so I'll bring him in tomorrow, I thought as I shifted into a comfortable position. Usually I would be uncomfortable sleeping with Natsu, but soon it became the norm so I wasn't as bothered much by it. I don't know why, but for some reason, today I slept like a baby.


     I woke up early the next morning to see that Natsu and Happy were gone, and that the sun was high as if into it's early noon's. Have I seriously been asleep for that long?  I thought, I jumped out of bed and stretched, I went to my wardrobe and fished out my usual clothing. I went to the bathroom and took a shower, dried off, then changed into my clothes. I styled my hair into pigtails then I got on my boots. I went out of the bathroom and saw Natsu and Happy munching on eggs and bacon, it smelled wonderful but I knew Happy couldn't cook, he was too lazy to, then there's Natsu which I have no idea about-

    "Oi, Luce!" Natsu cheered and patted the seat besides him, there was a plate of eggs and bacon waiting for me with a side of spinach and a glass of orange juice. I hesitated then walked over and sat down, I picked up a waiting fork from the plate and began eating. How?  Was the question that came to mind. It was delicious!

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